Wellness Tips From Your Body to You

Wellness Tips
One of the most important wellness tips you’ll ever receive is this: you can improve your health and well-being naturally, simply by listening to your body!
Your body will tell you where you have blocked energy. For example, headaches are thought to indicate two conflicting internal feelings. They can be eliminated by allowing both to have a voice.
Catching a cold, flu or other virus indicates your body needs a rest, an opportunity to get back into balance. When was the last time you took time out to play? If you don’t rest when you need to, your body will send stronger and stronger messages until you do – so why push yourself. Give yourself the break you need and you’ll be much more productive!
Complexion problems could indicate you’re holding back your male energy (whether you are male or female). Wellness tips:  take action or express yourself more clearly. If a skin rash erupts, it indicates you’re itching to do something. Wellness tips: ask yourself what, and follow your intuition.
Allergies indicate a lack of trust in your intuition and repressed feelings, such as sorrow or anger, and can be eased by expressing those feelings. If your allergy symptoms include watery eyes, it indicates you are suppressing sorrow.
Back pain stems from the feeling that you have to support others, and feel the need to express your feelings. Low back pain often indicates suppressed sorrow or financial fears, while upper back pain often represents suppressed anger.
Menstrual cramps indicate you haven’t been listening to your inner female. Wellness tips — spend some quality time with yourself, turn your attention within and honor your emotions.
Though some of these wellness tips may strike you as strange, they’re amazingly effective. But don’t take my word for it – try them yourself and see! Listen to your body with your inner knowing, and try to really hear what it has to tell you.

Beginners Meditation

This beginners meditation article will tell you all you need to know to begin your healing meditation practice!
I was personally taught by a Buddhist monk, and I can tell you establishing a meditation practice will improve your life in ways you can’t even imagine!

Like most habits, meditation quickly become a natural part of your day if you stick with a scheduled time, preferably in a place you enjoy where you won’t be disturbed.
To help find inner peace, set up a
shrine using objects that inspire you, such as pictures, candles or incense.


How to make a Vision Board

Make a vision board using this as an example!

How do you make a vision board? They’re fun and easy to make, and by focusing on what you want to create, you begin attracting it to you. Basically to make a vision board, gather some magazines, glue stick, something to glue them onto, and your intention. What do you want to create?
I like to start with a brief meditation to really get clear on what I want to manifest – your intention is what it’s all about, so you many want to do this too!
Watch as a group of friends and I create our 2011 vision boards, with this short video. 
What ever you put on YOUR vision board, remember to take time each day to focus on it and VISUALIZE having all the things on it! And as they start manifesting in your life – and they will – celebrate those wins! Enjoy!

Attract Money This Way!

I’m often asked how to attract money when it seems to disappear as fast as it comes. How do you focus on wealth when it seems debt is all around you?
A great Law of Attraction technique I use is to pay myself first. This is not a new concept- my father, an accountant, stressed the importance of this to me regularly.
One benefit of this practice is, it shifts your focus from how much you owe to how much you already have. It’s so much easier to feel gratitude for what you have – and feeling gratitude for the money in your life now is how to attract money!
I’d recommend anyone struggling with money to start this practice, no matter how small the amount. Having a goal for this income, such as a home improvement or a holiday, gives you something positive to focus on, giving that positive vibe even more juice.
However, there’s a difference between having that savings account, and it having you. Sometimes you have to compromise – that’s when one of my favorite Abraham Hicks processes, ‘What thought feels better’, comes in very handy! I found it very helpful when faced with what seem to be conflicting desires recently.
attract moneyI have a savings account reserved for a particular income stream that I use for household projects. I figure money is energy, so a great way to attract money is to give it a happy place to hang out! Over a period of time I amassed a nice sum, enough to pay for a this year’s up-grade in full. I have no immediate plans for the reno, but liked the security of knowing the money was there waiting for me.
Then, as they say, life happened – in this case, my dishwasher broke.
This unexpected expense went onto my credit card. Watching the number climb was not a good feeling. Neither was dipping into my savings to accommodate the extra expense – because it felt like putting my vision on hold.
Though I actually had more money than usual, I felt financially pinched. That is SO not the vibration I want to be sending out to the Universe! It’s no way to attract money! I’m well aware that what I put out I’ll get right back – I definitely don’t want more reasons to feel lack, when my goal is always to feel abundant and happy.
So I played the Abe ‘What thought feels better’ process. Did I feel richer knowing the money was safely tucked away, or using it to pay down my credit card? Was there a way I could enjoy both, thereby keeping my vibe positive?
In the end, I made an executive decision – since I won’t be moving forward with the project (new kitchen floor) till spring, I decided my money would serve me better applied against my debt – but in a way that didn’t compromise my future vision.
I decided to take the majority, leaving a respectable chunk of ‘seed money’ in reserve. I also made minor improvements; a fresh coat of paint and refinishing the cupboards made a dramatic impact with minimal costs. And, I rationalized, a new dishwasher was one of the items on my dream kitchen reno, so I was still moving forward with the big picture.

As soon as I made the decision, I felt immediately lighter. Suddenly my feeling was that I had MORE THAN ENOUGH money. Now that’s a vibe I can milk! As in proclaiming, “I have Tons of money! I don’t have to hoard it, there’s plenty more where that came from!”
Not only that, I also felt so financially responsible – in a good way!
“I am a master money manager!” Thinking these kinds of thoughts habitually is how to attract money!

Last but not least, I felt pride and satisfaction in making the home improvements myself, and the beautifying impact they had. These thoughts definitely feel better than the feeling of not having enough! They totally freed up my energy.
The next time you feel conflicted about anything, weight it out and see which thought feels better. It’s my experience that what is true for you feels light, what isn’t feels heavy. Try this and see how it works for you! And if all else fails, try the time-honored coin flip! While the coin is mid-air, you’ll know whether you’re hoping for a yes or no answer!

In Light