How The Law Of Attraction Works

A vision of being a public speaker becomes more real when you back it up with action – such as joining Toastmasters and competing!

How the Law of Attraction works is amazing to me – I learned a powerful lesson in it this week I wanted to share with you. I need to give a bit of background to do that effectively.
Those of you following my Toronto Star Turning Point competition progress will recall I was asked to establish a measurable goal for the 3 month project. I decided to focus on public speaking, an area I’ve had extensive training in but haven’t taken a lot of action on. I decided my goal was to play a much bigger game as a transformational speaker, sharing all the tools I’ve learned to help people live happier more fulfilling lives
The idea was intoxicating – I could easily envision myself on stage in a room filled with people eagerly absorbing all the teachings I had to offer. I shared this idea with the coach The Star appointed me, and she agreed it could be a thrilling career move.
Then we began really fleshing out the idea and all it entailed – the ACTION component of Law of Attraction. Things like all the traveling it would entail. Turns out, that’s a stopping point for me. Somehow, when I envisioned speaking to a sold-out crowd who were eager to buy my products and learn more, I didn’t give much consideration to the ‘real life’ actions of all those plane rides, all those nights alone in a hotel room.
When I sat and thought about THOSE aspects, the flip side of the coin, the idea quickly lost it’s appeal. I’m a homebody at heart, and travel isn’t at the top of my list of things I want to do. It’s actually a lot closer to the bottom!
Another suggestion was to relocate to a larger center (I’m currently a country girl) so I’d be in closer proximity to my potential clients. Translation: to make big money helping people, I need to live in the city. One problem with this – my total lack of desire to live in the city! Nothing against them, I personally just find more peace and serenity in my quiet peace of heaven surrounded by gardens and nature, not a sky-scraper in sight.
So it turns out, I’m not interested in being a Superstar jet-setting all over the world. I want to make a positive impact on tens of thousands, but from my home. So that’s my new & improved goal.
This is how the Law of Attraction works – it attracts not just what we spend 15 minutes a day focusing on, but what we vibrate throughout our entire waking day. So it helps to separate the wheat from the shaft- fantasy from reality. If you have a dream for yourself that seems to be taking a long time to come to fruition, I invite you to imagine the reality. Not just the delivery of the big talk, but all you have to do to GET THERE.
If you want a degree, for example, are you prepared to invest the time and money it takes? All the hours of study? All the sacrifice?
My advice is to dream big, hold the image of it coming to fruition (see it from the end) during your visualization, but also give some thought to exactly how this will impact your life. Talk to people who’ve already achieved what you want. You may decided to scale your dream back, or scrap it altogether. Either way, you’ll achieve the clarity necessary to send a consistent vibrational message to the Universe, which it will respond to, because that’s just how the Law of Attraction works.
In my case, I’m confident the Universe will deliver exactly what I most desire. It will find a unique way to make it all work together for my highest good and the good of all.

Love & Light, Alexandria


The Law of Attraction Works

the law of attraction works imageIf you’re always striving to achieve other goals and plans, you’re going to love this post! It’s all about letting go, because the Law of Attraction works best when we’re happy, relaxed and peaceful!
It makes perfect sense when you think about how the Law of Attraction works; we create our lives through our thoughts, always attracting more of what we’re focused on. So if you’re locked into a pattern of always striving to be-do-have more, you’re setting yourself up to experience more of that feeling – a feeling of lack.

How Crystals Form

Crystal TherapyEver wonder how crystals form? Let’s take an imaginary journey to the center of the earth and find out!
Different types of crystals are created in different ways, but almost all crystals form by new matter being added to a mass of crystal that’s already growing.
Some, such as quartz minerals, begin their life in the fiery gasses found in the center of the earth (magma) or in volcanic lava that’s streamed up to the earth’s surface.

As it cools and hardens these magmatic, or igneous, crystals are formed. This can happen quite quickly, resulting in small crystals, or take eons, allowing large crystals to form. (more…)