Happy Valentine’s Day my friends! This has got to be one of my favorite ‘holidays’, because it focuses on love! If you aren’t in a relationship, indulge yourself the way you would want them to! Buy yourself the flowers and chocolate, make a special meal, or some other treat! The more love you bring into your life the more you attract to you, in every relationship!

Happy Valentine’s Day

Whether you have that special someone in your life now, or in the process of attracting them, this is a great day to let EVERYONE you love know how you feel about them. In fact why settle for just a day when we can celebrate love all month – year round for that matter!
The more you generate love in your heart, the more you’ll see it manifest in the world around you. And to think – it all began with you! So that’s where the love should also begin – with loving yourself! You absolutely have to fall in love with yourself, warts and all, before you attract someone who will love you as completely. Loving yourself unconditionally will encourage others to do the same, as well as being great training for you loving them unconditionally as well!
A great ritual to begin today — list 100 things you love and are grateful for each day (you’ll be surprised how quickly they add up!)
If you ARE in a relationship, try Abraham’s technique of listing all your favorite things about that person, like the things that attracted you in the first place. You’ll see more you like by doing this, guaranteed! Everyone loves to be appreciated – what a great gift to give! And again, share the love with yourself!
And while you’re at it, why not do an appreciation list for everyone you interact with on a regular basis? See the best in them, and they’ll show you their best.
Be the change you want to see in your world, and make every day a Happy Valentine’s Day!

Love & Light, Alexandria