by Alexandria Barker | Oct 1, 2020 | Healing Crystals, Law of Attraction
Today I want to talk about how to attract love with a little help from the Law of Attraction and crystals. By combining the power of crystals with your focus and intention, you can create the kind of relationships you truly desire!

Rose Quartz for Love
Rose Quartz is my favorite stone to attract love. Not only does it encourage self love, it helps draw new love to you, or deepen existing relationships. A piece of rose quartz under your bed will attract new love or renew existing love relationships, depending on your intention. You can also place a piece in the Relationship corner of your home (the farthest right rear corner from the front door.)
Before you begin working with your rose quartz, it’s important to take the time to cleanse it of any negative energy. The fact is, regardless of where you obtained your stone, you have no way of knowing the degree of negative energy it may have absorbed from the time it was mined. However, cleansing and purifying your stone is easy do do.
Hold the stone in your left (receiving) hand and cover with your right hand. Ask that it be cleansed with Universal Love and Universal Light. When you feel this is complete, ask to be connected with the highest energy of the stone, and ask it to work with you for your highest healing for your highest good and the highest good of all concerned, for the purpose you choose.
In addition to placing a good size chunk under your bed, when you want to attract love it’s a great idea to wear rose quartz as a pendant or bracelet, so you’re continually bathed with the beautiful energy of this loving stone.
Try these tips and your love life will soar!
In Light
by Alexandria Barker | Sep 24, 2020 | Healing Crystals, Law of Attraction

Who doesn’t want to make money fast! Combine the Law of Attraction, which is a universal law, with the energy amplifying ability of crystals and you are on the fast track to make money faster than you thought possible.
Adding the power of crystals with the power of your own intention, and of course the Law of Attraction, can work magic in your life! Here’s how . . .
Create wealth with this beautifully simple technique that uses the following crystals: Sun stone, Aventureine, Malechite, Citrine and Pyrite.
Holding the crystals between your hands, say, “I cleanse these crystals with Universal Love. I cleanse these crystals with Universal Light. I call on the highest energy of these crystals to increase my abundance for my highest good and the highest good of all.”
Once this is done, hold the intention and command aloud, “These crystals will bring opportunities into my life that will translate into increased wealth.” Place the stones into a cloth bag and put the bag where you keep your money. For fast money attraction, prepare several bags to have in different locations.
Amp-up the crystal power by creating a money shrine in the wealth area of your home (southeast). Place the crystals and other objects that represent financial freedom money to you, and a candle. Each day, spend 5 – 10 minutes here connecting with your crystals, meditating on what financial freedom represents to you.
Imagine you already have the abundance you seek, generating feelings of gratitude, security, peace of mind, joy, and whatever other feelings you expect to feel when this becomes your reality. And watch for signs that it’s coming – finding money on the street, for example, is confirmation from the Universe that your wish is on it’s way!
In Light
by Alexandria Barker | Sep 15, 2020 | Law of Attraction
Everyone who discovers the Law of Attraction wants to get money fast, it seems. And why not – if we can indeed attract (or allow) all good things into our lives through the power of our thoughts and
emotions, why not put more money on the list along with better relationships and robust health?
Let’s face it, money makes life easier, more fun, and enables you to do more good in the world than if you’re struggling to get by. So, why does this seem to be the point so many people have trouble with?
As we know, the Law of Attraction dictates that we get what we focus on.
Thoughts around money tend to come up quite often in people’s lives, so why aren’t we all millionaires? Because we’re focused on the LACK of money. On things we’d like to do or have but feel we can’t, because this precious commodity may run out if we don’t guard it with our lives!
Well I’ve just discovered a new money game to play to make you more receptive to receiving money. I’ve just begun to play with it, but it’s already resulted in approximately $500 coming my way unexpectedly, so I had to share the good word!
If you’re like the majority of people, you keep a pretty close eye on the amount of money going out, and what it’s going on. By focusing on money going out, you attract more of money going out. What I’m suggesting here is that you shift your focus to what’s coming IN. Keep a little notebook just for this, and record any money you find on the street, any bonuses at work, even regular pay cheques!
By focusing on all the money you have now and feeling gratitude, you put yourself in a nice light vibration where you match up with more money flowing your way! Have fun with this, and please drop me a line with your Get Money Fast success stories!
Here’s the blog post where I first discovered this process:
In Light
Turning the life you HAVE into the life you Want
by Alexandria Barker | Sep 14, 2020 | Law of Attraction
Today I’m happy to present a guest blog post by Julia Neiman. Enjoy!
10 Tips to Nurture Spirituality in Children and Teens
By Julia Neiman
Teaching our children to be spiritual beings is a great way to develop a deeper connection with them. Children want to know who they are and that they have a connection to something greater than themselves, whether that be God, the universe, nature, the force or whatever you want to call it.
When I talk about spirituality, I am referring to the real essence of who we are. Developing spirituality is a lifetime journey of self-discovery. It is about opening our hearts and finding our true purpose in life. Spirituality is about our attitudes, values and our practices; about the things that motivate us at the very deepest levels of our being.
Here are 10 easy tips to get started:
1. Set an intention. First thing in the morning have everyone in your family set their intention for the day. This is an important practice in the Law of Attraction. Your intention is what guides you on your journey and as parents, it is in your own best interest to help your children have good intentions. Have them state their intention, for example, I intend to be mindful in school today, or I intend to have a happy day. At the end of the day, you can ask them if the day turned out as they intended it to. If not, ask them where it went off track and what they could have done differently.
2. Gratitude journal. Every day, preferably in the evening, everyone in the family should write down at least one thing they are grateful for. It can be anything from being happy for being alive, to thanking another family member for something they have done for them. Or have everyone state what they are grateful for during dinner if you eat together as a family. It’s a great conversation starter and creates a closer bond between family members.
3. Guided visualization. Children are very visual so guided visualizations or meditations work great. Through guided visualizations you can create healthy, thought provoking images to transform negativity into positive affirmations. Some of the benefits of guided visualizations are relief of stress and anxiety, decreasing panic attacks, boosting self-esteem, learning to use introspection to find answers, and provides opportunities for children to connect with themselves on deeper levels.
It is best to use guided visualization when you can create quiet time with no interruptions. Before bed is a good time, after or instead of reading, use guided visualization to calm everyone down and put them in the space to have good dreams. Include setting an intention to remember their dreams prior to the visualization. Then ask them about their dreams in the morning.
4. Martial Arts. As odd as this sounds, martial arts actually emphasizes self- control, respect and compassion. I especially like Tai Chi which is wonderful for teenagers. Some years ago I had a client in foster care that was very angry. I took him to a Tai Chi class in hopes of providing an outlet for that anger. Because Tai Chi is a traditional martial art based on non-aggression and teaches discipline and self-control, he learned that it is a more powerful use of energy to deflect rather than attack. It was a valuable lesson that stayed with both of us to this day.
There are many good benefits with martial arts. In addition to learning self-control and discipline, martial arts boosts self-esteem and confidence, it provides a tool to channel anger, it is great exercise and increases a child’s sense of his own physicality.
5. Yoga. Yoga brings about inner peace and sets up the mind for stimulation. Yoga is also a good way to increase children’s awareness of their own bodies, aides their sense of balance, provides relaxation and opportunities to be introspective. It also reduces stress and lowers anxiety levels.
6. Arts and Crafts. Any form of arts and crafts is a great way to explore spirituality because it provides children opportunities to be creative and use their imaginations. Did you know that Albert Einstein believed that one’s imagination is a more important indicator of one’s intelligence than their knowledge?
Art can also be used to express our deepest feelings in a way that is safer then verbal communication. Art is an excellent therapeutic tool because children can draw those emotions that they have no words for or are afraid of saying out loud. Children tell the truth through their art.
7. Explore nature. Teach children about transformation by learning about butterflies; teach them about interconnectedness of life by talking about eco-systems while hiking in the forest or the desert or playing on the beach; teach them about conservation by picking up trash wherever you are. You can have nighttime picnics and gaze at the stars or have daytime picnics and tell stories about what life was like in your neighborhood before civilization moved in. There are endless ways to teach children about the universe and their place in it through the exploration of nature.
8. Music. Music was important in my family. When I was a young girl, and I’m about to date myself here, there was a show on television called Sing Along With Mitch. We watched that show as a family and sang along to all the songs. It was silly but we had a lot of fun as a family and I have great memories of that time. Studies are being done that show that music has powerful and positive effects on several dimensions of wellbeing.
9. Community Service. Volunteering for a community service project can provide children and teens with a broader understanding of how they fit in the world. It helps them develop compassion and empathy for others and find gratitude that their own circumstances are different than others. Community service allows kids to learn what it means to be in service of others and to find a sense of satisfaction that they did something for someone else with no other benefit for themselves.
10. Study spirituality. Read books/magazines about spirituality or watch movies about spirituality and discuss them as a family.
Keeping teenagers engaged in spiritual practices.
I was asked recently about how to keep teenagers engaged in spiritual practices. It’s a good question because by the time they are teenagers, many kids have developed a sense of “duality,” that is to say concepts of right and wrong, either/or, self or non-self, and so on. If they have been exposed to spiritual practices from when they were young, they won’t lose that because they will have come to understand that everyone and everything in the universe is connected with everyone and everything else. However, even if they have never explored spirituality before it isn’t that difficult to engage teenagers in spiritual exercises.
Why should you encourage children to develop their spirituality?
Because the emotional and physical benefits to their lives are priceless; because it can provide them with a sense of purpose, help them figure out what they are passionate about. All of these things can promote health by relieving stress and anxiety as well as help children open their hearts and develop compassion and empathy. All of these benefits lead to healthy adulthood with healthy relationships.
The ways to nurture spirituality in children is endless, limited only by your imagination!
About Julia:
Julia Neiman is the Founder of Transform For Life, an online coaching program for teens, and Executive Director of Group Home Consultants, a nonprofit that provides independent living skills training to transition age foster youth.
Julia has 20 years of experience working with troubled teens. She believes that their dreams matter and is passionate about helping them learn to make those dreams come true. To that end, Julia has just written her first book, 31 Powerful Lessons: Empowering Teens and Young Adults to Develop an Entrepreneur Mindset. The book is currently available only at her website as an ebook. Later this year the book will be available both as an audio book and a bound book.
Visit Julia’s website at for a free download of a great organizational tool entitled, Get Stuff Done. Then check the Free Downloads Page for more free stuff.
by Alexandria Barker | Sep 7, 2020 | Best Stress Relief Activities, Law of Attraction
Do you know how to visualize?
It’s one of the best stress relief activities, but chances are, this skill was drummed out of you early in your scholastic career. As in, “Pay attention, stop that daydreaming!” or, later in life, “You’re not going to get anywhere just thinking about it, DO something, don’t be such a dreamer!” (more…)