Happy New Year! Are you ready for the best year of your life? Lets team up to make 2021 absolutely unforgettable!
The best way to say hello to a bright shiny new year is to kiss the last one good bye. And the best way to do that is with a gratitude list. Just list out 12 or so reasons you loved 2020. Yes that can be a bit of a stretch, what with the pandemic and all. I think it’s safe to say that all of us experienced some ups and downs, some heart-breaking moments. But I’m sure there were others when we felt we would burst with gratitude for a perfect sunrise or a special moment with a special someone. Today, lets let go of the pain and focus on the good. That’s the best way I know to start the new year with a fresh slate.
Once you’ve compiled your list, make a new one of FUTURE gratitudes for what you hope 2021 will bring! Then savor each one, blessing it for the joy it will bring you! This ‘pre-paving’ will place your order with the universe for the coming year.
While your at it, why not pick some new venture for 2021, a year of beginnings. Try yoga or Reiki, or contact me to learn how to tap into your Infinite Possibilities through a program I teach, or book an Akashic Records Soul Realignment with me!
I wish you a happy healthy New Year and thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of mine. Much love! Alexandria