Find the answers you seek! Attract your greatest love! Uncover your future!

Tap into your inner power with a Tarot Reading!

I am a Channel, a Reiki Master, Akashic Records Consultant and a 4th generation psychic. My Nana and Great Nana were renowned tea leaf readers. My mom, a master tarot reader, personally taught me the art of Tarot reading, which I have now been doing for over 20 years.
As a Master Tarot reader, I feel the Tarot  offers astonishingly accurate insights and personal perceptions, unleashing new power.
The readings are designed to access the profound energy and unlimited information held in the great Akashic Field – fields of wisdom and power that transcend time and space.

Receive answers to questions such as:

  • If I follow my current plan, what is the likely outcome of this situation?
  • What should I know about my career/health/relationship?
  • What steps can I take to improve this situation?
  • What should be my focus today?
  • What is Spirit’s guidance for me today?


LIVE Enhanced Tarot

Resolve personal issues with me live over the phone with  Live Enhanced Akashic Tarot.  over the phone or over Zoom. With these readings I add a short channeling, a check in with your Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, Angels and Ancestors who help direct your  Tarot session.

You have the opportunity to ask me questions in the moment and receive additional clarity. You will receive a recorded audio and photo of spread. Connect with me at to book your reading.

The 8-card Pyramid Enhanced Tarot spread energy exchange, approximately 30 minutes, is $85. Tx in

The 18-card Tarot Wheel of Life spread includes your Path of Life. Approximately 60 minutes,  $145


All readings payable via e-transfer to


Traditional Tarot E-reading

Simply email me your question(s) and receive your personal audio recorded reading within a week from date of purchase. With these more ‘traditional’ readings I do not enter into your Akashic Records.


An 8-card Tarot Pyramid e-reading is $75.

An 18-card reading is $120, taxes included.

All readings payable via e-transfer to 

Email your questions to

eTransfer for within Canada and if outside Canada I will invoice you prior to your reading.



“I think between the cards you pulled, your guidance and the higher message from the Universe, the message is concrete and very clear as to which path I am supposed to take. The Animal Spirit Guide card reading was on point, it resonates exactly with what’s going on now and what I need to do” 

John Kyriakoulias, Ontario

It was great, very interesting! It gave me guidance about how I can think more positively and I received action steps to take toward my goal. The Animal Spirit Guide felt right on! I will recommend this to my friends
Val Smith, Ontario

It was a really good reading, I learned a lot from it, and it was also very interesting to learn about my animal spirit guide.
Darla Patterson, Alberta