Counting your blessings can be the best of all stress relief activities! Even when things aren’t going exactly as you’d prefer, you want to stay positive, to attract positive things. So, what wonders have you created in your life today? As deliberate creators, we’re taught to keep our eyes on the prize. But that can often lead to frustration when things are taking ‘too long’ (in our opinion!) or not manifesting in quite the way it ‘should’ (again, according to us!). We tend to forget all the wonderful things we’ve already drawn in to our lives. I was recently reminded of this with a passage from The Secret Daily Teachings, which reads as follows: “Think of all the good things in your life. And now realize that you brought them all into your life. Your thoughts and feelings moved the energies of the Universe to bring all those good things to you. You are a powerful being.” (more…)
The Reiki Principles Just for Today – Everyday! As a Reiki Master I have done my best to live by these words of wisdom. The Reiki Principles are as valid today as when Dr. Usui wrote them in the 1800’s. Try it yourself – just for today! Then do it again tomorrow. I have included my interpretation of what each principle means to me personally below each one. 1) Just for today I will let go of anger Anger is a negative waste of energy. You can try to control it by taking a deep breath and asking who you are really mad at. Are you angry because someone doesn’t hold the same view as you? If so, honor their views and allow them their frailties. Put yourself in their place and see how they may feel. Has someone simply made a mistake? You may discover it is yourself you are really angry with. Perhaps aspects of yourself are being mirrored in others. Rather than just reacting, explore your anger. 2) Just for today I will let go of worry Worry is an energy thief that causes mental and physical damage. Be aware of the worry ad try to let it go. Ask yourself, what am I worried about? Why does this worry me? What is the worst that can happen? Am I just speculating about an event? Can I do anything about it? If yes, then do it. If not, shift your thinking. Take a deep breath. Do Reiki! 3) Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings In this society we are constantly being brainwashed about what ‘things’ we must have to be happy, and we are led to believe everyone else has more! To put this in perspective, take stock of all the good things in your life. Try writing a daily gratitude list, listing things like your health, having a loving family and friends, living in a free country, having a roof over your head, food in your belly and clothes on your back. Try to imagine your life without these things, and send a prayer out to those less fortunate than yourself. 4) Just for today I will do my work honestly Work to improve yourself and you will benefit yourself and others all around you. We cannot change others, but by changing ourselves we can affect them in a positive way 5) Just for today I will be kind to all living things This includes our planet and all the people and creatures on it, as we are all part of a whole. Think to yourself, what will the effect be if I speak or act in a particular way? Will it cause discomfort to another? What will happen if I don’t act in this particular way? Can I live more in harmony and still care for myself? I hope you enjoyed this article on Reiki Principles – I’d love to hear the impact they make on your life! Love & Light Alexandria
The benefits of dry brushing your skin are numerous. Want soft clear skin? Better muscle tone? Healthy immune system? Try Dry brushing! Dry skin brushing is part of Ayurveda’s cleansing techniques. Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old science originating in India, so this technique has definitely stood the test of time!
Benefits of dry skin brushing
Removes dead skin
Stimulates blood circulation
Helps release fatty deposits under skin’s surface.
Rejuvenates your cells
Strengthens your immune system
Increases muscle tone
Improves skin texture
Helps prevent premature ageing
Helps the flow of lymph fluid throughout the body
How to Dry Brush
Dry brush your skin before you shower. Be easy on your skin till you get used to it, then gradually increase the pressure
Use a natural bristled brush, as nylon brushes can damage your skin. A long handled one will make it easier to brush your back
Beginning with the soles of your feet, brush upwards toward your heart
When you’ve dry brushed your legs, dry brush your hands and arms, again working toward your heart
Now brush your back
Brush your belly in clockwise, then gently brush chest and neck
The entire process should take about five minutes. Now you’re ready to shower! For an extra treat, indulge in a self-massage using warm olive oil (I like to add a few drops of Lavender Oil) to nurture your skin
I hope this article has encouraged you to try dry brushing! Drop me a line and let me know how it works for you!
What are some quick ways to make yourself feel better? That’s the topic of today’s video as I answer a reader’s question,
For me, it all comes back to self love. Cultivating a genuine appreciation of yourself will certainly make you feel better!
In this video I share quick ways to make yourself feel better that anyone can easily fit into their busy life. These methods may seem simplistic, but they are very effective! Things like listing things you like about yourself, on any level. Give them a try for 30 days and see the your life blossom before your eyes!
As you begin to appreciate yourself you will naturally begin to love and appreciate others as well. End the day thinking about all your successes – maybe all you did was brush your teeth, count it! What was the one thing that happened that day that you would love to have happen again tomorrow? Thinking about it as you fall asleep is a surefire way to make yourself feel better!
Enjoy the video, and feel free to share with anyone who could benefit!
In Light
Got the February Blahs? As I write this the sun is shining in, the snow glistening, but I’m very glad I don’t have to be out in it! So how do you stay in a positive mind set even when it seems there’s no end to the freezing, sniffling and sneezing? Well many people opt to escape for a week or two, but for those of us who choose not to, here are a few suggestions to get you through to spring! (more…)