by Alexandria Barker | Sep 7, 2020 | Best Stress Relief Activities, Law of Attraction
Do you know how to visualize?
It’s one of the best stress relief activities, but chances are, this skill was drummed out of you early in your scholastic career. As in, “Pay attention, stop that daydreaming!” or, later in life, “You’re not going to get anywhere just thinking about it, DO something, don’t be such a dreamer!” (more…)
by Alexandria Barker | Aug 8, 2020 | Best Stress Relief Activities, Law of Attraction, Meditation

Doing nothing brings great stress relief!
Here’s a the best stress relief for you – do nothing! It’s got to be one of the most under-rated of stress coping strategies! When was the last time you sat under a tree by yourself and did nothing? Not reading a book, but just sitting in silence contemplating your life, creating a vision for your future?
I recently took the opportunity to spend 3 hours this way. Yes, there were other things I could be doing – but nothing, I’m quite sure, would’ve been as productive as this non-activity.
By the end of my meditation/journaling session, I felt renewed, had removed some age-old blocks to my abundance, and cleared the overwhelm and stress that had threatened to engulf me prior to my taking this time for myself.
by Alexandria Barker | Aug 5, 2020 | Best Stress Relief Activities, Law of Attraction

Sitting in silence is one of the most effective stress relief activities
Want to know how to experience stress relief and happy? The answer is simpler than you think with these stress relief activities.
The way to become a happy person is to decide you will be, no matter what. Stay present, focusing your thoughts in the moment, and decide you’re not going to allow worry or negative thoughts. How do you make that decision stick? Don’t just make it a decision – make it a promise to yourself.
When you say, “I promise”, what feelings come up for you?
For me, “I promise” means I will do everything in my power to do whatever I’ve given my word I would do. It is a core value with me, so even if it’s inconvenient or unpleasant, if I promise I’ll do it, I do it.
by Alexandria Barker | Jul 24, 2020 | Best Stress Relief Activities, Law of Attraction
Here’s one of the best stress relief activities – think about what you’re thinking about!
The other day I received a painfully clear message from the Universe about how important it is to be aware of the thoughts I’m thinking — or should I say bee aware!
by Alexandria Barker | Jul 2, 2020 | Best Stress Relief Activities, Law of Attraction
Counting your blessings can be the best of all stress relief activities! Even when things aren’t going exactly as you’d prefer, you want to stay positive, to attract positive things. So, what wonders have you created in your life today?
As deliberate creators, we’re taught to keep our eyes on the prize. But that can often lead to frustration when things are taking ‘too long’ (in our opinion!) or not manifesting in quite the way it ‘should’ (again, according to us!).
We tend to forget all the wonderful things we’ve already drawn in to our lives. I was recently reminded of this with a passage from The Secret Daily Teachings, which reads as follows:
“Think of all the good things in your life. And now realize that you brought them all into your life. Your thoughts and feelings moved the energies of the Universe to bring all those good things to you. You are a powerful being.”
by Alexandria Barker | Feb 5, 2020 | Best Stress Relief Activities, Law of Attraction

I am Grateful I can Choose my thoughts!
Cultivating a feeling of Gratitude is one of the best stress relief activities, and one of the quickest!
Gratitude has been called the most spiritual of all the emotions. It has the power to quiet anger, worry and other stress producing emotions.
It’s easy to find something to feel grateful for – if you can read this blog post, you can be grateful for your vision, having access to a computer, and having helpful people like me in your life to keep you feeling positive!
Begin by finding something – anything – to be grateful for. Make a list, mentally or on paper, and contemplate each item for a few moments. You’ll find the Law of Attraction will soon bring you more and more thoughts of things to be grateful for.
These are very positive, powerful results – what’s happening is, your vibration is shifting, raising higher. As it does, you begin matching up with things and people who share your new vibration.
As you begin to climb what Abraham calls the Vibrational Scale, your life will naturally become more pleasing to you, as the Universe matches you up with more and more things you like.
But don’t take my word for it, try for yourself, and the proof will present itself to you. What can you be grateful for today?
In Light, Alexandria