Why Every Mom Should Learn Reiki Online

Mother/daughter Reiki

Mother/daughter Reiki


I believe Reiki is for everyone, but as a mother I’ve seen 1st hand what an extremely valuable tool it is at all stages of life! This is why every Mom should learn Reiki, and why I’m making this 2 for the price of 1 special offer!

Every mother knows the helplessness of seeing your little ones in pain. Wouldn’t it be great to transform your loving embrace into a healing one? Whether its easing teething pains, soothing boo-boos, or healing your adult son or daughter, or your own mom, Reiki is just what the doctor ordered! And I mean that literally – Dr. Oz is now recommending Reiki.

 I became a Reiki Master so I could empower others with this incredible gift – and attuned my daughters to the healing ray. I did this laying of hands healing when they were pregnant, while they were in labor, and any time they were sick and I wasn’t physically close enough to help. Reiki to the rescue!

Reiki is a hands-on healing technique using a specific ray of life force that is easily learned in a 1-day workshop. Once you’ve been attuned to it the energy flows through your body into whoever you’re treating, according to their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs.
Reiki flows through negatively affected parts of your energy field and charges them with positive energy. This raises the vibrational level in and around your body, breaking up negative energy and clearing energy pathways, so life force can flow naturally.
Reiki Healing began as a Tibetan Buddhist practice some 3,000 years ago. Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese minister, rediscovered it in the mid 1800s. Because of his efforts, anyone with an open heart can learn reiki to benefit themselves, their families and the world at large.
The three degrees of reiki each require a special attunement.
When you learn Reiki First Degree you can give energy to any living thing by touching it. This enables you to treat yourself, family members, your dogs, or cats, even house plants.
When you learn Reiki Second Degree you can give distant treatments, and treat mental or emotional problems. This means you can be anywhere in the world and still connect with your loved one through Reiki.
For example, I sent distant Reiki to both my daughters and daughter-in-law when they were in labor. As I projected the energy, I held an image of them smiling, holding their babies and saying how easy and peaceful the birth had been. Both had successful, non-medicated home-births, and were grateful for the comfort Reiki gave them. I’ve also used it to send healing to my own Mother who lives at the other end of the country!

I hope you enjoyed this article and that it inspired you to learn reiki. I’m currently offering a special 2-for-1 rate for mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, besties, any combination! Read more about that here! (click link)

Practicing Happiness

indexYou want to be happy. I want to be happy. We all want happiness, even when it’s hiding behind the guise of ‘hot new body’ or ‘awesome new partner’ or ‘million dollar home’. Happiness is the hidden reason why we really want the things we want.
Quite simply, we want them because we want the way we think we’ll feel when we get them. But guess what – if we haven’t been practicing a happy vibe along the way, even when we achieve the thing that feels so elusive now, there will be a hollow place where that happiness would reside if we had practiced.
Abraham-Hicks says, “there are no happy endings to unhappy journeys.” This means if work is a grind, something you only do to get enough money for a vacation, that vacation will not be a fun time. The weather will suck, or you’ll forget and drink the water and spend the holiday sick in your room. The diet you hate may result in weight loss, but it will return. Or you will succeed in attracting that new mate, then wish you hadn’t.
How to avoid this trap? Make happy your go-to mind set. How to do that? Practice. We get happy by practicing happiness. And it really is so simple. Because you don’t actually need any of the things you think are preventing your happiness. Allow me to demonstrate. Just for fun, set a timer for 4 minutes and pretend you just got the best news of your life! Dance, whoop it up, hug yourself, fist bump the air. Act as crazily happy as if all of your dreams had just come true. Thanks, Mike Dooley, for teaching me this! I do this daily!

All done? And don’t you feel good! I use this process first thing in the morning. That doesn’t mean I bounce out of bed each day with a smile on my lips (though most days I do) sometimes I’m groggy, want to stay in bed, or just don’t feel like mustering up enthusiasm. But I do it anyway and the feeling catches up with me quickly. Practice makes perfect. And, what we focus attention on expands. By practicing happiness I am creating more in my life, through the Law of Attraction. This practice makes an awesome start to your day, and you can keep building on it by noticing all you have to be grateful for.
If you aren’t being grateful for all the good in your life, you may fall into the habit of complaining, which is a sure joy-sucker. Suspect this might be you? Then try a simple challenge. Intend to notice every time you complain, and make a check mark on a piece of paper. And just notice at the end of the day how many checks you have.
This can be a real eye-opener, but the beauty of it is, when you become aware you can start to change these thoughts. Then you can start flipping them to thoughts of gratitude. Gratitude is a game-changer, which will usher in more happiness than you know what to do with – and those other good things you want too. Give it a try, and drop me a line to let me know how it works for you! 
Big Love!

10 Top Manifesting Tips

Have you ever noticed how good kids are at getting what they want? They’re living proof that manifesting your desires can be as easy as child’s play! If you aren’t getting the results you want in life you may be getting in your own way, and making things much harder than they need to be! This list help you keep things sweet and simple, and easy!

 10 Top Manifesting Tips

1. Know your power! You are the thinker of the thoughts – if you don’t control them, they will control you. If the thought doesn’t feel good, tweak it till it does!
2. Appreciation is the highest vibration. Start your day with gratitude, listing 3 to 5 things to appreciate to set your tone for the day

3. Strive to stay healthy so you have the energy to create your desires! Proper diet and sleep still count!
4. You get a reset button when you go to sleep each night so mornings are incredibly sacred. Use this time to do affirmations, visualizations & gratitude lists!
5. Pre-alignment is the most important thing you can possibly invest in. Abraham calls this Pre-paving – essentially imagining it already happened exactly the way you want!
6. What you pre-intend, for better or worse, you create. Why not pretend what you want!
7. It’s not your occasional thoughts that build your life. It’s your dominant focus, so strive to be aware of your thoughts and think good ones as much as possible!
8. Creating and living a life is way more important than watching others live theirs, whether on tv or social media.
9. Take the time to create rituals that support you in who you want to become!
10. Don’t worry about your negative thoughts, we all have them, just try to stay positive at least 51% of the time!
Put these 10 items into practice and soon you will see your desires manifest before your eyes!

A Deliberate Creation Success Tail

A Deliberate Creation Success Tail

imagesDeliberate Creators know that we get what we think about. We know that through conscious thinking we have the ability to shift ‘reality’ so it reflects what we truly desire. This is no longer ‘woo-woo’ as Quantum Physics totally supports it. However, as most of us have spent the better part of our lives believing the opposite, the challenge is in REMEMBERING that and ignoring ‘what is’ while we create what we want.
Sometimes life is so in-your-face it’s easy to forget how powerful we are, and feel at the mercy of unseen forces. I had one of those days this weekend. First I fell into a familiar trap, then when a family member suggested I ‘practice what I preach’ I deliberately shifted my vibe, did some serious pre-paving, and averted disaster in the process.

My two seven year old cats (sisters) reside indoors due to all the inherent dangers where I live (lots of wildlife). One slipped out after dark while my hubby was BBQ-ing. I thought it odd that she didn’t come sleep with me like she always does, (she generally stays with me all night and is my morning happy thought) but I just assumed she’d gotten cozy somewhere else and would come jump on the bed later.
In the morning when she wasn’t sleeping at my side I searched the house and grounds and walked up and down the road calling her. When she was not to be found I pretty much gave her up as dead, due to past experiences I’ve had with pets. In the past, my outdoor cats haven’t lasted long around here.
I was so upset I actually began the grieving process. I cried, I pictured my life without her, I wallowed. Then I remembered a recent blog post by Master Law of Attraction coach Jeannette Maw, about a similar experience she had regarding her cat. I realized that through my negative thinking I was actively manifesting dead kitty. Not what I wanted! I wanted my healthy happy furry friend back home with me.
So I shifted gears, and started thinking what an adventure she must be having. She made a deliberate choice to leave the safety of the house, so I saw her enjoying the feeling of grass under her feet, chasing butterflies, enjoying all the freedom I wish they could always have.
I remembered how Bashar talks about every possible outcome for every situation exists and how we need only tune ourselves into our preferred version. I decided that we live in the reality where she had her adventure and returned home to me safe and happy to me.
My hubby felt horrible and responsible for her being missing, so he was happy to join in my “pretending” all was well and that she’d be home soon, even as we walked the property calling her. I reached out to my adult kids and asked them to hold the vision of the best possible outcome. Then we let it go, and went on with our day. 
I went to bed early without her, feeling sad but accepting and trying to make peace with her choice. I must admit the tears threatened, but instead I focused on how soft and beautiful she is, the extraordinary shade of green her eyes were, what a great happy thought she was each morning. I kept picturing my husband bringing her to me. And about an hour later, that’s exactly how it played out! Out having a smoke he spotted her glowing eyes, scooped her up and walked in with her, safe and sound.
The funny thing was, throughout the day I had fleeting images of a little fluffy black kitten. The next morning, when I let my kids know Kasha was home safe, my daughter (who originally gifted me with the sisters as kittens) sent me a video of a kitten she had already sourced out for me, a little black fluffy male!
He’s too young to leave his mama but will be ready to go in two weeks, when I’ll be receiving him as a surprise early birthday gift! I’ve already been to meet him and fell in love. In fact I wonder if Kasha went for a walk-about to bring about his joining our family!
I thought it would be fun to run a contest to name this kitty, to play along just leave your suggestion in the comment section below, if your name is selected you’ll receive a complimentary 30 minute coaching session with me!
ps He isn’t actually the kitty in the pic, but looks just like him!

Making Meditation Easy

Did you set an intention or make a resolution to meditate more in 2021? Meditation will go a long way toward creating the kind of peaceful calm mind that in turn leads to a peaceful life. It also helps you become more deliberate in your thinking, which is essential in being a successful deliberate creator.
I have created a series of free meditatations for you here
I also wanted to share some of my currant favorites;  this one I especially love. It takes you through a process called Intentional Resting which really takes you to a deep level.
Another favorite is the 6 Phase Meditation. I often do these back to back. I like this one because it addresses several things in one sitting, such as visualization. Visualization is such an important component of the Law of Attraction, and this guided meditation makes it easy. I also like that it encourages gratitude, as well as addressing negative issues you may have going on with an individual.
And of course I always enjoy an Abraham Hicks guided meditation, so soothing!
I also wanted to share an article about Karma I recently wrote for Healthy Living Now Magazine. You can read that article here.
That’s it for now! I hope you enjoy this collection of goodies! Feel free to share!