Today I have some very good news for you!

You need never be lonely again. There’s no need to miss loved ones who have transitioned – they are not lost to you. They are literally as close as the air you breath.

This applies to the pets you have loved as well as the people.

They are energy, as you are. Energy doesn’t go away! It changes form, like water changing from liquid to solid to ether. We are energy, and will cycle through different forms forever.

I just love knowing this. It means when I miss someone I ‘lost’, I know I can connect with them. I may not be able to wrap my arms around them like I used to, but if I sit very quietly and feel for their energy, I can sense their love and warmth just as clearly.

You can too! Try experimenting with this by practicing with someone who literally is in the next room. drop down into your heart center and feel them. Close your eyes, feel for their scent. Touch their hair, their hand. Gaze into their eyes. Conjour them up as clearly as you can, and speak to them in your mind. Be with them in your mind. Send them love.

When you are satisfied with this connection, try with someone further away. As you become confident that distance is no barrier, ask to connect with a loved one. I expect you will be amazed at the results!

If you would like your own personal channeled message from the Celestials just let me know!