One of my favorite Best Stress Relief Activities is hanging out with friends and family!

Got a big dream? Awesome! One thing about goals and dreams – as exciting as they are, they can easily become a source of stress – one of the best stress relief activities to counter-act this is one of my favorite Abraham techniques – acting ‘as if’. (More on this Here)

For example, let’s say your goal is to reach and maintain your goal weight. Maybe this was even your New Year’s resolution – only the opposite seems to be happening. Your clothes are getting tighter, not looser, and panic is starting to set in.
You see others your age also struggling with weight, and you begin to wonder if you can really achieve this goal, or if you should just shop for bigger clothes! This can be very stressful. Being stressed makes you reach for goodies, and though they taste good in the moment, you know where those calories are going to end up! More stress!
The way to combat this, and stop that stress in it’s tracks, is to use the power of your imagination to generate the feelings you believe you’ll have then, now. Not only is this one of my favorite of the best stress relief activities, it’s a tried & true Law of Attraction technique for creating what you really want in life.

So, staying with our example of weight loss, picture yourself being successful with this goal. Visualize your body the way it will look when you ARE at your goal weight. There are many tricks to help you with this

  • put a picture of your face on an image of your ideal cut from a magazine
  • compliment yourself often for having achieved your goal
  • go shopping, buy an item of clothing in the size you desire, and hang it where it will inspire you
  • journal about how wonderful life is now that you’ve achieved this goal – describe your feelings in detail until you BELIEVE them
  • begin conducting yourself as if you ALREADY were this slim ideal version of yourself. What kinds of food are in your cupboard and fridge? Have you purged it of food your slim ideal self has given up?
  • your slim self has found time to exercise regularly – so you should too! What times do you set aside for yourself? Is it in your day-planner?

Modify these examples to fit your particular goal – the idea is to live it fully in your imagination NOW and continue to do so until it becomes your reality. It’s important that you extend this to the way you talk to and about  yourself.
In other words, if you’re really acting ‘as if’ you’re slim, you won’t be announcing how much weight you’ve gained to anyone who’ll listen. You’ll be saying how happy you are to be in the process of achieving your ideal weight. Put these ideas to practice and your goals will no longer stress you out – practice living them NOW in your head and they’ll become your reality before you know it!
I hope you enjoyed this article on best stress relief activities. Please drop me a line and let me know how it works for you! 
Love & Light, Alexandria