The Law of Attraction Works

the law of attraction works imageIf you’re always striving to achieve other goals and plans, you’re going to love this post! It’s all about letting go, because the Law of Attraction works best when we’re happy, relaxed and peaceful!
It makes perfect sense when you think about how the Law of Attraction works; we create our lives through our thoughts, always attracting more of what we’re focused on. So if you’re locked into a pattern of always striving to be-do-have more, you’re setting yourself up to experience more of that feeling – a feeling of lack.

Stress Relief Activities

Is your relationship stressing you out? You need stress relief activities! Solve difficulties and love the people in your life again, warts and all, with a little help from the Law of Attraction!
Here I’ll share some favorite techniques, stress relief activities that actually fix the relationship problem. I’ve used these Abraham-Hicks processes to fix relationship issues (big and small) and keep my relationships strong and happy. I address this fully in my online course Wishful Thanking.

Abraham tells us our outer lives are a direct reflection of what’s going on inside, so if I notice ornery behavior in someone else, I know I’m on the same vibration.
So instead of getting stressed out and blaming them for my stress, I ask myself where I’m demonstrating the same in my life, and where I can offer more love. When I make the effort to improve my mood and raise my vibration, I often notice radical shifts in the other person as well.
By taking the time to really appreciate someone’s finer qualities, I notice more and more of them, through the power of the Law of Attraction. When I think of someone with love, really feeling it in my heart and projecting it to them, I notice definite improvements in the relationship very quickly.
Because we’re all connected, our loved ones (and everyone else) know exactly how we feel about them, so you can’t just give it lip service, you have to dig down (sometimes deep!) for your genuine feelings. It may not be nice to fool Mother Nature, but it’s impossible to fool the Law of Attraction!

Granted, sometimes you really have to look for their positive aspects. But
you only have to come up with one! Focus on it, pondering the reasons you value this attribute, and the Law of Attraction will bring more to you. Magic!
I love Abraham’s Book of Positive Aspects technique, where you list all the things you love about all the people who are important to you. Guaranteed to fix relationship problems! Then, if you’re having a tough time relating to them, you can refer to the book and remind yourself why love having this person in your life!
Another stress relief activities tool in my relationship tool box is Abraham’s ‘Wouldn’t it be nice if . . .’ process.
This process works like a charm, because when you really know what you don’t want, you really know what you do want. So I just pull out my journal and write about the situation as if it’s ALREADY been resolved precisely the way I want it.
Give yourself some time for this one, really get into the feeling place, and you’ll see results. It may take more than one sitting, but you will see results!
If I’m really at a loss and don’t know what to do, I pull out the big guns. I call on my Angels. They always know how to fix relationship problems! I just ask them to bring about a healing that is in the highest good of all concerned. Then I take my mind completely off the situation, knowing it’s being handled by the relationship experts!
If necessary, I’ll use a releasing technique such as EFT to address any negative feelings I’m having and shift myself back into a positive vibe that will allow the healing to take place.
I hope these stress relief activities help you fix relationship issues. I welcome your comments and any suggestions you might have!

In Light, Alexandria