by Alexandria Barker | Nov 16, 2020 | Law of Attraction
Want to change your relationship with money? Then you have to create a new money story.
I was inspired to transcribe a fabulous Abraham-Hicks money rampage that gives you step by step instructions on how to tell a new money story that will serve you well! I committed it to memory because I love to run through rampages while driving, walking, or doing something like the dishes that don’t require much attention. It beats filling my head with all the negative stuff on the radio! Give it a try for 30 days, and let me know your results!

New Money Story
“I’m on my way to feelings of such freedom and I’m beginning to feel my power. It’s so exciting to be this age in life and knowing what I know.
I’m so excited about what’s up there ahead of me and I believe my vibrational escrow is full of wonderful things and it will be fun to watch them turn up in the way that they will.
And I see evidence every day that the universe is working on my behalf.
More and more I’m believing that I really am that blessed worthy person that Abraham’s been talking about and things really are getting better and better.
I wouldn’t for a moment want the things I think I want to happen all at once. I want them to come in a way that I can enjoy them and I want them to continually expand. I believe what Abraham says, that there will always be a gap and I will never get it done, so I’m happy with the progress.
I don’t want it all at once I just want to be sure I’m moving in the right direction. And I can tell by the way I feel that I am. I’m feeling lighter and more free, hopeful and believing things are going better and I’m trusting things will start manifesting around that.
If it doesn’t happen all at once or quickly, I’m alright with that, I’ve got plenty of time and look at me, aren’t I the lucky one because I know what to do and there isn’t even a little part of me that doesn’t know that I’m the creator of my own reality. I know that I am.
I know I create my reality and I know I can tell which way I’m going and I can see how much good stuff has come to me already. I’m really quite proud of how far I’ve come and I know I’m never going to stop wanting, so I think it’s time to stop worrying about the parts that seem to be missing and start appreciating the parts that are there.
And there are so many of them, lets see; I could make a list right now of all the things that are going very well in my life experience!” – Abraham Hicks
Your next step – go ahead and write that list! Savor each item, say ‘thanks you’ and feel the gratitude for each! Enjoy! And please drop me a line & let me know how this works for you!
by Alexandria Barker | Nov 10, 2020 | Law of Attraction, Spiritual Healing
On Nov. 11, 11 am, Canada takes a pause from technology and the busyness of life to remember those who shed blood in service to our country. If you are unable to attend a public service, or wish to honor them privately, I offer this Remembrance Day meditation.
Memorial Meditation
Start by turning off all distractions so you can direct your attention within. We will use a variation of the Heart Math institute’s Heart Breath for this meditation:
- Find a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Take a few deep breaths, breathing in for a count of 3 and out for 5 to center yourself
- Once you’ve made this connection, direct your breathing to your heart center as if you could literally breathe through your heart. Begin to breathe Love in and out with every breath
- Do this for several breaths, then focus on feeling GRATITUDE. Spend 2 minutes (or longer) sending your energy, love and gratitude out through your heart with each breath
- Imagine the fallen receiving all this GRATITUDE
- When you’ve completed your memorial meditation, gently bring yourself back into the room you’re in, and strive to maintain this feeling of gratitude throughout the rest of the day, truly appreciating all the freedom and privileges we enjoy today because of the courage and selflessness of those brave souls. Namaste
by Alexandria Barker | Nov 6, 2020 | Law of Attraction, Spiritual Healing
I feel Meditation is the essential self-care. Did you know you can use it to train your brain for success?
Meditate just 15 minutes a day to reap its many mental, emotional and physical rewards. You’ll be amazed how much you will benefit from even that amount of time.
A primary benefit is the deep breathing, which oxygenates your blood & lowers blood pressure, as we touched discussed in the previous article in this series.
But physical benefits are just the beginning. It also increases happiness, creativity and intuition, all of which will have a direct impact on your business! As you gain clarity and peace of mind, problems become smaller. Meditation puts you in control, refreshing and revitalizing you when you feel overwhelmed by the demands of your business.
All you really need is a place where you won’t be disturbed for about 15 minutes. I recommend meditating at the same time and place each day, so it becomes a habit. This conditions your mind; just by going to your regular meditation spot your mind and body will naturally go into meditation mode.
You may like to add things like flowers, candles, or images you find inspiring. Then just sit, quiet your mind and calm your body, and simply count your breaths, or listen to a guided meditation (I offer many free meditations here on my website).
I recommend breathing in cycles of 10, beginning again anytime your mind wanders. And it will, and that’s ok! Just keep bringing your focus back to your breath.
In Meditation you actively train your brain to think about what you choose, rather than leaving it up to its own resources.
This in turn increases your capacity to focus, allowing you to complete business tasks in record time! With meditation you gain control over your mind, enabling you to eliminate negative thinking and cultivate a positive, nurturing, supportive inner voice.
With a supportive inner voice instead of a critical one, you’ll soon see your dreams unfolding before your eyes!
by Alexandria Barker | Nov 4, 2020 | Law of Attraction
I know how busy you are, and how easy it is to let self-care slide – you’re so busy taking care of everyone else!
But I also know how sensitive you are – and as such, how vitally important self-care is for you! So I’ve created this 3 part blog post on how you can make the most of the time you have available – 3 simple steps to shift from Stressed to Success in all areas of your life! And the best part is, it won’t cost you a dime!
I’m going to show you how to use Movement, Meditation & Mindset to cultivate & maintain a positive attitude, and prevent dis-ease from becoming disease.
Movement can energize your life in just 30 minutes a day!
As a Lightworker myself, I know how busy you are, and how easy it is to forget the self-care that is so critical to your well-being. But it’s so important that you do take the time, for yourself and everyone who is depending on you!
Vibrant health is a big part of the abundant lives we all desire, and physical activity is a key component to that. Dancing, walking, yoga or any other activity that gets your heart pumping is your greatest ally to relieve stress. As an added bonus, you’ll also burn stored fat, so you’ll look better too!
Moving your body is the most effective way to relieve stress anywhere, place or time because it literally moves the energy of stress out of your body. You don’t have to join a gym – even your basic brisk walk around the block will do the trick, or hop on your treadmill or rebounder. Get that loving, caring heart of yours pumping! Any stress, worry, anxiety or anger you’re feeling won’t stand a chance! Aerobic activity releases endorphins, promotes deep breathing, which brings an abundance of fresh oxygen to every cell in your body.
I especially recommend yoga, for the benefits I’ve personally experienced over 10 years teaching it. Yoga is considered to be a moving meditation. It helps you develop a mind/body connection. When you practice yoga, your brain produces anti-anxiety chemicals (GABA) which keeps spirits high and relieves depression. Regular practice also prevents mindless eating and binge eating, as well as relieving backaches, asthma, and reducing the risk factor for diabetes.
Yoga is also helpful in reminding you how to breathe. We’re born knowing how to breathe properly. Just watch a baby breathe — their tummies rise and fall naturally as they flood their bodies with oxygen. But daily stresses cause most people to abandon ‘belly breathing’ for ‘chest breathing’, using only the tops of the lungs.
Stress makes your diaphragm contract, which reduces lung space, allowing less air per breath. To compensate, we automatically take more shallow breaths which constricts blood vessels, causing more stress.
The brain is the first organ to suffer from this under-supply of oxygen, making you even more susceptible to the physical effects of stress. Shallow breathing contributes to stress-related disorders like migraines, high blood pressure and panic attacks.
Deep yoga breathing helps relieve these problems, along with PMS, asthma and insomnia. By fully inhaling, you bring abundant oxygen to every cell. Full exhalations release pollution and stale air. Deep breathing helps all cells, tissues and organs perform at peak levels.
So one of the best stress relief activities you can do is to breathe properly! Even if you only have a few minutes between activities, make the most of them with a few deep breaths, breathing in for a count of 3 and out for 5. Now, don’t you feel better! 🙂 Stay tuned for part 2 of this mini-series, coming soon!
by Alexandria Barker | Oct 22, 2020 | Healing Crystals, Law of Attraction, Spiritual Healing
Love is one thing we can all use more of – good to know you can become a magnet to love, with a little help from the Law of Attraction and crystals! By combining the power of crystals with your focus and intention, you can create the kind of relationships you truly desire!
Rose Quartz is my favorite stone for love. Not only does it encourage self love, it helps draw new love to you, or deepen existing relationships. A piece of Rose Quartz under your bed will attract new love or renew existing love relationships, depending on your intention. You can also place a piece in the Relationship corner of your home, the farthest right rear corner from the front door.
It’s also a great idea to wear rose quartz as a pendant – especially a heart shaped one – so your heart chakra is continually bathed with the beautiful energy of this loving stone. Speaking of bathing, you can place a few Rose Quartz stones in your bath and literally submerge yourself in this loving gentle energy.
Rose Quartz is also my favorite stone for healing and balancing the Heart Chakra. It’s considered to be the most important stone for both the physical heart and the heart chakra.
The Heart Chakra, located at the center of your chest, is the chakra of love, compassion, devotion and generosity. A healthy heart chakra enables you to love deeply. It fills you with gratitude for the opportunity to live life and the desire to give back. The more open your heart chakra is, the greater your capacity for love.
Rose Quartz is the crystal of peace and unconditional love. It opens the heart, teaching the true meaning of love, and brings deep healing and self love. This lovely pink stone has a calming, reassuring quality that also makes it ideal to use for traumas or crisis.
From a Law of Attraction perspective, Rose Quartz is a great stone to work with because it promotes self love. This is very important, because without self acceptance you won’t have much success attracting the things you really want — you won’t think you deserve them!
It’s also a wonderful stone to hold while doing your affirmations. Carry or wear it throughout your day to remind you of your intentions.
Before you begin working with your rose quartz, it’s important to take time to cleanse it of any negative energy. No matter where you obtained your stone, you have no way of knowing the degree of negative energy it may have absorbed from the time it was mined to the time you bought it. However, cleansing and purifying your stone is easy do do.
Simply hold the stone in your left (receiving) hand and cover it with your right hand. Imagine the space you’re in being filled with white healing light from the Universe. Ask that the Rose Quartz be cleansed with Universal Love and Universal Light.
When you feel this is complete, it’s time to really get to know your stone. When holding it in the palm of your hand, ask to be connected with it’s highest energy. Ask it to work with you for your highest good and the highest good of all concerned, for whatever purpose you choose ( such as attracting self-love, a new mate, or renewed love with your present partner).
Once you connect with one piece of Rose Quartz this way, you will automatically have the same connection with all Rose Quartz you come into contact with (though they will still need to be cleansed and purified.)
Is it any wonder it’s my favorite stone for love? Try these tips and your love life will soar – starting with your love of self.
If you like this, you’ll love my Wishful Manifestation System in which we explore your rainbow chakra body and how to heal it, enabling the Law of Attraction to bring your desires to you!