Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway!

Does stepping into your power scare the daylights out of you? That’s ok! Natural, in fact. But that doesn’t mean you should let fear rule you!

Fear often means you’re on the brink of transformation – a clearer more expansive you waits on the other side!

Last week I took to the stage for my first public channeling. Scary? You bet! I always channel in private, I had no guarantee my Angels would come through in a public forum! What if I opened my mouth and nothing came out?

My Angels had assured me they would be there as they always are, but I was still very nervous.

For no reason, it turns out – the messages came through loud and clear and were so well received, I channeled for 35 minutes instead of the 10 minutes I had been allotted – nobody wanted it to stop! It was a total success and I can’t wait to do it again!

Of course I had prepared for the even as best I could – visualizing (mental rehearsal) and scripting (journaling about it as if it had already happened exactly as I wanted) then I just let it go, trusting all would be well.

And it was. And that will also be the case for you! Set a ‘to do by’ date and go for it!

You may want to check out my 21-day Visualization for Manifestation program at AlexandriaBarker.com for further guidance.

Love, Alexandria

Do You Have Healing Powers?

This morning I woke to a phone call – the kind you hope never to receive. reiki image

Between sobs, a dear friend told me our mutual friend had been hit by a truck while crossing the street the night before, and was in the hospital with a fractured skull, brain bleeding, spinal injuries and multiple broken bones. She was in critical condition, conscious but not recognizing people, and was on breathing support as they continued to monitor her.

I was in shock – just the day before we had all been making plans to get together, buying tickets to an upcoming event.

Due to limited visitation I was unable to go to her, and for a few moments I felt pretty helpless – then I remembered I have access to some pretty awesome powers! (more…)