by Alexandria Barker | Aug 15, 2020 | Law of Attraction

Create financial abundance with the LOA
For me, using Law of Attraction techniques effectively means being open to messages I’m receiving from nature.
The expression ‘going with the flow’ took on new meaning for me the other day, when I received a visit, and a message, from one of my animal totems (spirit guides).
As one of my main totem animals, Red-tailed Hawk always has special messages for me. Known as a messenger bird, it reflects the need to be open to the new, and shows you how to teach others to be open to the new. A perfect animal spirit guide for a Law of Attraction teacher!
by Alexandria Barker | Aug 8, 2020 | Best Stress Relief Activities, Law of Attraction, Meditation

Doing nothing brings great stress relief!
Here’s a the best stress relief for you – do nothing! It’s got to be one of the most under-rated of stress coping strategies! When was the last time you sat under a tree by yourself and did nothing? Not reading a book, but just sitting in silence contemplating your life, creating a vision for your future?
I recently took the opportunity to spend 3 hours this way. Yes, there were other things I could be doing – but nothing, I’m quite sure, would’ve been as productive as this non-activity.
By the end of my meditation/journaling session, I felt renewed, had removed some age-old blocks to my abundance, and cleared the overwhelm and stress that had threatened to engulf me prior to my taking this time for myself.
by Alexandria Barker | Aug 5, 2020 | Yoga Articles
What is a chakra? Chakras are energy centers located along your spine in your energetic body.
Your chakra system body consists of seven primary energy centers (and many minor ones) ; Root Chakra (Red), Sacral Chakra (Orange), Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow), HeartChakra (Green or Pink), Throat Chakra (Blue), Third-eye Chakra (Indigo) and Crown Chakra (Violet).
So you see, we truly are living rainbows! Each chakra relates to a specific color, sound, body part and function, level of consciousness and stage of life. I have created a program that teaches all about chakras; you’ll find it here
Chakras regulate the rate energy flows through your system. They keep your
body functioning on the energetic level, where all ailments begin. Keeping them
balanced will help you achieve and maintain vibrant physical, mental and emotional
Energy excesses or blockages in any of your chakras can result in physical,
mental or emotional imbalances. And because they’re so intimately connected, an
imbalance in one chakra affects the others as well.
Everything you think is felt in your chakras. When you feel stressed, you feel the
tension in the part of the body connected with the chakra that’s stressed. Why you feel
the tension determines where you feel it. If the ‘dis-ease’ is intense and continues over
time, physical symptoms may develop.
These symptoms are very useful as they tell you what’s happening with you on
a physical and energetic level, so I encourage you to pay attention to them. Once you
understand their message and resolve the issue, the symptom has served its purpose
and can be released.
Now that you know, ‘what is chakra’, learn how to clearing blockages and balance your chakras in my Wishful Thanking Program, to release dis-ease before it can make you ill, enabling the energy to flow freely once again.
In Light
by Alexandria Barker | Aug 5, 2020 | Best Stress Relief Activities, Law of Attraction

Sitting in silence is one of the most effective stress relief activities
Want to know how to experience stress relief and happy? The answer is simpler than you think with these stress relief activities.
The way to become a happy person is to decide you will be, no matter what. Stay present, focusing your thoughts in the moment, and decide you’re not going to allow worry or negative thoughts. How do you make that decision stick? Don’t just make it a decision – make it a promise to yourself.
When you say, “I promise”, what feelings come up for you?
For me, “I promise” means I will do everything in my power to do whatever I’ve given my word I would do. It is a core value with me, so even if it’s inconvenient or unpleasant, if I promise I’ll do it, I do it.
by Alexandria Barker | Jul 24, 2020 | Best Stress Relief Activities, Law of Attraction
Here’s one of the best stress relief activities – think about what you’re thinking about!
The other day I received a painfully clear message from the Universe about how important it is to be aware of the thoughts I’m thinking — or should I say bee aware!