Have you ever had one of those moments that are etched in your heart and mind for a lifetime? A day when a cherished dream came true? When you proved to yourself how powerful you really are?

I had one 20 years ago.

I can hardly believe 20 years have passed since I published my 1st book Relief Beyond Belief; Exploring the World of Natural Healing. I will never forget picking copies up from my publisher, while a song on the radio sang, “Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.” I savored that moment, knowing how special it was.

It was scary to write this book, I had to over-ride my inner critic arguing that, ‘who are you to write a book?” Then can the even harder part, promoting the book! Sharing my message via public speaking was as terrifying for me as it is for most, but I refused to let it stop me. I booked a hypnosis session and it went away – imagine!

That in itself freed me for awesome experiences like hosting and producing a TV talk show (despite having no experience, winning Toastmaster competitions, and becoming perfectly comfortable speaking before an audience.

Becoming an author was such a dream come true for me. It also changed the direction of my career and my entire life with it’s spin-offs, the Relief Beyond Belief tv talk show and magazine. All because I didn’t give into fear (tempting as it was!)

This has been SUCH a good life lesson for me. There will always be fear in the face of something new. But beyond the fear is the magnificent knowing that you are the creator of your reality.

How about you, darling Alexandria? What dream of yours has the potential to change your life in a wonderful way, but is being held captive by your fears? What dream have you put off for ‘someday’? What’s holding you back?


Let’s get you past stuck and get you enroute to celebrating your own big win! DM me (or reply to this email) and let’s explore the different coaching programs I have created to help you shine your beautiful light. It’s time! You can do it! I can help.