meditationI feel Meditation is the essential self-care. Did you know you can use it to train your brain for success?

 Meditate just 15 minutes a day to reap its many mental, emotional and physical rewards. You’ll be amazed how much you will benefit from even that amount of time.

A primary benefit is the deep breathing, which oxygenates your blood & lowers blood pressure, as we touched discussed in the previous article in this series.

But physical benefits are just the beginning. It also increases happiness, creativity and intuition, all of which will have a direct impact on your business! As you gain clarity and peace of mind, problems become smaller. Meditation puts you in control, refreshing and revitalizing you when you feel overwhelmed by the demands of your business.

All you really need is a place where you won’t be disturbed for about 15 minutes. I recommend meditating at the same time and place each day, so it becomes a habit. This conditions your mind; just by going to your regular meditation spot your mind and body will naturally go into meditation mode.

You may like to add things like flowers, candles, or images you find inspiring. Then just sit, quiet your mind and calm your body, and simply count your breaths, or listen to a guided meditation (I offer many free meditations here on my website).

I recommend breathing in cycles of 10, beginning again anytime your mind wanders. And it will, and that’s ok! Just keep bringing your focus back to your breath.

In Meditation you actively train your brain to think about what you choose, rather than leaving it up to its own resources.

This in turn increases your capacity to focus, allowing you to complete business tasks in record time! With meditation you gain control over your mind, enabling you to eliminate negative thinking and cultivate a positive, nurturing, supportive inner voice.

With a supportive inner voice instead of a critical one, you’ll soon see your dreams unfolding before your eyes!