Top 3 Tips On How The Law of Attraction Works

My top 3 tips on how the Law of Attraction works really kick in when you Spring into Action! Here are my top 3 tips on how to embrace the spirit of the season, and create fresh growth in the garden of your life!
Action is a big part of The Law of Attraction, but to be most effective it has to be inspired action.
How do you know it’s inspired? The thought of doing it feels fun, energizing, exciting. If, in contrast, it feels heavy and like a lot of ‘work’, you need a fresh perspective and approach. To get that inspired idea:
1) Schedule one or two hours to sit with your journal in nature – a quiet park or your own back yard. Ask your Higher Self what your next action steps should be, then close your eyes and breathe – let your breath be the focus of your thoughts.
Allow 15 – 20 minutes for this process – whenever your mind wanders, bring it back to your breath. This will quiet your busy beta mind and let you access your inner knowing.
Journal what comes up for you – just keep writing whatever comes to mind, exploring any feelings that arise. Give this process as much time as you’re able.
2) Take that inspired action! This could mean creating a mind-map or vision board for a new business venture, updating your resume, printing new business cards. Plant that seed, water it, give it love and it will bloom.
3) Give your inspired idea room to grow! Weeds (negative thinking) will crowd it out if given the opportunity, so tend your garden with care. Respond to any nay-sayers with ‘thank you for sharing’ and continue nurturing your little seedlings.
Give them the time they need to come to fruition – have faith, visualize the outcome you desire, and continue acting on any other inspired ideas that come to you, and soon your garden will flourish! I hope you enjoyed this article,  my top 3 tips on how the Law of Attraction works! Feel free to share, and please leave your comments below!

For more tools on creating what you truly desire, check out the

Wishful Thanking Manifestation System


Love & Light, Alexandria

The Law of Attraction Works – Lesson 5

Welcome to The Law of Attraction Works, lesson 5 of this free video training series.
In this video you’ll discover the importance of meditation in your deliberate creation process.
Meditating doesn’t mean sitting in a cave for hours – myriad benefits can be realized by just taking 15 minutes a day to sit and focus on your breath or an object.
This quick The Law of Attraction Works video will show you how to get started, easily! Enjoy, and feel free to share!
For more in-depth coverage, be sure to check out my Wishful Thanking online law of attraction training program, 
In this transformational online video course you will:

  • Master the art of manifestation, step by step, and tap into your abilities as a creator
  • Meet your chakras and learn to unleash their power to create success in every life area
  • Erase your limiting beliefs and create the limitless life you desire
  • Use customized action steps for permanent change
  • Bring your greatest desires into reality
  • Discover the unlimited possibilities that unfold as you release blockages and limiting beliefs.

When you  apply the Wishful Thanking system of manifesting, you’ll experience  changes beyond your wildest expectations.
It can take years of study to find the techniques that really get results – a long, frustrating process. In most cases, people give up, feeling more miserable then when they started. Now you can skip all that and go directly to success! You will receive:

  • Law of Attraction training, blended with the ancient wisdom of the chakra system
  • the book that inspired this program, Wishful Thanking; 7 Simple Steps to Abundance video-enhanced book,  including Loving the Law of Attraction 5 part video training program
  • Lifetime access to all course material
  • Access to a private Facebook group to connect and brainstorm with me and other members who ‘get it’
  • Unlimited email correspondence with Alexandria throughout the program
  • Our ‘Healing with Aromatherapy’ special report
  • Our ‘Release Resistance with EFT’ video tutorial
  • A precise whole-life make over in easy bite-size chunks; we take all the guess work out of the process by showing you exactly what to focus on each day
  • weekly lazer-focused coaching videos
  • one private 60 minute coaching call
  • one personal chakra assessment/balancing via Akashic Records

Love & Light

How Can I Be Happier

Today on Ask Alexandria I answer a reader’s question, “How can I be happier in life.”

This seems to be the million dollar question – who doesn’t want more happiness? But even though we all want it, we can get in our own way and actually prevent it! I share more about that in these videos, which discusses some of the ways we block our happiness, and how to over come those tendencies!
Enjoy the videos, give it a try and let me know how much happier you feel! And please subscribe to my You Tube Channel, where you will find many more helpful videos!
To Your Happiness!

Power Water!

Have you had your power water today? 
Drinking Water:

  • Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids
  • Can Help Control Calories
  • Helps Energize Muscles
  • Keeps Skin Looking Good
  •  Helps Your Kidneys
  •  Helps Maintain Normal Bowel Function

We are 70% water, so small wonder it has such an impact on us. But why just drink water when you can drink Power Water!

Masaru Emoto, featured in ‘What the Bleep do we know?’ is a Japanese author best known for his claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water.
After years of research, Emoto concluded that high-quality water forms beautiful and intricate frozen crystals, while low-quality water has difficulty forming crystals.
Emoto demonstrated that positive changes to water crystals can be achieved through prayer, music, or by attaching written words to a container of water. The beautiful image to your left is a water crystal from a container that had the word  ‘Love’ on it. In his experiments, water with words like ‘I hate you’ on it had distorted, ugly images.
Why not put his research to work for you?

Follow these simple steps to get the most from your water:

  • Fill a 2 liter glass jug with the highest quality water you have access to
  • Tape the words ‘Love’ or ‘Joy’ to the container
  • Hold the jug and project thoughts of love and gratitude to it
  • If you know Reiki or other energy work, send that energy to the water
  • Select a special glass to designate as your personal water glass – crystal preferably
  • place crystal bracelets around the glass (or around a plastic water bottle)
  • Use what ever crystals resonate with you, but if you’re using a plastic water bottle, be sure to include an Amethyst bracelet to purify the water of any toxins from the plastic.

Every time you drink, say ‘thank you for this water’
With this practice, you will continue to reap the benefits of gratitude as well as the myriad benefits of drinking more water – and, depending on the crystals you choose, you’ll be infusing the water with those qualities as well.
I find that adding a bit of ceremony to something I normally would take for granted encourages me to drink more, and feel special doing it! Try it, and it’ll do the same for you! Let me know how you make out!
Love & Light, Alexandria

Develop an Attitude Of Gratitude

Develop an attitude of gratitude

Do you believe you can develop an attitude of gratitude? I firmly believe Gratitude is the key to all good things., providing your gratitude and appreciation is for what a situation is, not for what you think it should be!
I had a clear reminder of that this past Thanksgiving weekend. I had visualized spending the weekend will all of my 4 children, their spouses and my 5 little grandchildren. I had even done my Wishful Thanking pre-paving in full expectation of a fabulous family reunion, and congratulated myself in my determination to develop an attitude of gratitude.
A week prior to the big day, I had confirmation in my hot hands – everyone was able to attend. Not an easy feat, coordinating this, I congratulated myself as I happily went shopping to feed all 15 of us, happy visions of hugs and laughter filling my mind.
Well the morning of the big dinner, received the 1st cancellation – my stepdaughter had been called in to work and couldn’t attend, but her hubby and my grandson still would be. I mentally removed one chair from the table.
Time passed, and the house began to fill in, little ones (the oldest being 4) running up and down the hallway, with Nana (me!) basking in the warm loving feeling and sound of giggles.
An hour later, another phone call – my youngest daughter was ill, she, her hubby and another grandson wouldn’t be attending. Three more chairs removed from table.
But the thing was, we all had a wonderful day/night/overnight of food, fun and festivities. And even though it wasn’t what I would have planned, it was a fabulous weekend, and I was very grateful for how everything had turned out.
It was a wonderful reminder that everything always is exactly how it’s meant to be. Though we missed those not in attendance, fewer people created space for more intimate conversation, and gave room for other people to shine. 
In the end, everyone agreed it was one of the best Thanksgivings ever, and my heart overflowed with gratitude for everyone there, and everyone there in spirit. It was a wonderful lesson in letting go of expectation and delighting in what was. I offer this in the spirit of encouragement, so that the next time things unexpectedly change in your world, you can develop an attitude of gratitude and gracefully accept what is, rather than wistfully wishing it could be different. Just place your faith in the trust that all is well, and is what it was meant to be. 
In Light, Alexandria