Angels Promise Peace WILL Prevail

Are you getting caught up in worry? Let it go! Peace will prevail – this is the Angels promise. Below is a message I channeled from The Celestials, I hope it brings you peace of mind!

“This is a loving reminding message to use your thoughts and your power of creation to manifest your desires, and remind others to do the same. To elevate their vibration. To elevate their perception.
This is a very crucial, pivotal time on your world, your planet, and yes it is time for lightworkers to come together.
You are still in separation when you say you want to be on the right side of this. That implies there is a wrong side, when everything is perfect. Everything is playing out as need be.
We are happy you are recalling the power, of your spirituality, of your knowing that we are all one, that we are all connected. You talk about holding the sward of truth, this is the truth. Light and love and knowing everything is working out for your best and highest good.
If you want to see that calm, our darling, you know where that begins. Calming your mind. Calling on your Reiki angels, being that source of peace. Making it real in your mind’s eye and yes, sending this beautiful power out, sending this light. Starting with your own home, your own heart, and radiating it out from there.
And yes, see it in Ottawa. See it all over your country and all over your globe.
See it lovingly supporting all those who have so much they have put on the line. See it opening the hearts of those who yet do not see. Not to persuade them to change their minds, but to open them up to peace.
Peace will prevail. Peace will prevail.
