10 Top Manifesting Tips

Have you ever noticed how good kids are at getting what they want? They’re living proof that manifesting your desires can be as easy as child’s play! If you aren’t getting the results you want in life you may be getting in your own way, and making things much harder than they need to be! This list help you keep things sweet and simple, and easy!

 10 Top Manifesting Tips

1. Know your power! You are the thinker of the thoughts – if you don’t control them, they will control you. If the thought doesn’t feel good, tweak it till it does!
2. Appreciation is the highest vibration. Start your day with gratitude, listing 3 to 5 things to appreciate to set your tone for the day

3. Strive to stay healthy so you have the energy to create your desires! Proper diet and sleep still count!
4. You get a reset button when you go to sleep each night so mornings are incredibly sacred. Use this time to do affirmations, visualizations & gratitude lists!
5. Pre-alignment is the most important thing you can possibly invest in. Abraham calls this Pre-paving – essentially imagining it already happened exactly the way you want!
6. What you pre-intend, for better or worse, you create. Why not pretend what you want!
7. It’s not your occasional thoughts that build your life. It’s your dominant focus, so strive to be aware of your thoughts and think good ones as much as possible!
8. Creating and living a life is way more important than watching others live theirs, whether on tv or social media.
9. Take the time to create rituals that support you in who you want to become!
10. Don’t worry about your negative thoughts, we all have them, just try to stay positive at least 51% of the time!
Put these 10 items into practice and soon you will see your desires manifest before your eyes!

The Art Of Visualization

Visualization is the art of using your imagination to create a life situation you truly desire, by conjuring a clear image and focusing on it till it manifests.
Elite athletes use visualization in their training to boost performance. Russian scientists conducted a study comparing four groups of Olympic athletes. Group one did 100% physical training. Group two did 75% physical and 25% visualization. Group three was 50-50. Group four was 25% physical and 75% visualization. Who do you think performed the best? Group four!
But it doesn’t stop there! The uses of visualization are virtually limitless! We all use our imagination daily, but unfortunately most people use it their detriment, creating problems by conjuring worst-case scenarios they unknowingly project it into their future.
Fortunately, you can use it deliberately to create what you really want in life, including health, wealth, and love.
Every creation, from a sandwich to a musical masterpiece, begins as thought. An idea creates an image of the form, which draws physical energy to itself, allowing it to manifest into the physical plane.
To use this power to create your ideal life, follow these simple steps:

  1. Decide what you really want. This visualization is your blueprint, so feel into each aspect to ensure you’re creating what you truly want. Write it down, including lots of rich detail.


  1. Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for 5 – 10 minutes, then imagine your life as you’d like it be. Pretend whatever you want is now yours!


  1. Focus on your goal, using all of your senses to vividly imagine the situation unfolding just as you want it to – feel the feelings. Live it in the privacy of your mind with as much belief and gratitude as you can muster.

Then watch the magic as you see and hear evidence of these thoughts becoming things over the coming days.
The key to visualizing is to make it as realistic as if you’re living it now. Don’t worry about how it could come about, just focus on what you want as if you’ve already achieved or acquired it.
Thinking thoughts that fill you with passionate, positive emotions while visualizing will draw it quicker. The focused thought will cause the circumstances of your life to rearrange to produce more of that elated emotion in your life.
For best results visualize daily, perhaps closing by saying, “this, or something even better, manifests for my highest good,” leaving the Universe free to provide something even better than what your conscious mind can come up with.
You can amp up your belief factor by taking some actions to make these visions for your future feel real. Visit a show home, test drive that car, or make a vision board of things you’ll enjoy while living your dream life.
Visualize as vividly as you can — see it from the end. Imagine yourself already there and before long, you will be.
I have created an entire 21 day program around this, where I combine visualization recordings with affirmations to really drive the vision home! Check it out here 

Power Water!

Have you had your power water today? 
Drinking Water:

  • Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids
  • Can Help Control Calories
  • Helps Energize Muscles
  • Keeps Skin Looking Good
  •  Helps Your Kidneys
  •  Helps Maintain Normal Bowel Function

We are 70% water, so small wonder it has such an impact on us. But why just drink water when you can drink Power Water!

Masaru Emoto, featured in ‘What the Bleep do we know?’ is a Japanese author best known for his claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water.
After years of research, Emoto concluded that high-quality water forms beautiful and intricate frozen crystals, while low-quality water has difficulty forming crystals.
Emoto demonstrated that positive changes to water crystals can be achieved through prayer, music, or by attaching written words to a container of water. The beautiful image to your left is a water crystal from a container that had the word  ‘Love’ on it. In his experiments, water with words like ‘I hate you’ on it had distorted, ugly images.
Why not put his research to work for you?

Follow these simple steps to get the most from your water:

  • Fill a 2 liter glass jug with the highest quality water you have access to
  • Tape the words ‘Love’ or ‘Joy’ to the container
  • Hold the jug and project thoughts of love and gratitude to it
  • If you know Reiki or other energy work, send that energy to the water
  • Select a special glass to designate as your personal water glass – crystal preferably
  • place crystal bracelets around the glass (or around a plastic water bottle)
  • Use what ever crystals resonate with you, but if you’re using a plastic water bottle, be sure to include an Amethyst bracelet to purify the water of any toxins from the plastic.

Every time you drink, say ‘thank you for this water’
With this practice, you will continue to reap the benefits of gratitude as well as the myriad benefits of drinking more water – and, depending on the crystals you choose, you’ll be infusing the water with those qualities as well.
I find that adding a bit of ceremony to something I normally would take for granted encourages me to drink more, and feel special doing it! Try it, and it’ll do the same for you! Let me know how you make out!
Love & Light, Alexandria

Creating Your Own Sacred Space

Ahhh. Meditation. Is there anything as soothing and relaxing as clearing your mind while you just sit and breath?
You feel better just contemplating all the health benefits it gives you; reduced stress and anxiety, lower cholesterol levels, restful sleep, reduced blood pressure and more.
So you carve out a bit of ‘me time’ and get nicely settled in, prepared to gift yourself with this mental vac-kay. But, just as you are about to achieved total zen, somebody barges into the room to see what you’re up to, forcing you to stop and put their needs ahead of your own or sit there for your allotted time anyway, stewing in your juices instead of basking in serenity.
I feel your frustration. In fact I shared it often, until I decided to create my own sacred space where I could enjoy my spiritual practices uninterrupted. Today I want to share how you can do the same in an afternoon with a small space.
Having a special place to meditate is key to establishing this healthful habit. First, it helps you avoid the trap of squandering your precious time wandering from room to room deciding where to sit, noticing all the other things you “should” be doing instead, like housework – thoughts that take you right out of your zen frame of mind!
It also acts to condition your brain. Your mind and body EXPECT to be calm and quiet here, so you won’t encounter as much resistance to your practice.
In my case, I reclaimed a spare bedroom’s 4’ x 4’ closet, completely transforming it into an environment so beautiful and tranquil I can hardly wait for the daily opportunity to sit and sooth my spirit!
To begin, I completely emptied the closet, disposing of or finding new homes for its contents. I gave the interior a fresh coat of paint, hung sheer curtains for a door, strung white lights along the ceiling, and installed a wind chime at the entrance.
At each of the four corners I placed Hematite crystals (known for their grounding qualities) and some large Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz and Amethyst crystals I chose for their healing energy.
I covered the whole closet floor with quilts, turning it into one big pillow, and hung inspiring pictures on the walls. In one corner sits a “tree”, a vase filled with cut branches, decorated with fairy lights and crystals hung as ornaments.
An aromatherapy mister at the entrance adds mood and fragrance. Then, with my I-pad set on meditation music, I happily retreat from the world, to emerge refreshed and renewed 20 minutes later.
You can easily create something similar yet uniquely your own. Then, with your ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door, you’ll be all set to boost creativity, enhance your immune system and counteract the ill effects of stress, all by simply sitting and breathing. Ahhh.
As a yoga and meditation teacher, reiki master and life coach, I’ve learned how essential meditation is to my life! Having a peaceful happy mind begins with meditation, and this peace is reflected in your outer life! Try it yourself, take the 10 day meditation challenge and feel the difference!
Simply commit to meditating for 10 days in a row, and share your experience in my private Facebook group 

How Giving Brings Abundance

This is the ‘giving season’ which can put a lot of pressure on people, so I wanted to remind you that the greatest gifts are free! A kind smile (with your eyes, if your face is covered) a gentle word, donations of clothing, loving thoughts are very do-able ways to keep good vibes going!
And here’s some of my personal go-to activities to start the day right. I love to start the day with my 4 minutes of ‘happy for no reason’, it’s fun and easy and sets my vibrational tone for the day!
I made this video all about it! And here’s the link to the program I mention in it.