I hope you enjoy this channeled message of hope from The Light!

“We are happy to be with you on this beautiful day. Such a fine start to your day, being quiet and inviting your spirit to rise, inviting this connection to us. This is a powerful time for you, and it is in these moments of quiet, this peaceful time before the world awakens around you, when you can drop into your heart and feel that expansiveness radiating all around you. It is limitless.

Oh, our beloved, if you could only see what we see when we look at you. We see this expansive light, and we see it growing more and more radiant. We see it filled with all the colors that you are, and as you drop into your heart center and breathe in and out of your heart, it grows ever more expansive. Beyond the stars, our darling.

We invite you today to see the expansiveness you are. To dream the dreams you desire, and see them as having already come to fruition.

When you truly see your expansiveness, you see that none of the troubles that may plague you in the 3d world exist. They are but shadows. Like a bad dream. Like when you dream of being chased and persecuted, then it morphs into something else. The higher you raise your vibration, the smaller these problems become.

You can vibrate yourself into a whole new world, and you know this to be true, and you know that the world you’re vibrating in, as it takes shape around you, reflects the level of your vibration. So the higher you are, our darling, the less and less impact these dark shadows have on you. They have no power over you. Your power comes from above.

You are connected to us, you are connected to all the Ascended Masters, all the angels, all your ancestors. You are not alone. You are never alone. So we invite you to fill yourself up with that, really feel that warmth, feel the love, feel the comfort of knowing all is well, all is well, all is well.

Allow your inner light to burn bright. See all those who share your vision. We invite you to visualize this: everyone standing holding a candle, all these candles burning together, creating such a force to be reckoned with. All these candles burning away the darkness. All these beautiful enlightened beings, here to help birth this new world paradigm, and you are part of it.

Today we invite you to see the magic all around you. This day is a blessing, as each day is a blessing. Yes. Fill yourself up with that. Feel the serenity, feel the expansiveness.

Open your 8th chakra, high above your head. Open it and begin to absorb all that beautiful golden light pouring into you. Imagine it to be a funnel, and imagine us, your angels pouring this beautiful sparkling light down through your chakras, so it flows down into your Crown chakra, down to your root, and continuing to flow right down to the tips of your toes. Filling yourself with gold, gold, gold.

You are the Golden Child, all who accept this gold bring more light to the world. See it, like a sun, like a million suns within you all radiating this powerful light.

So today, as you walk about your world, as you interact with family, with friends, with strangers, let this light radiate out. Let this be your calling card. Let your Angel Runners go before you, spreading more light for you to walk upon. So all who behold you know that you are a Wayshower. You have dedicated your life to the service of bringing the light.

Feel this expansiveness. There is no end to it. You reach so far beyond the limits of your physicality. Go higher! Go Higher. And as you rise, look down on the earth. See all the many lights that are there. Far more, far more every day. Far more than the dark. All these beautiful bright lights coming together, magnifying each other. As these lights come together they become exponentially more and more. Know that all is well.

From this vantage point where you have lifted yourself so high that you can look upon this beautiful world, let us now sprinkle gold dust. Just like it is snowing, but it is gold. See it cover every tree, gold dripping from the branches, gold covering the rivers, lakes and oceans. Gold falling upon the little children, who eagerly uplift their arms reaching for more. Delighted. See the rapture on their faces. See it penetrating their spirits. See the gold light their eyes, see it light their wicks. See all your people coming together, and see the collective power of all this love, all this gold dust everywhere. Healing and restoring everything it touches.

Ahhhh, feel how good this feels to relax into. We love you, we love you and we want you to love yourself the way we do. We want you to give yourself the time to be the person you really are. We want you to give yourself to these practices unhurriedly. There’s a hush today, we feel this hush on your soul today. This calm, this peace. We invite you to stay in this place of peace as long as you can. We love you, and we are supporting you in your mission to spread love and light. We support this. And for now we are complete.”

I also offer personal messages from the light, book yours today!