Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
Don’t you just love this season? Holiday happiness lingering, strangers wishing each other a Happy New Year, friends and lovers affirming to each other that this year will be better than the last. Everything feels crisp and new – a fresh new year ahead of you, like a freshly washed chalk board, waiting for you to write your story your way and create the best year of your life.
No I haven’t forgotten the snowstorms, gray days, icy roads . . . truth be told, sometimes I think I’d rather hibernate till spring! But there are a few things I rely on to help me weather winter, so I thought I’d share them with you.
Take advantage of the freshness of this time of year – create a vision for your future to live into! Make this the year you create a vision board filled with examples of what you choose to experience in the coming year. Write out your version of your perfect year, and read it often to stay on track.
Staying active is a must! It’s your best antidote to that sluggish feeling, and balances out those extra calories. Sign up for a new class that excites you, so you won’t mind braving the elements to get there. Why not try a new yoga class, or something more active like pilates or belly dancing. You can sample them right here on this blog!
We don’t get as much sun as we’re used to, so it’s a good idea to deliberately get out in it as much as you can. A brisk walk will rejuvenate you, or you can take a tip from cats; bask in sun streaming through a window and breathe in the light.
Even if you haven’t seen the sun in days, be assured its still there, and try not to let the weather dictate your mood. Maybe invest in a light box to give you a boost.
If you haven’t already, winter is a great time to establish a meditation practice. It just seems to come naturally this time of year. Like flower bulbs planted in the fall, we too need time to be still and allow our seeds of thought to take root and grow strong before sprouting to the surface.
The stillness of winter encourages being more mindful of our thoughts. Remember, good thoughts make good things grow! What you put out there will echo back to you, guaranteed! Are your thoughts helping or hindering you?
I wanted to offer you some words of wisdom I live by, adapted from The Five Spiritual Principals of Reiki.
The original reads:
Just for Today:
I will not worry
I will not be angry
I will do my work honestly
I will give thanks for my many blessings
I will be kind to my neighbors and all living things
Here’s my version:

Today, I’ll be happy, joyful and free

Today I’ll live in the moment

Today I’ll count my many blessings with gratitude

Today I’ll earn my living honestly and with Divine purpose

Today I’ll be kind to all living things.

Today I’ll judge no one and no thing

Today I’ll trust in the wisdom of the Universe

Today I’ll strive to see the divine spark in everyone.

Thanks for reading, thanks for sharing, and go make this YOUR year!

Love & Light



How Giving Brings Abundance

This is the ‘giving season’ which can put a lot of pressure on people, so I wanted to remind you that the greatest gifts are free! A kind smile (with your eyes, if your face is covered) a gentle word, donations of clothing, loving thoughts are very do-able ways to keep good vibes going!
And here’s some of my personal go-to activities to start the day right. I love to start the day with my 4 minutes of ‘happy for no reason’, it’s fun and easy and sets my vibrational tone for the day!
I made this video all about it! And here’s the link to the program I mention in it.

Your New Money Story!

Want to change your relationship with money? Then you have to create a new money story. 
I was inspired to transcribe a fabulous Abraham-Hicks money rampage that gives you step by step instructions on how to tell a new money story that will serve you well! I committed it to memory because I love to run through rampages while driving, walking, or doing something like the dishes that don’t require much attention. It beats filling my head with all the negative stuff on the radio! Give it a try for 30 days, and let me know your results!
new money story
New Money Story
“I’m on my way to feelings of such freedom and I’m beginning to feel my power. It’s so exciting to be this age in life and knowing what I know.
I’m so excited about what’s up there ahead of me and I believe my vibrational escrow is full of wonderful things and it will be fun to watch them turn up in the way that they will.
And I see evidence every day that the universe is working on my behalf.
More and more I’m believing that I really am that blessed worthy person that Abraham’s been talking about and things really are getting better and better.
I wouldn’t for a moment want the things I think I want to happen all at once. I want them to come in a way that I can enjoy them and I want them to continually expand. I believe what Abraham says, that there will always be a gap and I will never get it done, so I’m happy with the progress.
I don’t want it all at once I just want to be sure I’m moving in the right direction. And I can tell by the way I feel that I am. I’m feeling lighter and more free, hopeful and believing things are going better and I’m trusting things will start manifesting around that.
If it doesn’t happen all at once or quickly, I’m alright with that, I’ve got plenty of time and look at me, aren’t I the lucky one because I know what to do and there isn’t even a little part of me that doesn’t know that I’m the creator of my own reality. I know that I am.
I know I create my reality and I know I can tell which way I’m going and I can see how much good stuff has come to me already. I’m really quite proud of how far I’ve come and I know I’m never going to stop wanting, so I think it’s time to stop worrying about the parts that seem to be missing and start appreciating the parts that are there.
And there are so many of them, lets see; I could make a list right now of all the things that are going very well in my life experience!” – Abraham Hicks 
Your next step – go ahead and write that list! Savor each item, say ‘thanks you’ and feel the gratitude for each! Enjoy! And please drop me a line & let me know how this works for you!

Remembrance Day Meditation

Remembrance Day Meditation

images On Nov. 11, 11 am, Canada takes a pause from technology and the busyness of life to remember those who shed blood in service to our country. If you are unable to attend a public service, or wish to honor them privately, I offer this Remembrance Day meditation.
Memorial Meditation
Start by turning off all distractions so you can direct your attention within. We will use a variation of the Heart Math institute’s Heart Breath for this meditation:

  • Find a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Take a few deep breaths, breathing in for a count of 3 and out for 5 to center yourself
  • Once you’ve made this connection, direct your breathing to your heart center as if you could literally breathe through your heart. Begin to breathe Love in and out with every breath
  • Do this for several breaths, then focus on feeling GRATITUDE. Spend 2 minutes (or longer) sending your energy, love and gratitude out through your heart with each breath
  • Imagine the fallen receiving all this GRATITUDE
  • When you’ve completed your memorial meditation, gently bring yourself back into the room you’re in, and strive to maintain this feeling of gratitude throughout the rest of the day, truly appreciating all the freedom and privileges we enjoy today because of the courage and selflessness of those brave souls. Namaste