Bach Flower Remedies for health

Bach Flower Remedies – now THIS is Flower Power!
‘Bread feeds the body indeed, but flowers
feed also the soul.’ – The Koran
Flowers are not only a delight to the senses, their essences can actually improve your health by getting to the emotional root the problem stems from. Flower extracts can treat a variety of unwanted emotional conditions by flushing out negative feelings, which many believe will also rectify any physical symptoms the emotions have created.
Every plant, and every flower remedy, has it’s own signature vibration. When we ingest the plant’s positive vibration, it helps shift our own vibration.
Dr. Edward Bach, an English homeopathic physician, developed Bach flower remedies in the early 1900s. He believed negative emotional or psychological states are the source of physical illnesses, and scoured the English countryside for flowers with healing properties.
Bach experimented on himself to determine which flower helped different emotional states. Through trial and error he identified the 38 wildflowers used in Bach Flower Remedies.
Bach was able to isolate the vibration and capture it in a medium of water, so it could be used internally to help shift negative feelings. Not interested in conducting studies to prove his product to the world, Bach preferred to simply demonstrate it and let people to prove it to themselves.
The flower extracts used are highly diluted solutions made from 38 different flowers called ‘mother tinctures.’ They are created by two means; the sun method and the boiling method.
In the sun method, flower heads are floated in a glass bowl filled with spring water in the sun for three hours. Then the flower heads are removed and the remaining energized water mixed 50/50 with full strength 80 proof brandy. In the boiling method, flowering twigs are placed in a pan of spring water and boiled for half an hour.
The pan is allowed to cool, then the plant matter is removed and the water mixed 50/50 with 80 proof brandy. Drops of the mixture are then further diluted in brandy and bottled for personal use. Patients are directed to put two drops in a one ounce dropper bottle and fill it with mineral water, and refrigerate it.
Bach’s intention was to create a simple, effective system that was easy to use, so people of all walks of life would be able to heal themselves.
The remedies are designed to be used to relieve existing emotional  difficulties, rather than to prevent them. Bach Flower remedies may be taken more frequently in times of crisis, with no risk of overdose or addiction. When the emotional issue has been resolved, you may discontinue the treatment immediately. No weaning off is required.
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In Light, Alexandria