by Alexandria Barker | Oct 11, 2020 | Law of Attraction

Develop an attitude of gratitude
Do you believe you can develop an attitude of gratitude? I firmly believe Gratitude is the key to all good things., providing your gratitude and appreciation is for what a situation is, not for what you think it should be!
I had a clear reminder of that this past Thanksgiving weekend. I had visualized spending the weekend will all of my 4 children, their spouses and my 5 little grandchildren. I had even done my Wishful Thanking pre-paving in full expectation of a fabulous family reunion, and congratulated myself in my determination to develop an attitude of gratitude.
A week prior to the big day, I had confirmation in my hot hands – everyone was able to attend. Not an easy feat, coordinating this, I congratulated myself as I happily went shopping to feed all 15 of us, happy visions of hugs and laughter filling my mind.
Well the morning of the big dinner, received the 1st cancellation – my stepdaughter had been called in to work and couldn’t attend, but her hubby and my grandson still would be. I mentally removed one chair from the table.
Time passed, and the house began to fill in, little ones (the oldest being 4) running up and down the hallway, with Nana (me!) basking in the warm loving feeling and sound of giggles.
An hour later, another phone call – my youngest daughter was ill, she, her hubby and another grandson wouldn’t be attending. Three more chairs removed from table.
But the thing was, we all had a wonderful day/night/overnight of food, fun and festivities. And even though it wasn’t what I would have planned, it was a fabulous weekend, and I was very grateful for how everything had turned out.
It was a wonderful reminder that everything always is exactly how it’s meant to be. Though we missed those not in attendance, fewer people created space for more intimate conversation, and gave room for other people to shine.
In the end, everyone agreed it was one of the best Thanksgivings ever, and my heart overflowed with gratitude for everyone there, and everyone there in spirit. It was a wonderful lesson in letting go of expectation and delighting in what was. I offer this in the spirit of encouragement, so that the next time things unexpectedly change in your world, you can develop an attitude of gratitude and gracefully accept what is, rather than wistfully wishing it could be different. Just place your faith in the trust that all is well, and is what it was meant to be.
In Light, Alexandria
by Alexandria Barker | Oct 10, 2020 | Best Stress Relief Activities, Law of Attraction
Feeling Stressed? Gratitude beats stress everytime – here’s a quick video on how to make it your go-to resource! Not just for Thanksgiving weekend, but as a daily practice!
Expressing gratitude is one of the best stress relief activities you can do if you want quick results! I was inspired to record a video about practicing gratitude. Discover the difference 5 minutes can make, when you use it to focus on things you’re grateful for!
I feel it’s the most powerful practice going, and is so easy to do! I know we’re all busy people, but if you commit to spending just 5 minutes a day feeling grateful, every day, your life will turn around. But don’t take my word for it, prove it to yourself! Try this and see if you agree it’s one of the best stress relief activities!
by Alexandria Barker | Oct 7, 2020 | Reiki
by Alexandria Barker | Oct 2, 2020 | Law of Attraction
My personal daily goal is focus on what delights me and gets me to my happy place so to feel as fabulous as I possibly can! It’s easier than you may think, and is within your reach too!
My professional goal is to help you feel better, regardless of the situation you may be in. Because no matter what’s going on with you right now, you are still in control, because you get to decide how to perceive it – and Perception is Everything!
My own life experiences and 22 years of metaphysical training have given me many tools that I love sharing in my coaching and training programs. Of these, my #1 favorite go-to ‘tool’ is Gratitude.
By deliberately cultivating an attitude of Gratitude you are sending a powerful message out into the world that you are worthy and deserving and open to receiving more good things.
I make it a practice to deliberately choose my thoughts to reflect the silver lining that’s present under all circumstances. I start my day by creating gratitude lists, which essentially is simply counting your blessings and writing them down. Anything you wouldn’t want to be without would go on this list, and on many occasions my list has had over 100 items on it! (try this and see how easy and fast it really is!)
To keep this process feeling fresh, I do like to mix up the themes a bit. For example, I might ask, what do I appreciate about my life? About myself? Family members?
I was recently asked, “What delights you” in an interview – here was my short list.
– cuddling fluffy kittens
– hugs & kisses from my little grandkids
– family parties
– introducing/training others in the art of Reiki
– hanging out with like-minded people
– crystals
– teaching yoga
– strolling in my gardens
– writing by my pond
– playing pool with my hubby
– dancing!
Once I have a list compiled I like to review it and deliberately conjure happy feelings that match these experiences. Such a great start to the day! The uplifting feeling builds throughout the day, and is mirrored in my outer experiences. A nice side effect – I have lots of lovely thoughts to reflect on at the end of the day when I’m looking for positive feelings to go to sleep with.
What’s on your list of delights? Add it in the comments!
May You Be Happy, May You Be Healthy, May You Live with Ease!
Love & Light
by Alexandria Barker | Oct 1, 2020 | Law of Attraction, Spiritual Healing
It’s so easy to have an Attitude of Gratitude in October! 
I’ve always thought of October as the month of abundance and gratitude. It’s long been a Thanksgiving family tradition of ours to go around the table and have each person say one thing they’re grateful for. Invariably the dinner table laden with beautiful holiday food is among them!
This month I invite you to look around and marvel at all the beauty, splendor and sheer ABUNDANCE that sets October apart from all other months. Drink in the beauty of the changing leaves, the colors and scents of the farmers’ markets, the intense blue sky, and spend some time being GRATEFUL to be apart of it all!
I believe an attitude of gratitude is the most important thing we can nurture within ourselves, and also teach our children. It’s a natural antidote to stress – feelings of anger, sorrow or worry simply cannot exist alongside gratitude, the vibrations are too different. Gratitude and appreciation are of a high-flying vibration, like love. In fact, Abraham-Hicks says if we all bask in this beautiful feeling instead of worrying about the future, our future happiness would be guaranteed!
To cultivate this beautiful feeling all year, why not start a family gratitude journal? Encourage each member of the family to make daily entries, which can then be shared with the entire family on a weekly basis. You may also want to begin writing a daily gratitude list. Keep it in a separate journal so you can easily refer back when you need a lift! Taking a gratitude walk is also a wonderful way to consciously generate this lovely feeling – focus on all the things you’re grateful for, or simply make ‘thank-you’ your mantra as you stroll. I hope this article has inspired you to develop an attitude of gratitude! I’d personally be very grateful if you’re also inspired to share it!