Power-up Your Chakras, Light Workers!

How are you doing, Light Worker? You haven’t heard from me lately because I have been on sabbatical. Adapting to my new life in a new home (a restored 1873 Church) with my new partner, and reassessing my role as a Spiritual Channel and Guide in this Great Awakening.

I don’t have to tell you, being a Lightworker can feel very daunting. It’s a challenge to hold the light amid all the darkness. But we don’t really have a choice. We signed up for this before incarnating, and we have to do all we can to help usher in this new Golden Age.

We need to keep our energy high, and to do that we need all systems firing.

Luckily we have our Chakra power centers to help us with that, but they can’t do their best work when they are over or under active, which is often the case with most people.

I would never point out a problem without offering a solution, so here’s the scoop. I’ve been working with the Chakra system for 25 years, and have created an awesome DIY program to help you get up close and personal with your powerful Chakras; the Wishful Thanking Chakra Activation System.

Realize the power you have as a conscious, deliberate creator as you balance and align your Chakra Power Centers! Take control, get balanced and aligned, and start getting what you really want in life with this unique online 7-week multi-media  program! As a bonus, Learn how to use the Law of Attraction to get what you want with my Loving the Law of Attraction video course.
This course has all you need to make the shift with much greater ease. It contains all my best tools – and best of all, I was guided to slash the price, to make this an easy YES for yourself or someone on your gift-giving list.

Have a look at this page, you’ll be amazed at all you receive!

Animal Communication Podcast

You love your pet(s). You know they love you. But did you know they are with you for a very specific purpose to share/teach/inspire? In this podcast I share how to deepen your relationships with these enlightened beings of light! Enjoy!
My compliments to host Timothy Waterman for his tech brilliance and emotional/spiritual sensitivity. You were so fun to ‘work’ with, thank you so much for enabling me to share the wisdom from our beloved animal companions!

Your Loved Ones Are Still With You


Today I have some very good news for you!

You need never be lonely again. There’s no need to miss loved ones who have transitioned – they are not lost to you. They are literally as close as the air you breath.

This applies to the pets you have loved as well as the people.

They are energy, as you are. Energy doesn’t go away! It changes form, like water changing from liquid to solid to ether. We are energy, and will cycle through different forms forever.

I just love knowing this. It means when I miss someone I ‘lost’, I know I can connect with them. I may not be able to wrap my arms around them like I used to, but if I sit very quietly and feel for their energy, I can sense their love and warmth just as clearly.

You can too! Try experimenting with this by practicing with someone who literally is in the next room. drop down into your heart center and feel them. Close your eyes, feel for their scent. Touch their hair, their hand. Gaze into their eyes. Conjour them up as clearly as you can, and speak to them in your mind. Be with them in your mind. Send them love.

When you are satisfied with this connection, try with someone further away. As you become confident that distance is no barrier, ask to connect with a loved one. I expect you will be amazed at the results!

If you would like your own personal channeled message from the Celestials just let me know!

Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway!

Does stepping into your power scare the daylights out of you? That’s ok! Natural, in fact. But that doesn’t mean you should let fear rule you!

Fear often means you’re on the brink of transformation – a clearer more expansive you waits on the other side!

Last week I took to the stage for my first public channeling. Scary? You bet! I always channel in private, I had no guarantee my Angels would come through in a public forum! What if I opened my mouth and nothing came out?

My Angels had assured me they would be there as they always are, but I was still very nervous.

For no reason, it turns out – the messages came through loud and clear and were so well received, I channeled for 35 minutes instead of the 10 minutes I had been allotted – nobody wanted it to stop! It was a total success and I can’t wait to do it again!

Of course I had prepared for the even as best I could – visualizing (mental rehearsal) and scripting (journaling about it as if it had already happened exactly as I wanted) then I just let it go, trusting all would be well.

And it was. And that will also be the case for you! Set a ‘to do by’ date and go for it!

You may want to check out my 21-day Visualization for Manifestation program at AlexandriaBarker.com for further guidance.

Love, Alexandria

What Your Soul Wants You to ‘No’

channeling spiritual guidance

What Does My Soul Want Me to Know?

Nov 23 what does my soul want me to know?Good morning! Let us take a fun literal approach to this question today and talk about thing we would like you to ‘no’!

While there is never any judgement here for you – we love you so much – we would love to see you enjoy this most special time you so wanted, this time on Earth. And there are things you can do more of – and things you can do less of – that will help accomplish that.


Relief Beyond Belief for Exceptional Living



Have you ever had one of those moments that are etched in your heart and mind for a lifetime? A day when a cherished dream came true? When you proved to yourself how powerful you really are?

I had one 20 years ago.

I can hardly believe 20 years have passed since I published my 1st book Relief Beyond Belief; Exploring the World of Natural Healing. I will never forget picking copies up from my publisher, while a song on the radio sang, “Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.” I savored that moment, knowing how special it was.

It was scary to write this book, I had to over-ride my inner critic arguing that, ‘who are you to write a book?” Then can the even harder part, promoting the book! Sharing my message via public speaking was as terrifying for me as it is for most, but I refused to let it stop me. I booked a hypnosis session and it went away – imagine!

That in itself freed me for awesome experiences like hosting and producing a TV talk show (despite having no experience, winning Toastmaster competitions, and becoming perfectly comfortable speaking before an audience.

Becoming an author was such a dream come true for me. It also changed the direction of my career and my entire life with it’s spin-offs, the Relief Beyond Belief tv talk show and magazine. All because I didn’t give into fear (tempting as it was!)

This has been SUCH a good life lesson for me. There will always be fear in the face of something new. But beyond the fear is the magnificent knowing that you are the creator of your reality.

How about you, darling Alexandria? What dream of yours has the potential to change your life in a wonderful way, but is being held captive by your fears? What dream have you put off for ‘someday’? What’s holding you back?


Let’s get you past stuck and get you enroute to celebrating your own big win! DM me (or reply to this email) and let’s explore the different coaching programs I have created to help you shine your beautiful light. It’s time! You can do it! I can help.