Root Chakra

learn to see auras

Do you want to learn how to see auras? Everyone can learn how.

You can learn to see your aura without any special equipment through these simple exercises:

1) In a dimly lit room, fully extend your arms with the backs of your hands facing you, fingers slightly open and fingertips touching.

It’s helpful to hold up your hands against a white or black background, which will help you to see the colors more clearly.

Gaze past your fingers, with your vision slightly unfocused. Keeping your eyes softly focused between your fingers and the space beyond, you’ll begin to notice white light surrounding your fingers. Now slowly separate your hands, and you’ll see thin vapors of white light connecting them. You may even detect a hint of color.

2) Working with a partner, ask them to stand 18 inches in front of a white or neutral background, preferably in natural, indirect lighting, while you stand about 10 feet from them.

Ask them to breath deeply while you gaze at the surface behind their head and shoulders. Within moments you’ll begin to notice a shimmering light radiating from their body like the glow of a candle.

You may even begin to notice colors. The trick is to focus on the surface behind your subject, rather than on them.Try this same technique in front of a mirror to see your own aura.

3) Plants can also be used in a similar way to practice aura viewing. Set a vibrant green plant on a table before you and focus on the wall behind it, and you’ll soon be able to see a light green aura surrounding it.

These exercises may require several attempts, as we’re not accustomed to focusing our vision in such a manner, but with persistence you’ll soon be able to view your own aura, as well as those of others!