Guided Metta Meditation

Today I was inspired to share my guided metta meditation video. While meditation is always valuable, some are better for certain situations than others. If you tend to worry about things, this is a great one for you! Use it anytime the urge to worry comes over you.
Metta is Sanskrit for ‘loving kindness’. This guided metta meditation is the perfect antidote to worry, and will help you break the worry habit once and for all! Even though we have been conditioned to worry, it’s such a bad habit! It doesn’t solve anything, and in fact makes the situation worse!
This Metta Meditation will help you stop feeding energy to what is not wanted, so you can gently redirect your thoughts back to being helpful and supportive. Then, with a clear and focused mind, the solutions may well become aparant!
In this meditation you send this loving kindness to yourself first, then extend it out to any individual or group you feel would benefit from some extra positive energy.
Then we take it a little further, extending love to everyone on the planet and the Earth herself. I draw on this meditation often, at the end of every yoga class I teach, and while I’m doing a reiki or distant reiki healing session.
I hope you enjoy this guided meditation! Please drop me a line and let me know!
Love & Light, Alexandria

Attitude Of Gratitude

It’s so easy to have an Attitude of Gratitude in October! 
I’ve always thought of October as the month of abundance and gratitude. It’s long been a Thanksgiving family tradition of ours to go around the table and have each person say one thing they’re grateful for. Invariably the dinner table laden with beautiful holiday food is among them!
This month I invite you to look around and marvel at all the beauty, splendor and sheer ABUNDANCE that sets October apart from all other months. Drink in the beauty of the changing leaves, the colors and scents of the farmers’ markets, the intense blue sky, and spend some time being GRATEFUL to be apart of it all!
I believe an attitude of gratitude is the most important thing we can nurture within ourselves, and also teach our children. It’s a natural antidote to stress – feelings of anger, sorrow or worry simply cannot exist alongside gratitude, the vibrations are too different. Gratitude and appreciation are of a high-flying vibration, like love. In fact, Abraham-Hicks says if we all bask in this beautiful feeling instead of worrying about the future, our future happiness would be guaranteed!
To cultivate this beautiful feeling all year, why not start a family gratitude journal? Encourage each member of the family to make daily entries, which can then be shared with the entire family on a weekly basis. You may also want to begin writing a daily gratitude list. Keep it in a separate journal so you can easily refer back when you need a lift! Taking a gratitude walk is also a wonderful way to consciously generate this lovely feeling –  focus on all the things you’re grateful for, or simply make ‘thank-you’ your mantra as you stroll. I hope this article has inspired you to develop an attitude of gratitude! I’d personally be very grateful if you’re also inspired to share it!

The Benefits of Dry Brushing Your Skin

dry brush

dry brush

The benefits of dry brushing your skin are numerous. Want soft clear skin? Better muscle tone? Healthy immune system? Try Dry brushing! Dry skin brushing is part of Ayurveda’s cleansing techniques. Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old science originating in India, so this technique has definitely stood the test of time!

Benefits of dry skin brushing

  • Removes dead skin
  • Stimulates blood circulation
  • Helps release fatty deposits under skin’s surface.
  • Rejuvenates your cells
  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Increases muscle tone
  • Improves skin texture
  • Helps prevent premature ageing
  • Helps the flow of lymph fluid throughout the body

How to Dry Brush

  • Dry brush your skin before you shower. Be easy on your skin till you get used to it, then gradually increase the pressure
  • Use a natural bristled brush, as nylon brushes can damage your skin. A long handled one will make it easier to brush your back
  • Beginning with the soles of your feet, brush upwards toward your heart
  • When you’ve dry brushed your legs, dry brush your hands and arms, again working toward your heart
  • Now brush your back
  • Brush your belly in clockwise, then gently brush chest and neck
  • The entire process should take about five minutes. Now you’re ready to shower! For an extra treat, indulge in a self-massage using warm olive oil (I like to add a few drops of Lavender Oil) to nurture your skin

I hope this article has encouraged you to try dry brushing! Drop me a line and let me know how it works for you!

Freeze Out the February Blahs With My Top 3 Tips!

indexGot the February Blahs? As I write this the sun is shining in, the snow glistening, but I’m very glad I don’t have to be out in it!
So how do you stay in a positive mind set even when it seems there’s no end to the freezing, sniffling and sneezing? Well many people opt to escape for a week or two, but for those of us who choose not to, here are a few suggestions to get you through to spring! (more…)

Powerful Practices to Kick-Start Your Day – And Your Life

thYour happiness is the ultimate DIY project. A happy life is largely the result of choice – making the decision to be happy from moment to moment. Abraham Lincoln once said: “We’re just about as happy as we make up our minds to be,” and that is so true!
Happiness is the ultimate goal of everything you think you want. The real reason you desire anything is because of the way you anticipate feeling once you have it. So why not skip the middle man and go directly to happy?
That delicious feeling is easiest to capture first thing in the morning, before reading the newspaper or catching up on your emails or social media. Every morning really is a new beginning. Your vibrational attraction is neutral when you first wake up, so the new day is literally a fresh new slate. Those first few moments when you wake are the perfect time to set your tone for the day.
If your morning routine is usually hectic you may have to set your alarm a few minutes earlier, but the time you invest in yourself will pay high dividends, worthy even of a few minutes sleep.
When you first wake up,  snuggled in your bed, all warm and relaxed and cosy, picture yourself happy, and express gratitude for your comfortable surroundings. Say “thank you” as you make your way to the bathroom. Then set a timer for 5 minutes, imagine you’ve just received a phone call giving you the best news, and allow elation to sweep over you. (I learned this technique from Mike Dooley in my Infinite Possibilities training)
Maybe you’ve just been told you won $60 million dollars. How would you react? Or maybe it was the clean bill of health you’ve been hoping for. You don’t even have to imagine specifically what this call is about– just let those fabulous feelings course through you.
Sound simple? That’s the beauty of it. Who says happiness has to be hard? Try it now. Picture yourself beaming, see the smiles of your loved ones as you share the big news, and hear their congratulations. Feel the gratitude and appreciation beginning to rise? Milk it! Fist-bump the air! Grin from ear to ear! Let these feelings grow until it seems your heart will burst.
 Isn’t it interesting that you were able to generate so much joy, when nothing in your life has changed? You just demonstrated to yourself that you can be as happy as you choose with life exactly as it is.
This practice is fun, and puts you in a great mood, but you’re accomplishing much more than just feeling good in the moment. Those good feelings and happy thoughts are radiating out from you and finding friends to bring back home and party with.  Simply by pretending to be happy you are actually creating things to be happy about. Your mind doesn’t know the difference between something you imagine and something that has actually occurred.
Our thoughts and feelings are always attracting more of the same as they match up with similar thoughts, people and life situations. So it follows that the more positive we think, speak and act, the more positive our lives will be. Focusing on any feeling will result in the circumstances of your life rearranging to replicate those feelings, so it makes sense to deliberately feel happiness as much as possible
For best results, keep that positive vibe flowing by following that initial burst of happy up with some simple gratitude and appreciation exercises you  can do while you eat your breakfast. To really amp things up, take it further than just a mental or verbal thanks. Write it down. Keep a special journal to list your gratitudes each day.
Anything you wouldn’t want to be without can go on the list. You may want to begin by simply being grateful to be alive. Give thanks for your health, the roof over your head, the food in your belly. Write what you’re grateful for and why you are. You can be grateful for your job, the people in your life, your furry friends.
 I’ve personally had very good results with writing 10 gratitudes each day. I write 5 things I’m grateful for now, and 5 ‘future gratitudes’ for things I want to have happen. I like to mix them up on the list because it makes them feel like a done deal. I know the power of gratitude, and that by feeling it in advance it is setting wheels in motion. In fact, my online program Wishful Thanking is all about the power of being grateful in advance for the things and experiences you want in all areas of your life.
Now let’s take it a step further, with visualization. What is your burning desire? More love, health, wealth, fulfilling work? Perhaps a specific event you want to go really well? Set your timer again and this time, imagine it already is exactly as you wish it to be. Really feel the gratitude and appreciation. They’re among the highest vibration emotions we can experience, so the more time you spend feeling these emotions the stronger your attraction power for fabulous things becomes.
So if you want to really kick-start 2020 and turn the life you have into the one you really want in just minutes a day, try these few simple techniques. You’ll be happy you did!

Color your world with Color Therapy

Color your world

When you want to change your inner landscape, color therapy can help you color your world more to your liking!
What color are you today? Are you feeling blue, or in the pink? A little green with envy perhaps? The fact that color is such an integral part of our language reflects the powerful impact it has on us.
The colors we surround ourselves with affect and reflect our health and emotions, as well the image we project to others. Our eyes can distinguish approximately 1,000 distinct colors and over 2,000 shades and tints; we respond to them instinctively, feeling drawn to the ones that make us feel good.
Civilizations as early as the ancient Egyptians realized that color has powerful energies, and used color therapy to help restore physical, mental and spiritual well being.
Modern science has established that our bodies need a daily minimum of 15 minutes exposure to full-spectrum light (white light or sunlight) to maintain health and prevent symptoms similar to jet-lag.
Color rays are made up of varying light and energy frequencies, and each band has a different healing quality. Red, at one end of the spectrum, has a long wavelength, a slow vibration, and a stimulating action whereas violet, at the other, has a short wavelength, vibrates quickly, and has a calming action.
All colors have both positive and negative aspects; too much or too little can cause imbalance in the system. A color therapy practitioner may suggest that you eat more of a certain color of food, change a decorating scheme to incorporate a specific shade, or add certain colors to your wardrobe. They may also suggest different ways of treating any color deficiencies. In color therapy, colors can be applied to the body physically, through exposure to light rays, or mentally, through visualization or meditation.
With color therapy, your colors can through meditation and creative visualization as you are led on an imaginary journey full of color to balance your chakras.
Once you become familiar with the the energies associated with different colors you can let your intuition be your guide. A quick wardrobe check will reveal a preference for a particular color; preferences or strong aversions to a shade is a sign your body needs that particular wave length.
What Different colors Represent
The color waves we draw to ourselves radiate out to everyone we come in contact with, enabling us to have a positive impact on the world simply by harmonizing our colors. Each color in the spectrum represents an emotional state, and can be used to treat different conditions:
Red represents passion and energy, and is a strong stimulant.
Very little is used in color healing because it can cause inflammation and over-excitability, though small amounts can be helpful in treating anemia and depression.
Orange has a freeing action on the body, and is frequently used in color healing because of the energy and the wisdom it imparts. Orange is also useful in promoting self-confidence, and healing nervous complaints.
Yellow, the color of joy and happiness, has a cleansing and purifying effect on the body. It also stimulates sluggish digestion and enhances concentration.
Green combines the wisdom of yellow with the truth of blue. It acts as a harmonizer, is beneficial for nervous complaints, and imparts peace of mind and clear memory.
Blue is soothing and promotes healing. It reduces fevers and blood pressure, acts as an antiseptic and pain-killer, and encourages acceptance of things that cannot be changed, bringing peace of mind.
Indigo is a purifying color that calms the mind. It’s used to enhance psychic development, and is helpful in treating migraine and other painful conditions.
Violet helps treat all nervous and mental disturbances and is beneficial for lung disorders. So you can see how important color is to our health, and how it can be used to keep our chakras clear and balanced.

If you enjoyed this article, an excerpt from Relief Beyond Belief; Exploring the World of Natural Healing, you’ll love the book! I have created an entire healing package for you which includes my book, a series of 22 expert interview videos, and a coaching session with me! Check it out here!
In Light, Alexandria