Soul Search Services

 Starseed, Explore Your Soul’s Journey

Whether you identify as a Starseed, a Lightworker, or a Spiritual Seeker, the fact that you are here means something inside you is waking up! Your soul is talking to you, urging you to pay attention to your spiritual gifts!

NOW is the time to unlock these gifts and let your gifts unfold. The world needs for you to live your life purpose as much as you do. It’s time to share the beautiful empathic soul you are with the world!

A Soul Search reading is an intuitive healing modality that reveals your potential.  You’ll discover how to experience your soul’s identity in very practical ways and ground your divinity into your human experience.

Imagine harnessing the power of your intuition and expanding your manifesting abilities, creating the life you want based on your divine gifts and who you are at soul level!

Soul Search accesses highly specific, practical and actionable information from the Akashic Records, resulting in a highly transformational reading for you.

A Soul Search reading is exceptionally insightful and healing, allowing you to step powerfully into your full potential in the new reality you are creating. 


Your Akashic Records Starseed Reading will reveal:

  • Your Divine Gifts – how you intended to create your abundance
  • Your Primary Energy Center – the energetic qualities your Soul is made of
  • Your Soul Group of Origin – where you began your Soul’s journey
  • Your Soul Specializations – specific skill sets you are gifted with
  • Your chosen Life Lesson – what your Soul wants to experience this life
  • Your Soul Story – the Divine nature of your Soul
  • Your Soul Purpose – what you intended to accomplish this lifetime
  • Your Spirit Guide Team – how many are available to work with you




Akashic Records Home & Property Clearing

Your home and property can be considered an energetic entity of sorts. The Akashic Records maintain information records of your property. There may be negative energies or entities that influence residents.

If you are homeowner, buying or renting a home, apartment living, workspace, business properties, vehicles, land, etc.

If you want to have your current living space cleared, this session is for you!

This Akashic Records clearing removes any negative influences, unwelcome energetic energy, and entities from your property.

Alexandria will also send Reiki energy to your place of choice as well as conducting an energetic clearing within the Akashic Records to surround it with protection, provide peace of mind, and the opportunity to flourish in your sacred spaces.

To conduct this clearing reading, Alexandria requires the full address or land location of the property, including any apartment number, name of the resident(s), and any pets that will reside in the residence.

 Your home may have Portalways (energetic doorways) that allow entities to come and go. They will make you feel uneasy. You may have Gateways within the home that can disrupt your sleep and cause you to feel unfocused. Entities can also attach to properties, creating a negative impact.

This clearing session is very useful if you are trying to sell a house, it becomes so much more appealing to potential buyers when it is free of negative influence. It is also effective for clearing business or work space.
Please provide Alexandria with the full mailing address of the property you wish to have cleared.


You will receive:

  • a full energetic home & property clearing
  • energetic home protection
  • a record of all my findings
  • your home will be your sanctuary once again
I would like to share my wonderful experience with Alexandria’s Akashic Records House Clearing service. I am a realtor, and a client had what I would describe as a ‘sad house’ that was not selling.
 I hired Alexandria to perform a House Clearing. She was very kind and very professional. She cleared the home and gave a detailed account of her findings and the probable impact they would have on guests and residents. My client was amazed at how Alexandria “nailed it” without meeting her or seeing the house.
I was also amazed, because less than an hour after Alexandria cleared the home, I was contacted by someone asking for a viewing. Two days later we held a very successful Open House with many very interested viewers, and it sold shortly thereafter.
Seeing this impact, I would definitely recommend Alexandria’s services, and would not hesitate to book her again. Thanks Alexandria! – Tracie T., Realtor






Akashic Records Spirit Guide Reading

Meet your spirit guides, the spiritual support team your Higher Self hand-picked to assist you in this lifetime.

In this reading Alexandria consults the Akashic Records to connect with your spirit guide team. She will reveal your guide’s names, gender, specific role on your team, how they connect with you, their soul group of origination, their primary energy center, vibration rate, and any messages they have for you.

Discover who makes up your spirit guide team and what their individual messages for you are, and why you ‘hired’ them as your helpers for this life.


You will receive:

  • 60 minute live call with Alexandria recorded and emailed to you
  • a full soul profile on each spirit guide
  • you will learn who they are and how they connect with you
  • Alexandria will send you the profile of each spirit guide
  • you will learn how to work with your team




Akashic Records Soul Search Life Situation Reading

Do you have a specific issue to resolve?

In this Akashic Records Reading Alexandria gets to the energetic root cause of the blocks and restrictions you’re experiencing and removes it.

Please provide Alexandria with a short description of the life you want to create, and identify one to four situations in which you’re currently experiencing difficulties.

She will then investigate how many blocks and restrictions may be present, enabling you to make new choices that will allow you to create the life you truly deserve.


You will receive:

  • a 60 minute phone call revealing Alexandria’s findings
  • an understanding of the energetic reasons why you’re having these issues
  • Alexandria will illuminate all blocks and restrictions causing you problems, enabling you to make new informed choices
  • Alexandria will send you a written summary of the findings
  • you will then be empowered to make the appropriate choices to get the results you desire



Akashic Records Soul Search Relationship Reading

Do you want to deepen a relationship and/or resolve issues in it? Are you wondering if you have been together in former lives? Are there blocks standing in the way of the happy relationship you desire?

Whether it’s a romantic challenge, parent-child conflict, best friends or a business partner issue, Alexandria can provide insight and perspective on how the relationship in question contributes to your experience.

Alexandria reveals which energetic blocks and restrictions may be negatively impacting you in your relationships. Alexandria then removes these blocks and restrictions so you can resolve these issues causing distress in your life.


You will receive:

  • an overview of the soul level relationship
  • you will discover what is at the root of the difficulty, and the life lesson for each individual
  • a 60 minute recorded call of the full detailed Akashic Records analysis
  • you will then be empowered to make informed choices in alignment with your soul purpose



Akashic Records Chakra Balancing

In this Akashic Records Reading Alexandria will analyze each of your 7 primary chakras to determine if it is over or underactive on a mental or emotional level, and reveal how it’s impacting you. She will then balance each of your chakras.

Chakra imbalances are caused by lifestyle imbalances within your emotional and mental energy, and are at the root of physical dis-ease.

When chakras become off-balance, disease manifests within our bodies. Knowing which chakras are out of balance allows you to make informed healthy choices, adjustments, and/or changes  needed to bring these energy centers back into balance



You will receive:

  • a chakra analysis revealing their status prior to the balancing
  • a complete chakra balancing
  • Alexandria will send you a detailed account of the status of your chakras
  • you will discover how to keep them balanced so you can experience success in each life area