You Have Nothing to Fear

Alexandria Public Speaking and Podcast

You have nothing to fear, you are so loved! You are free to choose, free to follow your heart. You can live each day in bliss and harmony, it is all here for you.

We love that you are devoting time – real time, real intention to connecting with us. We love that you are so inspired to do so, and we are excited for the many rewards that this will bring!

You – we – always intended this and we have wanted it for so long

We want you to know all things are possible for you! Your manifestations are dependent only upon your vibration, which you have total control over. Simply tune into us, many times a day. Tune into your heart – invite us into your life.

We are so proud of you taking this adventure and we are thrilled for you and with you for all the good things coming! You are so very blessed. You are also much stronger than you realize, truly nothing can harm you and you will have all the treasures you seek.

Today, remember the glory of who you are. Your true self in all your radiant beauty. In all your shimmery light. Revel in it – delight in all you have become and be on happy anticipation of all you have yet to become. It is but a heartbeat away.

You have come here to play, beloved! It is all a game! And you have amassed such a collection of admiring playmates – all sorts – and your feline Earth Angels and more.

We most want you to realize how powerful you are, how perfectly adept at creating you are. You are a creative genius – an ascended master it’s true! The world is your candy store, what shall you choose today?

  • The Council of Light, as channelled  through Alexandria Barker

Here's Proof the Law of Attraction Works!

I always love to share news of a Law of Attraction win. This one comes from a reader thanking me for my earlier efforts on their behalf. They graciously allowed me to share their success story as a way of cheering you on to your next Law of Attraction win!

“Hi Alexandria,

     Back in May I wrote to you for help in manifesting employment.  I am happy to tell you that I have been successful.  It was with a series of  “squeaking thru”  and  “just under the wire”  situations that I was accepted into this company.  Hooray !

Thanks again for your help.”
Funnily enough, on the same day I  received the following question from a reader that was also on the topic of career  and it was such a great question that I decided to answer it in a blog post so you can potentially also benefit, or share with a friend. , though I won’t publish their name in order to preserve their privacy.
“Hi Alexandria !
Thanks ever so much for the below noted e-zine ! (September Newsletter)
It is very timely 🙂
I agree – I believe that “back to school” is the real start of the “new year”. I loved the tips for weight loss – do you have any for getting a new position with  your current employer? I have been trying the LOA but so far haven’t had much success (I will not give up). But I am wondering if there is something I am missing  🙂
If you have any tips – I would love to receive them.”
 I recommend Acting As If as a powerful way to give the Universe clear direction about your intention.
This means dress for the position you want, bone up on any additional skills that it may require, you get the drift. But in addition, focus on using the LOA to your advantage. I love the scripting process, where you  journal about your day as if you actually have that job NOW. Make it as real as you can, including rich details about how you’re enjoying the fresh challenges, new co-workers, new income level!
Write affirmations such as “I’m totally rocking ________” and post where you’ll see them often. Celebrate in advance, treating yourself to something special because you earned it by attracting this promotion!
I especially like scripting out loud with a partner, someone who gets what you’re trying to accomplish, which is to FEEL the vibration of  what you want to attract. In other words, WHY do you want this new position? Then discuss it with a trusted friend as if it’s already happened. As in, “I just called to tell you how much I love this new job! I feel fabulous, creative, inspired, and I love that I get paid to do __________ because it’s so rewarding, and the money is great!”
The longer you can hold yourself in that place the quicker you’ll attract that matching energy to yourself. And remember, Abraham says that the reason we want anything is because we want the way we think we’ll feel when it arrives. So why not skip the middle man (for now) and go directly to those positive feelings! Do things that feel good as often as possible. Indulge in daydream pretending (I like to thinks of this as pre-INtending, virtually trying that potential future on for size now.
I also like Abraham’s List of Appreciation. List out all the things you love about this new job, and about your new employer. And while you’re at it, remember to flow lots of love and appreciation to the job you’re at now. Keep those good feelings flowing and you’ll soon be writing me to share your happy success! 🙂

Instant Karma’s Gonna Get You

Is your karma good or bad? And whichever it is, what does that mean to you? Can you change it? In John Lennon’s song Instant Karma he warns that it’s “gonna get you, knock you right in the head.” Ouch! So what exactly is karma, and what can we do about it?
The concept of karma dates back to about 300 BC. Wikipedia describes it as the spiritual principle of cause and effect, where a person’s intent and actions influences their future. It states that good intent and deed contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and deed contribute to bad karma and future suffering. In some religions it’s believed that your present karma affects not only your future in this life, but the quality of your future lives.
A more mainstream understanding of karma can be found in the wisdom of the expression, ‘what goes around, comes around,’ which suggests karma is like a boomerang. For every action, there is a reaction. If, by your action, you create pain and suffering for another, you’ll one day experience the same. If you are kind and generous to others, you’ll receive that as well.
While I believe we are infinite beings who come to play on Earth for countless lifetimes, I resist the belief that I’m doomed to spend any life atoning for the wrong doings of another one. I like to think I’m in control of my karma.
Lennon’s Instant Karma resonates with me because it is so clearly evident in daily life. I don’t need my crystal ball to tell me if I drink too much wine I’ll have a sleepless night and wake with a pounding headache, if I drive recklessly I’ll increase my odds of having a car accident, or that if I’m nasty to someone I’ll receive the same in return.
Being good to myself as well as others fits right in with my beliefs regarding the Law of Attraction, that things of a similar vibration are attracted to each other. What we think about, we bring about.
Have you noticed that people with a happy cheerful nature seem to primarily experience good things? And that those who often criticize themselves and others seem to attract negative circumstances and people? That’s karma in action, my friend, and is totally within your control.
Lennon goes on to sing, ‘you better recognize your brother is everyone you meet’. I share his belief that we are all connected. Being kind to others makes me happy. And if that happiness is the price I have to pay to incur good karma in this and possibly future lives, I guess I’ll just have to live with it!
For, as Lennon’s song concludes, “We all shine on. Like the moon and the stars and the sun. Yeah we all shine on. On and on and on on and on.”
Feel free to contact me if you need some help with your karma!

The Importance of Action with the Law of Attraction

September, for me, feels more ‘new year’ than Jan 1. It triggers the urge for action; the ideal time to assess goals and decide what to start, stop or continue.
Is it time for a new diet and exercise regime? If so, which one? For many of my clients this is a big question. With so many choices, how do you know what’s really right for you?
I want to share how you can use the most powerful law of the universe to your benefit, because the truth is, unless your actions align with your predominant thoughts and core beliefs, you’ll just be spinning your wheels.
The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like; everything is energy, and things of a similar vibration attract to each other. Everything begins as a thought which, when thought upon more, becomes a powerful creative force drawing more thoughts that match it.
If continued, this energy will expand and you’ll begin to notice conversations, circumstances and events that match it also. And while taking action is absolutely part of the law of attraction (built right into the name), to have the kind of effect you want they must be inspired actions that feel good to you.
Forcing yourself to do things you dislike won’t get you there! You must either adjust the action, or the way you feel about it.
Let’s say you’ve decided to lose weight this fall. For many this means harboring critical thoughts about their body, feeling fat, daily weigh-ins, taking measurements, and chastising themselves for each perceived failure.
If this is your focus, guess what you’re attracting? More of the same. More punitive thoughts, more reasons to feel fat, more opportunities to judge yourself not good enough.
No amount of exercise is going to turn that around for you, my friend. Forcing yourself to jog will not net the results you want. Consider instead the LOA-friendly method – take time to connect with yourself through quiet contemplation. Flow love to your body, listing all the things you adore about it exactly as it is now. Appreciate how great it is to be here having a physical experience, with all that entails. Delight in your senses and all they allow you to do.
Thinking of your body as your companion through life with its own consciousness, ask what it needs from you to keep it in peak condition, being open to receiving the answer in whatever form it comes.
Maybe it would like to try a different approach to eating. Perhaps it would like more exercise, but prefers yoga, walking or swimming to sweating it out at the gym. Give it what it wants, and the resulting good feeling will radiate out and return with many more positive feelings and life experiences.
Everything responds to love, and deliberately loving yourself more will do more to promote health and longevity than any other action you can take!
For more helpful hints or to engage my coaching services please visit