by Alexandria Barker | Feb 8, 2020 | Law of Attraction, Spiritual Healing
Your happiness is the ultimate DIY project. A happy life is largely the result of choice – making the decision to be happy from moment to moment. Abraham Lincoln once said: “We’re just about as happy as we make up our minds to be,” and that is so true!
Happiness is the ultimate goal of everything you think you want. The real reason you desire anything is because of the way you anticipate feeling once you have it. So why not skip the middle man and go directly to happy?
That delicious feeling is easiest to capture first thing in the morning, before reading the newspaper or catching up on your emails or social media. Every morning really is a new beginning. Your vibrational attraction is neutral when you first wake up, so the new day is literally a fresh new slate. Those first few moments when you wake are the perfect time to set your tone for the day.
If your morning routine is usually hectic you may have to set your alarm a few minutes earlier, but the time you invest in yourself will pay high dividends, worthy even of a few minutes sleep.
When you first wake up, snuggled in your bed, all warm and relaxed and cosy, picture yourself happy, and express gratitude for your comfortable surroundings. Say “thank you” as you make your way to the bathroom. Then set a timer for 5 minutes, imagine you’ve just received a phone call giving you the best news, and allow elation to sweep over you. (I learned this technique from Mike Dooley in my Infinite Possibilities training)
Maybe you’ve just been told you won $60 million dollars. How would you react? Or maybe it was the clean bill of health you’ve been hoping for. You don’t even have to imagine specifically what this call is about– just let those fabulous feelings course through you.
Sound simple? That’s the beauty of it. Who says happiness has to be hard? Try it now. Picture yourself beaming, see the smiles of your loved ones as you share the big news, and hear their congratulations. Feel the gratitude and appreciation beginning to rise? Milk it! Fist-bump the air! Grin from ear to ear! Let these feelings grow until it seems your heart will burst.
Isn’t it interesting that you were able to generate so much joy, when nothing in your life has changed? You just demonstrated to yourself that you can be as happy as you choose with life exactly as it is.
This practice is fun, and puts you in a great mood, but you’re accomplishing much more than just feeling good in the moment. Those good feelings and happy thoughts are radiating out from you and finding friends to bring back home and party with. Simply by pretending to be happy you are actually creating things to be happy about. Your mind doesn’t know the difference between something you imagine and something that has actually occurred.
Our thoughts and feelings are always attracting more of the same as they match up with similar thoughts, people and life situations. So it follows that the more positive we think, speak and act, the more positive our lives will be. Focusing on any feeling will result in the circumstances of your life rearranging to replicate those feelings, so it makes sense to deliberately feel happiness as much as possible
For best results, keep that positive vibe flowing by following that initial burst of happy up with some simple gratitude and appreciation exercises you can do while you eat your breakfast. To really amp things up, take it further than just a mental or verbal thanks. Write it down. Keep a special journal to list your gratitudes each day.
Anything you wouldn’t want to be without can go on the list. You may want to begin by simply being grateful to be alive. Give thanks for your health, the roof over your head, the food in your belly. Write what you’re grateful for and why you are. You can be grateful for your job, the people in your life, your furry friends.
I’ve personally had very good results with writing 10 gratitudes each day. I write 5 things I’m grateful for now, and 5 ‘future gratitudes’ for things I want to have happen. I like to mix them up on the list because it makes them feel like a done deal. I know the power of gratitude, and that by feeling it in advance it is setting wheels in motion. In fact, my online program Wishful Thanking is all about the power of being grateful in advance for the things and experiences you want in all areas of your life.
Now let’s take it a step further, with visualization. What is your burning desire? More love, health, wealth, fulfilling work? Perhaps a specific event you want to go really well? Set your timer again and this time, imagine it already is exactly as you wish it to be. Really feel the gratitude and appreciation. They’re among the highest vibration emotions we can experience, so the more time you spend feeling these emotions the stronger your attraction power for fabulous things becomes.
So if you want to really kick-start 2020 and turn the life you have into the one you really want in just minutes a day, try these few simple techniques. You’ll be happy you did!
by Alexandria Barker | Feb 5, 2020 | Best Stress Relief Activities, Law of Attraction

I am Grateful I can Choose my thoughts!
Cultivating a feeling of Gratitude is one of the best stress relief activities, and one of the quickest!
Gratitude has been called the most spiritual of all the emotions. It has the power to quiet anger, worry and other stress producing emotions.
It’s easy to find something to feel grateful for – if you can read this blog post, you can be grateful for your vision, having access to a computer, and having helpful people like me in your life to keep you feeling positive!
Begin by finding something – anything – to be grateful for. Make a list, mentally or on paper, and contemplate each item for a few moments. You’ll find the Law of Attraction will soon bring you more and more thoughts of things to be grateful for.
These are very positive, powerful results – what’s happening is, your vibration is shifting, raising higher. As it does, you begin matching up with things and people who share your new vibration.
As you begin to climb what Abraham calls the Vibrational Scale, your life will naturally become more pleasing to you, as the Universe matches you up with more and more things you like.
But don’t take my word for it, try for yourself, and the proof will present itself to you. What can you be grateful for today?
In Light, Alexandria
by Alexandria Barker | Feb 2, 2020 | Law of Attraction

A vision of being a public speaker becomes more real when you back it up with action – such as joining Toastmasters and competing!
How the Law of Attraction works is amazing to me – I learned a powerful lesson in it this week I wanted to share with you. I need to give a bit of background to do that effectively.
Those of you following my Toronto Star Turning Point competition progress will recall I was asked to establish a measurable goal for the 3 month project. I decided to focus on public speaking, an area I’ve had extensive training in but haven’t taken a lot of action on. I decided my goal was to play a much bigger game as a transformational speaker, sharing all the tools I’ve learned to help people live happier more fulfilling lives
The idea was intoxicating – I could easily envision myself on stage in a room filled with people eagerly absorbing all the teachings I had to offer. I shared this idea with the coach The Star appointed me, and she agreed it could be a thrilling career move.
Then we began really fleshing out the idea and all it entailed – the ACTION component of Law of Attraction. Things like all the traveling it would entail. Turns out, that’s a stopping point for me. Somehow, when I envisioned speaking to a sold-out crowd who were eager to buy my products and learn more, I didn’t give much consideration to the ‘real life’ actions of all those plane rides, all those nights alone in a hotel room.
When I sat and thought about THOSE aspects, the flip side of the coin, the idea quickly lost it’s appeal. I’m a homebody at heart, and travel isn’t at the top of my list of things I want to do. It’s actually a lot closer to the bottom!
Another suggestion was to relocate to a larger center (I’m currently a country girl) so I’d be in closer proximity to my potential clients. Translation: to make big money helping people, I need to live in the city. One problem with this – my total lack of desire to live in the city! Nothing against them, I personally just find more peace and serenity in my quiet peace of heaven surrounded by gardens and nature, not a sky-scraper in sight.
So it turns out, I’m not interested in being a Superstar jet-setting all over the world. I want to make a positive impact on tens of thousands, but from my home. So that’s my new & improved goal.
This is how the Law of Attraction works – it attracts not just what we spend 15 minutes a day focusing on, but what we vibrate throughout our entire waking day. So it helps to separate the wheat from the shaft- fantasy from reality. If you have a dream for yourself that seems to be taking a long time to come to fruition, I invite you to imagine the reality. Not just the delivery of the big talk, but all you have to do to GET THERE.
If you want a degree, for example, are you prepared to invest the time and money it takes? All the hours of study? All the sacrifice?
My advice is to dream big, hold the image of it coming to fruition (see it from the end) during your visualization, but also give some thought to exactly how this will impact your life. Talk to people who’ve already achieved what you want. You may decided to scale your dream back, or scrap it altogether. Either way, you’ll achieve the clarity necessary to send a consistent vibrational message to the Universe, which it will respond to, because that’s just how the Law of Attraction works.
In my case, I’m confident the Universe will deliver exactly what I most desire. It will find a unique way to make it all work together for my highest good and the good of all.
Love & Light, Alexandria
by Alexandria Barker | Jan 30, 2020 | Best Stress Relief Activities, Law of Attraction

One of my favorite Best Stress Relief Activities is hanging out with friends and family!
Got a big dream? Awesome! One thing about goals and dreams – as exciting as they are, they can easily become a source of stress – one of the best stress relief activities to counter-act this is one of my favorite Abraham techniques – acting ‘as if’. (More on this Here)
For example, let’s say your goal is to reach and maintain your goal weight. Maybe this was even your New Year’s resolution – only the opposite seems to be happening. Your clothes are getting tighter, not looser, and panic is starting to set in.
You see others your age also struggling with weight, and you begin to wonder if you can really achieve this goal, or if you should just shop for bigger clothes! This can be very stressful. Being stressed makes you reach for goodies, and though they taste good in the moment, you know where those calories are going to end up! More stress!
The way to combat this, and stop that stress in it’s tracks, is to use the power of your imagination to generate the feelings you believe you’ll have then, now. Not only is this one of my favorite of the best stress relief activities, it’s a tried & true Law of Attraction technique for creating what you really want in life.
by Alexandria Barker | Jan 20, 2020 | Healing Arts, Law of Attraction

If you follow Abraham-Hicks, as I do, you’re familiar with the Vortex. If not, in a nutshell the vortex is how Abe describes the a state of vibration in which you are aligned with your non-physical self.
When you’re feeling good, you’re in the vortex and are a match to all the things you want. When you feel bad you’re out of it, and are a match to what you don’t want.
Some days it’s very easy to be in the vortex. Other days, when you wake up with a bad cold, flu, or something more serious, it’s more challenging. The more time you spend in the Vortex, the fewer bugs you tend to pick up. That’s because it’s not about the latest out-break, ultimately whether you sick or not is about your dominant vibration.
That said, some years the bugs are more voracious than others. And maybe you’ve increased your exposure because you’ve been helping others who are infected. Either way, getting sick is not a failure and certainly not a reason to beat up on yourself, that would just cause your vibration to plummet more. As Abe would say, it’s just contrast. The worse you feel, the more ‘healthy’ you put in your vortex, which is of benefit to you when you get back in there!
Here are my top tips for staying in the vortex even when feeling poorly:
While convalescing, spend your time doing something uplifting
I recommend listening to Abraham-Hicks, there are many clips available on YouTube if you don’t have your own collection. During my recent bout with Strep Throat I spent a lot of time on the couch in front of the fire, watching Abe DVDs. Just listening to their positive message lifted my spirits.
Practice “acting as if” you were well
Convalescing is an excellent time to practice mastering the Law of Attraction by taking control of your thoughts.
‘Acting as if’ is an Abe technique in which you practice the feelings you’ll feel when you’ve achieved your goal – in this case,returning to health. To do this, deliberately choose your thoughts. Rather than telling anyone who’ll listen how miserable you feel, direct your thoughts and words to how good it will feel to feel good again!
Write Lists of Appreciation
One thing about being sick, it sure makes you appreciate your health. Use this to your advantage by writing lists of appreciation about it.
Remember a time when you felt vibrantly healthy. Savour this feeling, and take advantage of this new-found hyper-awareness by writing a list about what you most enjoy about being healthy.
Concentrate on really feeling this appreciation – the longer you hold yourself in that vibration, the more evidence of it will be attracted to you, through the Law of Attraction. Following these tips will not only hasten your recovery, it will make the illness that much easier to bare.
Love & Light, Alexandria