angel channeling love

Sept. 5 what does my soul want me to know today?

We love you! That is the most important message we have every day! We say it daily and encourage you to say it as well. For there is no greater magik in the multi-verse than Love, our Darling, nor is there any limit to the amount you can hold.

All the changes you seek in your material world can be achieved through this simple method: filling yourself with love.

Some days, we know, this seems like a futile practice, perhaps frivolous in nature. We trust you recognize these protestations are ego-based. When they arise, give your ego-pet a pat on the head and thanks for the input, which is designed to keep you safely in your limited framework. Then love yourself all the more!

This is not vanity. It is giving thanks and being appreciative of all the gifts that have been bestowed upon you throughout your entire existence. It is recognition that you are Blessed and always have been. It is recognizing you are a Blessing as well.

It is saying to yourself, “I Am That” when gazing at a beautiful sunset, or into the face of a flower. It is saying, “Yes, I Remember.” It is accepting the moniker of Wayshower and sharing that you – all of you – are creators in your own creation. It is throwing your arms open wide and shouting, “Yes! Thank You! I Accept! I Receive!”

It is rejoicing in the knowing that all is well, and celebrating that is also true for all of your beloved human family, who are each a part of you.

So open those beautiful eyes, our Darling, and say, “I love you!” to your mirror, and to every part of your glorious body, and celebrate this beautiful gift you call life, for life = love.

Raise yourself and you will lift the others, it’s as inevitable as it is ineffable and is your sworn sacred promise, which is why it feels so good when you do hold love in your heart. Just as it is ours to gently remind you of this and send our love and support also.

It is a beautiful day, Beloved. Be open to the miracles poised to unfold for you today. You are blessed. We are thankful for you. We love you, and for now we are complete – The Celestial Council of Angels & Lightbeings

I hope you enjoyed this channeled message, DM me to book your own person private message!