This morning I woke to a phone call – the kind you hope never to receive. reiki image

Between sobs, a dear friend told me our mutual friend had been hit by a truck while crossing the street the night before, and was in the hospital with a fractured skull, brain bleeding, spinal injuries and multiple broken bones. She was in critical condition, conscious but not recognizing people, and was on breathing support as they continued to monitor her.

I was in shock – just the day before we had all been making plans to get together, buying tickets to an upcoming event.

Due to limited visitation I was unable to go to her, and for a few moments I felt pretty helpless – then I remembered I have access to some pretty awesome powers!

I’ve been a Reiki Master Teacher for 20 years and have thoroughly incorporated it into my daily life; augmenting my meditations, charging my water and food, and using it to maintain vibrant health. It’s become so second-nature to me I sometimes forget about how magical it is to be able to send love and healing energy to myself and others, as well as to the future, the past and present.

The call reminded me how truly valuable it is.

I immediately called on my angels, requesting that any available angels fly to her. Then I began Distant Reiki, a process learned at the 2nd Degree of Reiki. I repeated the mantra, “May she be safe, may she be well, may she be peaceful, may she be joyful” over and over as I sent Reiki healing.

But there was still more assistance I could offer. I quickly put out the call to other Reiki Masters I know, who all agreed to promptly send healing also.

About an hour later I got another call from my friend, who was allowed to visit as she was standing in for family. She had taken a break to grab a coffee. When she returned our friend showed noticeable improvement after receiving high-powered Reiki from 5 Reiki Masters!

I’m so grateful to have Reiki, and to my wonderful fellow Reiki Masters for dropping everything to send love and healing to a stranger just because I asked them to. I swear I will never take it for granted again, and will continue to offer this healing, as well as continuing to train those who are called to learn this incredible life-changing ability.

I’ve seen Reiki work miracles in my life and the lives of others. I have used it with my daughters, who were able to have drug-free labors and safe deliveries in the comfort of


their own homes. I believe it will be a real asset moving forward as we ascend, because part of it’s benefit is to raise the users vibration.

Reiki heals on every level; mind, body, spirit, emotion, and having its own innate knowing of where it’s most needed, needs no direction from the practitioner. It brings the individual receiving it to a place where their body/mind/spirit can heal.

I offer both private and semi-private Reiki training, and because I strongly believe Reiki should be available to all who are called to it, I offer an online Reiki Training program at a deep discount rates. In both cases a certificate and manual are included, so the new Reiki is able to start a healing business of their own if they choose. You can learn more about Reiki here, and about online Reikihere.

If you would like your own personal channeled message from the Celestials just let me know! Details are here

Have a beautiful day, and I invite you to drop by my website to see all that I offer to help you live a happy, carefree life!

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Love & Light,
