
Stress Relief Activities

Is your relationship stressing you out? You need stress relief activities! Solve difficulties and love the people in your life again, warts and all, with a little help from the Law of Attraction! Here I’ll share some favorite techniques, stress relief activities that actually fix the relationship problem. I’ve used these Abraham-Hicks processes to fix […]

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Color your world with Color Therapy

When you want to change your inner landscape, color therapy can help you color your world more to your liking! What color are you today? Are you feeling blue, or in the pink? A little green with envy perhaps? The fact that color is such an integral part of our language reflects the powerful impact […]

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Best Stress Relief Activities

Two of the best stress relief activities going are yoga and pilates. Both will teach you to focus your mind, which will help you relieve stress. For me, yoga vs pilates is a lot like comparing apples and oranges. I love them both, and am a teacher of both, but I don’t expect the same […]

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