Experience More Love With Rose Quartz

Love is one thing we can all use more of – good to know you can become a magnet to love, with a little help from the Law of Attraction and crystals! By combining the power of crystals with your focus and intention, you can create the kind of relationships you truly desire!
Rose Quartz is my favorite stone for love. Not only does it encourage self love, it helps draw new love to you, or deepen existing relationships. A piece of Rose Quartz under your bed will attract new love or renew existing love relationships, depending on your intention. You can also place a piece in the Relationship corner of your home, the farthest right rear corner from the front door.
It’s also a great idea to wear rose quartz as a pendant – especially a heart shaped one – so your heart chakra is continually bathed with the beautiful energy of this loving stone. Speaking of bathing, you can place a few Rose Quartz stones in your bath and literally submerge yourself in this loving gentle energy.

Rose Quartz is also my favorite stone for healing and balancing the Heart Chakra. It’s considered to be the most important stone for both the physical heart and the heart chakra.
The Heart Chakra, located at the center of your chest, is the chakra of love, compassion, devotion and generosity. A healthy heart chakra enables you to love deeply. It fills you with gratitude for the opportunity to live life and the desire to give back. The more open your heart chakra is, the greater your capacity for love.
Rose Quartz is the crystal of peace and unconditional love. It opens the heart, teaching the true meaning of love, and brings deep healing and self love. This lovely pink stone has a calming, reassuring quality that also makes it ideal to use for traumas or crisis.
From a Law of Attraction perspective, Rose Quartz is a great stone to work with because it promotes self love. This is very important, because without self acceptance you won’t have much success attracting the things you really want — you won’t think you deserve them!
It’s also a wonderful stone to hold while doing your affirmations. Carry or wear it throughout your day to remind you of your intentions.
Before you begin working with your rose quartz, it’s important to take time to cleanse it of any negative energy. No matter where you obtained your stone, you have no way of knowing the degree of negative energy it may have absorbed from the time it was mined to the time you bought it. However, cleansing and purifying your stone is easy do do.
Simply hold the stone in your left (receiving) hand and cover it with your right hand. Imagine the space you’re in being filled with white healing light from the Universe. Ask that the Rose Quartz be cleansed with Universal Love and Universal Light.
When you feel this is complete, it’s time to really get to know your stone. When holding it in the palm of your hand, ask to be connected with it’s highest energy. Ask it to work with you for your highest good and the highest good of all concerned, for whatever purpose you choose ( such as attracting self-love, a new mate, or renewed love with your present partner).
Once you connect with one piece of Rose Quartz this way, you will automatically have the same connection with all Rose Quartz you come into contact with (though they will still need to be cleansed and purified.)

Is it any wonder it’s my favorite stone for love? Try these tips and your love life will soar – starting with your love of self.
If you like this, you’ll love my Wishful Manifestation System in which we explore your rainbow chakra body and how to heal it, enabling the Law of Attraction to bring your desires to you!

Stress Relief Activities

Feeling stressed? Searching for some stress relief activities? Not achieving what you want in life? Maybe ants have taken over!

I’m sure you keep a clean house, but I suspect you have a few of these ants. These little demons are after more than crumbs; left unchecked, they’ll steal your dreams!

These ANTs (short for Automatic Negative Thoughts) are the little voices in your head that give you a million reasons why you can’t achieve your goals, and why you probably shouldn’t even try.

Best Stress Relief Activities

One of the best stress relief activities you can use to shift your vibration from stressed-out to blissed-out is to take your focus off what’s not working in your life, and focus on what’s working Great!
There’s bound to be at least a few areas in your life you’re happy with. By taking the time to list and FOCUS on them, you’ll begin feeling gratitude and appreciation for these things that otherwise may be taken for granted.
Feeling grateful sends a powerful positive message to the Universe that you have SO MUCH to be grateful for, and through the Law of Attraction, as you feel these positive feelings, they’ll begin attracting more to feel good about.
The Law of Attraction states that what you think about, you bring about, so it’s vitally important that you take your attention away from whatever is stressing you. Try this stress relief activity – give yourself a little vacation from your worries. Worrying is actually using your powerful imagination to create what you don’t want. So instead of worrying, put this best stress relief activities tip to the test!
I’ve included a few examples to get you started – I invite you to add on – and while you’re here, please opt-in so I can send you my 6 part Loving the Law of Attraction video training series, full of stress relief activities designed to relieve stress and re-program you for happiness and success!
What is going GREAT in my life . . . (more…)

Chakra Balancing Healing Color Shower

There’s a rainbow in every shower

Why just shower when you can take a chakra balancing healing color shower? To do this you don’t have to buy a special shower head – though you might choose to – you can use the power of your imagination to bath yourself in the powerful healing colors of the rainbow.
Taking a chakra balancing healing color shower will refresh and revive you by combining the healing of water with color therapy. You will emerge not only physically clean, but energetically cleansed as well.
Because our chakras are located in our energetic bodies, they respond beautifully to subtle energy techniques such as meditation and color therapy. By bringing mindfulness to your shower it becomes a mini-meditation.
I like to start at the Root chakra located at the base of the spine, which is associated with red. I visualize a vibrant candy-apple red color showering down over me, and I direct the spray toward that chakra. I visualize this chakra resonating with the color, becoming clear and balanced as I nurture it this way.

Tap into the healing powers of water

After about 2 minutes I move up to my Sacral Chakra, located about 2″ below my belly button, and visualize a vibrant orange color. Again, I visualize and intend that this chakra will be revitalized, and extend this healing to all parts of my physical body governed by this chakra.
Then I move up to my Solar Chakra, about 2″ above my belly button, and visualize a bright sunny yellow color flowing over me, soothing and reviving my solar chakra. I direct the spray onto that Power chakra and know it will nurture and balance it, allowing it to support the physical, mental and emotional bodies it governs.
Next up is my Heart Chakra, located in the center of my chest aligned with my heart. Here I have the choice of 2 colors, pink or green, whichever resonates with me that day. As I bathe in the healing colors I relax into the trust and knowing my heart is growing even more expansive; more loving, giving and forgiving.
Then I move up to my Throat Chakra. I visualize a beautiful blue spray empowering me to speak my truth with compassion and wisdom as it stimulates this chakra. I bask in this for another 2 minutes.
My Third-eye Chakra is next – here I visualize a deep beautiful indigo (mix of red and blue) color clearing and balancing this chakra, stimulating psychic abilities.
Finally I reach my Crown Chakra, where I can visualize white, gold, silver or lavender showering down over me, connecting me to my spirituality, reminding me I am connected to all that is, calling me to my bliss.
I invite you to give this a try – you’ll be relaxed, refreshed, revitalized, and the healing effects will linger long after you towel off!
For more about chakra balancing, check out my Wishful Thanking program!
I’d love to hear your results with this!
In Light, Alexandria

Guided Metta Meditation

Today I was inspired to share my guided metta meditation video. While meditation is always valuable, some are better for certain situations than others. If you tend to worry about things, this is a great one for you! Use it anytime the urge to worry comes over you.
Metta is Sanskrit for ‘loving kindness’. This guided metta meditation is the perfect antidote to worry, and will help you break the worry habit once and for all! Even though we have been conditioned to worry, it’s such a bad habit! It doesn’t solve anything, and in fact makes the situation worse!
This Metta Meditation will help you stop feeding energy to what is not wanted, so you can gently redirect your thoughts back to being helpful and supportive. Then, with a clear and focused mind, the solutions may well become aparant!
In this meditation you send this loving kindness to yourself first, then extend it out to any individual or group you feel would benefit from some extra positive energy.
Then we take it a little further, extending love to everyone on the planet and the Earth herself. I draw on this meditation often, at the end of every yoga class I teach, and while I’m doing a reiki or distant reiki healing session.
I hope you enjoy this guided meditation! Please drop me a line and let me know!
Love & Light, Alexandria