Are you getting caught up in worry? Let it go! Peace will prevail – this is the Angels promise. Below is a message I channeled from The Celestials, I hope it brings you peace of mind!
“This is a loving reminding message to use your thoughts and your power of creation to manifest your desires, and remind others to do the same. To elevate their vibration. To elevate their perception.
This is a very crucial, pivotal time on your world, your planet, and yes it is time for lightworkers to come together.
You are still in separation when you say you want to be on the right side of this. That implies there is a wrong side, when everything is perfect. Everything is playing out as need be.
We are happy you are recalling the power, of your spirituality, of your knowing that we are all one, that we are all connected. You talk about holding the sward of truth, this is the truth. Light and love and knowing everything is working out for your best and highest good.
If you want to see that calm, our darling, you know where that begins. Calming your mind. Calling on your Reiki angels, being that source of peace. Making it real in your mind’s eye and yes, sending this beautiful power out, sending this light. Starting with your own home, your own heart, and radiating it out from there.
And yes, see it in Ottawa. See it all over your country and all over your globe.
See it lovingly supporting all those who have so much they have put on the line. See it opening the hearts of those who yet do not see. Not to persuade them to change their minds, but to open them up to peace.
Peace will prevail. Peace will prevail.

And so our darling, visualize this beautiful light flowing into you now, open up your crown chakra and let it flow down, sparkling, beautiful, vibrant golden healer, healing golden light. Let it fill you up right down to your toes.
Let it radiate out and fill your aura. Let it continue to radiate out, supporting those you stand behind, sending love to every trucker, every supporter, every Canadian, and do not stop there. See it continue. See eyes opening, see hearts opening. Feel this beautiful golden light energizing everything it touches, this sacred light. Waking up. Hold your vision of this peaceful planet in 5d, where all is resolved because there is only love and harmony here.
Paradise. Your heaven on earth. That is where your power lies. You are not a foot soldier, you are a leader. A spiritual leader, leading with love, leading with light. All who will connect with this are also leaders. Let them lead with light and love and hold this peaceful image of unity. An image of Canadians standing shoulder to shoulder, all races.
Now see this continue to grow, and circle the globe, and immediately behind them, see Angels circling the globe, Wings Up. So much love and support. Hold the light. Hold the light. It is still flowing into you, this beautiful golden light, healing all it touches. Sacred light, golden light beaming through you, strengthening and supporting you.
You are all one, you are all connected. Hold that image in your heart. This is an important part of your soul journey, and you are doing so well. We are so happy you call yourself back – continually calling yourself back to the love, to the peace, letting that be your contribution to the world is so powerful our darling.
Let that be your contribution, do not contribute to the chaos. Do not feed that! Feed the love and the light. All is well. Feel that through every fiber of your being, all is well. All is well. As you send love out into the world, the benefits are priceless. And as we wrap our wings around you, and your guides surrounding you now, feel your light strengthening you, empowering you.
The example given to you just now was very clear. Someone with dark energy trying to instigate more of the same, and succeeding. So how do we compare this with what is going on right now? There is the love, there is the fear. And is it not interesting how the fear is attacking the love, but the love is winning. The love will always win. Feel it, be it.
You are a leader. Do this. Send Love. Send that love many times in the day. Specify some times to do that. You are a peaceful warrior, hold that sword. But beyond that you are a spiritual being of love and light. That is who you are. That is doing what is needed. That is why you are here.
You are here to usher in the golden age of love and light. You can only do that through love and light. Fear has no place. Only love and light. You feel your hands are tied, you feel you are being censored. These thing are true, and yet if you keep your words and intentions on the highest plane, the results will match that. Rise up, hold your vibration high. Fill yourself with love and light and know this is happening for you, for the world. Blessings. We love you, and for now we are complete.”
Thanks for contributing your energy to ushering in more love and peace!
Love & Light