Speak It Into Being

One of the best ways to attract something into your life is to speak it into being. This is another aspect of the scripting process I wrote a post about last week. Only in this version, you aren’t writing it the way you want it to be – you’re sharing the juicy details of your awesome new life with a trusted friend (who’s in on it, and is willing to suspend disbelief and play along whole-heartedly) or aloud, alone.
This is VERY fun and VERY effective! The sky is the limit – the only ground rules are that you Must stay in character for the duration of the session. And you Must remain limitless. No holds barred. Because, as we know, we are limitless beings, and the Universe has the ability to create whatever we say we want.
I love scripting because it gives the opportunity to share and expand on our big dream, live it fully in the moment, while actually giving it more energy and therefore more power, causing it to come more quickly. Uplifting for both (or all) parties involved. I like to keep this to family and close friends, and have also had great results when doing this exercise with a complete stranger on a trusted LOA website.
One example is when I had submitted an application for a contest run by The Toronto Star a few years ago for people over 50 who have a dream. Each contestant submitted an email, and winners were chosen from that.
 I sent a video message along with my email, telling them it was my dream to make countless thousands of other people’s dreams come true, through teaching how the Law of Attraction works. I sent it off, then basically forgot about it.
One day, on a day I normally wouldn’t have been home at my computer, I saw a mysterious message. It was from a life coach working with the Star, but there was nothing in the subject line to indicate that, and as I didn’t recognize the name I assumed it was spam. In fact I was about to delete the message when a strong inner voice said “open it”. I sat and looked at the email. The message got more insistent. “Open it!” So I did.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered I’d made the short list for the contest. The life coach wrote that she wanted to interview me, and that it had to be that day. Thankful that I was home and able to comply I quickly phoned her.
There were still a few hoops to jump through, but I learned I had beat out nearly 1,000 others who wanted my spot, and it was between about 5 of us. The coach said I’d hear by Friday (this was Tuesday). I phoned my daughter, a stay-at-home Mom, and told her what had happened and asked her to script with me.
We spent the next hour chatting as if I’d won, talking about the impact it would make on my career, totally pumping myself up. After our conversation I did some written scripting as well, holding myself in the ‘acting as if’ zone, brimming with excitement.
I thought I had a few more days to ‘pre-pave’ winning a spot in the competition, but the next day received an email proclaiming “Congratulations, You’re a Winner!” And the experience was every bit as cool and fun as the scripting had been!
So now you have the gist of how this works – find someone to play with or just speak your dreams to life privately. Let me know how this works for you!!
Love & Light,

The Reiki Principles – Just For Today

Reiki Principles

Reiki Principles

The Reiki Principles
Just for Today – Everyday!
As a Reiki Master I have done my best to live by these words of wisdom. The Reiki Principles are as valid today as when Dr. Usui wrote them in the 1800’s. Try it yourself – just for today! Then do it again tomorrow. I have included my interpretation of what each principle means to me personally below each one.
1) Just for today I will let go of anger
Anger is a negative waste of energy. You can try to control it by taking a deep breath and asking who you are really mad at. Are you angry because someone doesn’t hold the same view as you? If so, honor their views and allow them their frailties. Put yourself in their place and see how they may feel. Has someone simply made a mistake? You may discover it is yourself you are really angry with. Perhaps aspects of yourself are being mirrored in others. Rather than just reacting, explore your anger.
2) Just for today I will let go of worry
Worry is an energy thief that causes mental and physical damage. Be aware of the worry ad try to let it go. Ask yourself, what am I worried about? Why does this worry me? What is the worst that can happen? Am I just speculating about an event? Can I do anything about it? If yes, then do it. If not, shift your thinking. Take a deep breath. Do Reiki!
3) Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings
In this society we are constantly being brainwashed about what ‘things’ we must have to be happy, and we are led to believe everyone else has more! To put this in perspective, take stock of all the good things in your life. Try writing a daily gratitude list, listing things like your health, having a loving family and friends, living in a free country, having a roof over your head, food in your belly and clothes on your back. Try to imagine your life without these things, and send a prayer out to those less fortunate than yourself.
4) Just for today I will do my work honestly
Work to improve yourself and you will benefit yourself and others all around you. We cannot change others, but by changing ourselves we can affect them in a positive way
5) Just for today I will be kind to all living things
This includes our planet and all the people and creatures on it, as we are all part of a whole. Think to yourself, what will the effect be if I speak or act in a particular way? Will it cause discomfort to another? What will happen if I don’t act in this particular way? Can I live more in harmony and still care for myself?
I hope you enjoyed this article on Reiki Principles – I’d love to hear the impact they make on your life!
Love & Light

Stress Relief Activities

Is your relationship stressing you out? You need stress relief activities! Solve difficulties and love the people in your life again, warts and all, with a little help from the Law of Attraction!
Here I’ll share some favorite techniques, stress relief activities that actually fix the relationship problem. I’ve used these Abraham-Hicks processes to fix relationship issues (big and small) and keep my relationships strong and happy. I address this fully in my online course Wishful Thanking.

Abraham tells us our outer lives are a direct reflection of what’s going on inside, so if I notice ornery behavior in someone else, I know I’m on the same vibration.
So instead of getting stressed out and blaming them for my stress, I ask myself where I’m demonstrating the same in my life, and where I can offer more love. When I make the effort to improve my mood and raise my vibration, I often notice radical shifts in the other person as well.
By taking the time to really appreciate someone’s finer qualities, I notice more and more of them, through the power of the Law of Attraction. When I think of someone with love, really feeling it in my heart and projecting it to them, I notice definite improvements in the relationship very quickly.
Because we’re all connected, our loved ones (and everyone else) know exactly how we feel about them, so you can’t just give it lip service, you have to dig down (sometimes deep!) for your genuine feelings. It may not be nice to fool Mother Nature, but it’s impossible to fool the Law of Attraction!

Granted, sometimes you really have to look for their positive aspects. But
you only have to come up with one! Focus on it, pondering the reasons you value this attribute, and the Law of Attraction will bring more to you. Magic!
I love Abraham’s Book of Positive Aspects technique, where you list all the things you love about all the people who are important to you. Guaranteed to fix relationship problems! Then, if you’re having a tough time relating to them, you can refer to the book and remind yourself why love having this person in your life!
Another stress relief activities tool in my relationship tool box is Abraham’s ‘Wouldn’t it be nice if . . .’ process.
This process works like a charm, because when you really know what you don’t want, you really know what you do want. So I just pull out my journal and write about the situation as if it’s ALREADY been resolved precisely the way I want it.
Give yourself some time for this one, really get into the feeling place, and you’ll see results. It may take more than one sitting, but you will see results!
If I’m really at a loss and don’t know what to do, I pull out the big guns. I call on my Angels. They always know how to fix relationship problems! I just ask them to bring about a healing that is in the highest good of all concerned. Then I take my mind completely off the situation, knowing it’s being handled by the relationship experts!
If necessary, I’ll use a releasing technique such as EFT to address any negative feelings I’m having and shift myself back into a positive vibe that will allow the healing to take place.
I hope these stress relief activities help you fix relationship issues. I welcome your comments and any suggestions you might have!

In Light, Alexandria

How Crystals Form

Crystal TherapyEver wonder how crystals form? Let’s take an imaginary journey to the center of the earth and find out!
Different types of crystals are created in different ways, but almost all crystals form by new matter being added to a mass of crystal that’s already growing.
Some, such as quartz minerals, begin their life in the fiery gasses found in the center of the earth (magma) or in volcanic lava that’s streamed up to the earth’s surface.

As it cools and hardens these magmatic, or igneous, crystals are formed. This can happen quite quickly, resulting in small crystals, or take eons, allowing large crystals to form. (more…)