Meet The Chakra Angels

Merry Christmas Eve! What could be a better time for you to meet the Chakra Angels?
The Chakra Angels are here, and they want to share their message with you! While I was revising my Wishful Thanking book this summer, a guide to balancing your chakras and designing your divine life through them, I began spontaneously channeling energies that identified themselves as the Chakra Angels. They informed me that in addition to our own personal Guardian Angel, we also have a Chakra Angel for each chakra. With their permission I included these channeled messages in the new Wishful Thanking; 7 Simple Steps to Abundance.
When you meet the chakra angels you’ll discover they are chameleons. You have yours and I have mine. They may appear to you as Angels, Divas, Goddesses, or Ninjas – whatever you need from her/him. I haven’t included their names because they may be different for you!
With the exception of the 7th Chakra Angel who oversees the others, mine present with fairy energy – which stands to reason, as fairies are nature angels, and our bodies are part of nature. We relate to our world through our chakras. Mine are light and playful, love to dress in ‘their’ colors and encourage me to keep my chakras balanced through play and exploration. She came through as spokes-angel for the collection, and they each also have a brief hello just for you on this day! I hope you enjoy their messages – my Christmas gift to you! Be sure to sign up to my mailing list to receive a weekly inspirational message from your Chakra Angels in 2018!
“We are dancing and singing and celebrating that you have now begun! This is an opportunity to reach many receptive ears with a strong message that comes from your soul as well as us. We are so happy you are now setting aside both space and time for this.  This is the perfect time to greet you with our introductory message – our ‘letter of introduction’ as it were. What better time then now, when songs of angels fill your airwaves and images adorn greeting cards, bringing us more into your consciousness. Collectively we are happy and excited to be in your thoughts. The veil is lifting and more and more of you see us, feel us, and call upon us, especially the little ones who still remember our agreement to be here beside you, here to guide you, to give you strength and comfort whenever you desire. You need simply to ask!”
The Chakra Angels’ Christmas Message: “Be happy! Put your problems on pause. In fact, reject them! Eject them! For in truth you have none – none you can’t surmount. So now they become challenges, a chance to exercise your creative energy. We want you to begin to see yourself in a new way. Become in-lightened with the colorful lights you are. As bright and dazzling as the Christmas lights that brighten up the darkest nights. Know that we are here. We are within you and we can help you express all the facets of your being. Let this knowing stir in you. Feel the magic you have. See the string of lights; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Each has it’s own gift – together we make a rainbow.
“This is like you. Separately you as an individual each have your own gifts, but when combined with others they truly shine. Open your hearts. Open your eyes to all the colors that you are magical ones! See how you are as connected to those around you as your chakras are connected to each other, to make the splendid total that you are. See each chakra center as a glowing sun – let its color radiate.”
Root Chakra Angel – “I am here to hold the energy of your connectedness to the earth and your physicality. Move with me, dance, play! You re a child of the Universe here on your playground of choice! Savor it!”
Sacral Chakra Angel – “Explore your sensuality! Taste is such a delicious gift – let it be your focus when you take nourishment, that you may nourish your senses and experience all that food has to offer.”
Solar Chakra Angel – “I am your personal sun. Feel the power you have stored here. Make yourself ready to let it fully shine and brighten your inner and outer world!”
Heart Chakra Angel – “Feel the warmth of your heart centre. Every kind, loving thought makes me beam brighter and this is evident to all who behold you. Let your love light shine!”
Throat Chakra Angel -“Words of love are like the sweetest song ringing out into the atmosphere, a loving vibration healing all it touches. And the musician is you, Beloved.”
3rd Eye Chakra Angel – “My message is for you to awaken and finally know that your imagination is your creative power, your blank chalkboard, and your thoughts are the writing you place upon it. I am here to help you remember and, if you choose, to guide you in writing the story you truly want to live.”
Crown Chakra Angel – “You are Divine. You are loved. You are worthy and ready to receive. I am here to help you remember that. I am so honored. You honor me and all of us when you tune yourself to love.”

How Giving Brings Abundance

This is the ‘giving season’ which can put a lot of pressure on people, so I wanted to remind you that the greatest gifts are free! A kind smile (with your eyes, if your face is covered) a gentle word, donations of clothing, loving thoughts are very do-able ways to keep good vibes going!
And here’s some of my personal go-to activities to start the day right. I love to start the day with my 4 minutes of ‘happy for no reason’, it’s fun and easy and sets my vibrational tone for the day!
I made this video all about it! And here’s the link to the program I mention in it.

Law of Attraction Manifesting Success Stories

index carI love deliberate creation success stories! Today I have a fabulous Law of Attraction manifesting success story to share, from one of my coaching clients who has really been on a roll! I’m sharing it here because it’s so empowering to hear of someone’s successes with deliberate creating, it opens us up to what’s possible for all of us!
Just to give you a little background, this client is a stay-at-home nursing mom of a 3 month old, who also has a 3-year-old. Her husband has just returned to school full time.
They decided it was time their just turned 3-yr-old had his own big-boy bed. They had the mattress, just needed a frame. They found one they loved, but it would require them to make a 2 hr round trip. Not fun with a new baby! They continued their search, expanding it to include Kijiji to see if anyone was selling one there.
They struck gold – someone had posted on Kijiji that they were selling the same model bed they wanted, at a fraction of the cost! The price just went from $250 plus tax and mileage to $50, no tax. They were delighted and jumped at the opportunity.
When they arrived at the seller’s house, he told them he no longer had the hardware to put the bed-frame together. “Just take it, no charge,” he told them. The frame was in perfect, good as new condition, and their son is having a wonderful time playing on and under his new big-boy bed.
Fresh on the heels of this success story (within 2 weeks) my client and her husband were discussing what to do about their 2nd car, an older model in frequent need of repair. She felt they’d be better off investing their money in a newer model, but her husband wanted to wait until he was finished school. So he cleaned the car interior and washed it, making the best of their situation relative to the car, and they both let go of their desire for a new one.
Shortly thereafter my client received a phone call from her father. He told her he’d just been gifted with a much newer, gently used vehicle from a good friend, but he was in process of a new car. Since he had no use for it either, he was re-gifting the car to her!
I asked my client what she attributed her manifesting successes to, she replied she’s been more aware of her thoughts lately, and was deliberately choosing positive ones more often. Sweet & simple, right? Just goes to show the difference being more conscious of your thoughts and feelings can make! Feel free to leave me a comment and share YOUR Law of Attraction success stories!
Love & Light, Alexandria


Essential Self-Care for Lightworkers

imagesEssential Self-care to Turn your Inner Critic into your Inner Cheerleader :

Why gaining control of your inner dialogue is critical to your success

Self-care doesn’t come automatically because we’re so conditioned to think it’s being selfish, thoughtless, bad. About 80% of our thoughts are old, negative, habitual thoughts that have been playing in our minds for years.

Because it’s been playing in the background for so long, most people don’t even notice it’s there.

Unless you have a particularly supportive inner voice (most of us don’t until we deliberately change it) it’s going to want to keep you in your comfort zone.

That little voice is dictating the level of success you experience.

If part of you just asked, ‘what little voice’, that’s the little voice I’m talking about!

These chronic thoughts were instilled by well-meaning parents, teachers and other adults, and though we automatically accept them as true, they probably aren’t.

The good news is, when you take the time to notice and get to know this little voice and get familiar with your habitual thoughts, you can take steps to change them forever. You can train yourself to think in a specific way, enabling you to attract what you want.

We are always in control of what we think. Though it sometimes seems our thoughts think themselves, you are actually choosing them, even if it’s out of habit. The key is to consciously choose supportive thoughts that take you where you want to go.

There are two sides to every topic – if thinking a thought makes you feel bad, try to turn it around. A very helpful process is to think, “this is what I don’t want, so what do I want” and think of the positive aspects of that topic.

There are specific processes to over-ride negative thoughts and take control. This is where affirmations come in. Affirmations are thoughts you deliberately choose because you want the effects they’ll bring.

They should always be worded in the present tense, as if you’ve already achieved the goal, and should always be phrased in the most positive way possible

For example, when you notice you’re thinking a thought such as, “my business is a failure, I don’t have what it takes,” picture a stop sign in your mind and say STOP – then rephrase with an affirmation or affirmation that serves you.

Choose an affirmation that resonates with you, such as “I am in the process of becoming a highly respected successful business owner”.

By adding the line “in the process” you counter your mind’s argument that you’re lying to yourself.

I recommend you work on one area of your life at a time. Write your affirmation 10x a day, or sing it, incorporate it into your life any way you can.

You might like to record yourself saying your affirmations and listening to while you go for your stress-relieving walk!

I will not share how to notice, challenge and change negative programming forever, and why eliminating negative programming is essential to you’re playing a bigger game

We attract what we think about the most, whether we want it or not, through the Law 0f Attraction. So it is essential to uncover and reverse any negative programming we have running in the background, so we attract what we want instead of what we don’t want.

An afformation is similar to an affirmation, and is used the same way, but they are phrased as questions. They may work for you when affirmations fail. They can work better than affirmations in some cases, because your mind doesn’t tend to negate them. An example of an affirmation is, “how did I become such a successful business owner?”

Every time you make the effort to change habitual thoughts that don’t serve you, you weaken the power of that statement.

You also create new positive neurological pathways that strengthen your new resolve, and make it progressively easier to think positive thoughts that enable you to achieve whatever you set out to do!

Think of your thought pathways like a path in the grass – when you stop walking a certain path, it will grow over, and you will habitually walk the new path of your choosing!

There is an easy short-cut to promoting more health, wealth and happiness in your life: develop an attitude of gratitude to become a vibrational match to all the things you want!

You have far more control over the events of your life than you might imagine. We are vibrational beings, and our thoughts and feelings match up with other thoughts, people and circumstances. By intentionally raising your vibration (improving your mood) on a consistent basis, your entire life will improve.

Some simple techniques you can begin today to see real change in your life include gratitude lists, meditation, and visualization.

To cultivate an attitude of gratitude, start your day with a gratitude list, basically counting your blessings and writing them down! You might also incorporate gratitude into your stress-relieving walk – mentally saying ‘thank you’ with each step you take. And in addition to your 15 minute daily meditation, invest 5 minutes in visualizing your life, and your business, exactly the way you want it to be.

Think of it as daydreaming, with purpose! Make your visualization as real as possible – it’s the blueprint of what you want to create.

Your brain can’t tell the difference between reality, and the reality you’re imagining. For, as Einstein said, “imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” Put these techniques to work for you, and feel free to comment below and share your results!






Your New Money Story!

Want to change your relationship with money? Then you have to create a new money story. 
I was inspired to transcribe a fabulous Abraham-Hicks money rampage that gives you step by step instructions on how to tell a new money story that will serve you well! I committed it to memory because I love to run through rampages while driving, walking, or doing something like the dishes that don’t require much attention. It beats filling my head with all the negative stuff on the radio! Give it a try for 30 days, and let me know your results!
new money story
New Money Story
“I’m on my way to feelings of such freedom and I’m beginning to feel my power. It’s so exciting to be this age in life and knowing what I know.
I’m so excited about what’s up there ahead of me and I believe my vibrational escrow is full of wonderful things and it will be fun to watch them turn up in the way that they will.
And I see evidence every day that the universe is working on my behalf.
More and more I’m believing that I really am that blessed worthy person that Abraham’s been talking about and things really are getting better and better.
I wouldn’t for a moment want the things I think I want to happen all at once. I want them to come in a way that I can enjoy them and I want them to continually expand. I believe what Abraham says, that there will always be a gap and I will never get it done, so I’m happy with the progress.
I don’t want it all at once I just want to be sure I’m moving in the right direction. And I can tell by the way I feel that I am. I’m feeling lighter and more free, hopeful and believing things are going better and I’m trusting things will start manifesting around that.
If it doesn’t happen all at once or quickly, I’m alright with that, I’ve got plenty of time and look at me, aren’t I the lucky one because I know what to do and there isn’t even a little part of me that doesn’t know that I’m the creator of my own reality. I know that I am.
I know I create my reality and I know I can tell which way I’m going and I can see how much good stuff has come to me already. I’m really quite proud of how far I’ve come and I know I’m never going to stop wanting, so I think it’s time to stop worrying about the parts that seem to be missing and start appreciating the parts that are there.
And there are so many of them, lets see; I could make a list right now of all the things that are going very well in my life experience!” – Abraham Hicks 
Your next step – go ahead and write that list! Savor each item, say ‘thanks you’ and feel the gratitude for each! Enjoy! And please drop me a line & let me know how this works for you!

Remembrance Day Meditation

Remembrance Day Meditation

images On Nov. 11, 11 am, Canada takes a pause from technology and the busyness of life to remember those who shed blood in service to our country. If you are unable to attend a public service, or wish to honor them privately, I offer this Remembrance Day meditation.
Memorial Meditation
Start by turning off all distractions so you can direct your attention within. We will use a variation of the Heart Math institute’s Heart Breath for this meditation:

  • Find a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Take a few deep breaths, breathing in for a count of 3 and out for 5 to center yourself
  • Once you’ve made this connection, direct your breathing to your heart center as if you could literally breathe through your heart. Begin to breathe Love in and out with every breath
  • Do this for several breaths, then focus on feeling GRATITUDE. Spend 2 minutes (or longer) sending your energy, love and gratitude out through your heart with each breath
  • Imagine the fallen receiving all this GRATITUDE
  • When you’ve completed your memorial meditation, gently bring yourself back into the room you’re in, and strive to maintain this feeling of gratitude throughout the rest of the day, truly appreciating all the freedom and privileges we enjoy today because of the courage and selflessness of those brave souls. Namaste