Doing nothing brings great stress relief!

Here’s a the best stress relief for you – do nothing! It’s got to be one of the most under-rated of stress coping strategies! When was the last time you sat under a tree by yourself and did nothing? Not reading a book, but just sitting in silence contemplating your life, creating a vision for your future?
I recently took the opportunity to spend 3 hours this way. Yes, there were other things I could be doing – but nothing, I’m quite sure, would’ve been as productive as this non-activity.
By the end of my meditation/journaling session, I felt renewed, had removed some age-old blocks to my abundance, and cleared the overwhelm and stress that had threatened to engulf me prior to my taking this time for myself.
I was amazed at how quickly the time passed, and how wonderful I felt following this scheduled alone time; relaxed and stress-free. It felt like such a treat, I couldn’t help but wonder why giving extended time to myself wasn’t a more frequent part of my regular practice. I quickly decided, this now takes priority!

We live in such a busy, noisy world – inundated with noise all day long – noise we don’t even notice after awhile. But even if we aren’t conscious of this steady hum (radios droning on all day, TV’s running in background even if no one’s watching) it’s having an effect on our energy.
Most notably, all this outside noise we surround ourselves with effectively drowns out the quiet, still voice that’s ready and waiting to guide us to our ideal lives. It will tell you exactly what you need – and what stress coping strategies is best for you. Each of us has access to this sublime wisdom, we only have to invite it in by creating space and time in our lives to listen for it. Only then can we can reap the rewards.
Try it for yourself — and see what bubbles up to the surface for you. It just might change your life. Drop me a line and let me know what happens!
I hope you enjoyed this article on best stress release activities!
Namaste, Alexandria