September, for me, feels more ‘new year’ than Jan 1. It triggers the urge for action; the ideal time to assess goals and decide what to start, stop or continue.
Is it time for a new diet and exercise regime? If so, which one? For many of my clients this is a big question. With so many choices, how do you know what’s really right for you?
I want to share how you can use the most powerful law of the universe to your benefit, because the truth is, unless your actions align with your predominant thoughts and core beliefs, you’ll just be spinning your wheels.
The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like; everything is energy, and things of a similar vibration attract to each other. Everything begins as a thought which, when thought upon more, becomes a powerful creative force drawing more thoughts that match it.
If continued, this energy will expand and you’ll begin to notice conversations, circumstances and events that match it also. And while taking action is absolutely part of the law of attraction (built right into the name), to have the kind of effect you want they must be inspired actions that feel good to you.
Forcing yourself to do things you dislike won’t get you there! You must either adjust the action, or the way you feel about it.
Let’s say you’ve decided to lose weight this fall. For many this means harboring critical thoughts about their body, feeling fat, daily weigh-ins, taking measurements, and chastising themselves for each perceived failure.
If this is your focus, guess what you’re attracting? More of the same. More punitive thoughts, more reasons to feel fat, more opportunities to judge yourself not good enough.
No amount of exercise is going to turn that around for you, my friend. Forcing yourself to jog will not net the results you want. Consider instead the LOA-friendly method – take time to connect with yourself through quiet contemplation. Flow love to your body, listing all the things you adore about it exactly as it is now. Appreciate how great it is to be here having a physical experience, with all that entails. Delight in your senses and all they allow you to do.
Thinking of your body as your companion through life with its own consciousness, ask what it needs from you to keep it in peak condition, being open to receiving the answer in whatever form it comes.
Maybe it would like to try a different approach to eating. Perhaps it would like more exercise, but prefers yoga, walking or swimming to sweating it out at the gym. Give it what it wants, and the resulting good feeling will radiate out and return with many more positive feelings and life experiences.
Everything responds to love, and deliberately loving yourself more will do more to promote health and longevity than any other action you can take!
For more helpful hints or to engage my coaching services please visit