Akashic Records Soul Search

Your Soul Search journey starts here!

The fact that you are here means something inside you is waking up! Your soul urging you to pay attention to your spiritual gifts!

The World Needs Your Light!

NOW is the time to unlock these gifts and let your gifts unfold. The world needs for you to live your life purpose as much as you do. It’s time to share your beautiful soul with the world!

An Akashic Records Soul Search Reading is an accurate, precise Soul reading. This advanced, multidimensional, non-touch healing will help you unlock your fullest potential and live your true authentic self in harmony with the Universe.

Readings are conducted within your Akashic Records, a huge database containing every choice your Soul has made since it first incarnated.

This Divine Soul Blueprint reveals your Soul’s history, as well as how and where you may be blocking Source energy. Once you realign with it life energy flows to you more easily, enabling you to create the abundant, purposeful life you truly desire.


Heal Your Life with Soul Search Readings

An Akashic Records Soul Search Reading  is exceptionally insightful and healing, and can Transform Your Life! You will receive very specific, practical and actionable information in this highly transformational reading.

You came here to live your best life. Together we can make it happen!

In this reading you will receive accurate and comprehensive information about who YOU are at Soul level.

Discover how and where your soul originated, what your divine gifts are, and the number of spirit guides on your team. 

Discover the truth about karmic debt with other souls. Dissolve a belief patterns, blocks and restrictions preventing you from fully living your divinity.

Receive valuable, actionable information from your Akashic Record to step powerfully into your full potential, and support and guide you in your growth and healing.


You are needed now – let me help you awaken to your true divinity, and how you can make a difference in the world. You incarnated here for a reason. I can help you realize your mission and purpose, and live it fully.

Your soul is talking to you, urging you to pay attention to your spiritual gifts.

NOW is the time to unlock these gifts and let your gifts unfold. The world needs for you to live your life purpose as much as you do. It’s time to share the beautiful empathic soul you are with the world!

Channeling your animals with Alexandria Barker

 Your Akashic Records Soul Search Reading will reveal:

  •  Your Divine Gifts – how you intended to create your abundance
  •  Your Primary Energy Center – the energetic qualities your Soul is made of
  • Your Soul Group of Origin – where you began your Soul’s journey
  • Your Soul Specializations – specific skill sets you are gifted with
  • Your chosen Life Lesson – what your Soul wants to experience this life
  • Your blocks/restrictions/negative Karmic patterns – shed them for good
  • Your Soul Story – the Divine nature of your Soul
  • Your Soul Purpose – what you intended to accomplish this lifetime
  • Your Spirit Guide Team – how many are available to work with you
  •  Release the power limiting beliefs, blocks and restrictions have over you

Do you keep creating the same painful situations and relationships over and over again? Together we can break those persistent patterns and free you to live the life you came here to experience.

 I can help you live your full potential and clear the negative patterns keeping you stuck!

Soul Search is an intuitive healing modality that reveals your potential. You’ll discover how to experience your soul’s identity in very practical ways and ground your divinity into your human experience.

Imagine harnessing the power of your intuition and expanding your manifesting abilities, creating the life you want based on your divine gifts and who you are at soul level!

I access highly specific, practical and actionable information from the Akashic Records, resulting in a highly transformational reading for you.

A Soul Search reading is exceptionally insightful and healing.

Your Akashic Records Soul Search package is just $195 CAD, tax included!

You receive:

  • a 60 minute phone call revealing my findings, recorded and emailed to you
  • a written summary of your Soul Search 

Payable via e-transfer to reliefbeyondbelief@sympatico.ca or with the PayPal button below


When I access the Akashic Records for you, you will no longer have to ask ‘why did this happen?’ It will no longer be a mystery because you’ll understand exactly why things show up in your life the way they do. In learning how you create, you become empowered with the ability to manifest what you want and create your life experience exactly as you prefer it to be.

You can get started TODAY! To make this happen, all I need from you is the information below which lets me access your records.

To get started with your Akashic Records Soul Search reading, just email reliefbeyondbelief@sympatico.ca your investment along with the following, which gives me your permission to access your Akashic Records:

  • your current full legal name
  • your full legal name at birth
  •  the date and location of your birth
  • your email
  • your phone number
  • please indicate you have read and understand the disclaimer below

When I have received all of the above I will provide your personal reading within 7 days

I look forward to serving you!

To book your reading:

Contact Alexandria at reliefbeyondbelief@sympatico.ca to arrange an appointment.

Please e-transfer funds to reliefbeyondbelief@sympatico.ca or use Paypal buttons provided.

Questions? If you are seeking guidance to expand your gifts and transform your life, but not sure which of my programs is best for you, let’s talk! Email reliefbeyondbelief@sympatico.ca to book a free 15 minute Discovery Call.



When you purchase any of Alexandra Barker’s products or services, you agree that you have read and understood the details of this disclaimer, agree to the disclaimer, and release Alexandra J Barker of any and all liability/responsibility for an actions or in-actions.

You must be at least 18 years old to purchase a reading. This site and it’s owners are not liable for any direct, indirect, or incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising from using the Information and service(s) available on this site or its content.

All Spiritual Channelings, psychic readings and consultations are intended to offer an insight into a person’s personal life and meant for entertainment purpose only. These readings do not in any way constitute legal, financial, or professional advice. By engaging in a reading, you understand that psychics do not diagnose illnesses, including questions pertaining to pregnancy and death.

We will not be liable for the death or personal injury resulting from the negligence on our behalf or for fraudulent misrepresentation. You understand that the use of this website is merely for referencing and entertainment purposes and is not intended to be regarded as professional judgement or advice.

Since references to the future and outcomes are based on potentials, possibilities and probabilities at the time of the reading based on your actions and other people’s actions or inactions and due to interpretation as to what was said at the time of the reading, you understand that there is no guarantee of the accuracy rate of a reading, spiritual channeling session, or coaching session. It is not fortune-telling nor does this site imply or infer such.

Further, we do not represent that: the service will meet your requirements, the service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error free, or that any results obtained from using the service will be accurate, complete or current.

We or anyone involved with the provision of these services shall not be liable for any damages rising from the inability to use the services or from errors caused by negligence or otherwise. We are not liable for delays in providing information or carrying out our obligations due to factors beyond our control.

When you sign up for any reading, you agree that you are using the service at your own free will.

All services and products provided by Alexandra Barker and/or from this website are not intended to replace your work with a qualified professional (medical, financial, psychological, or otherwise). The services offered on this website are for entertainment purposes only.

Client testimonies do not guarantee nor predict the outcome of another individual’s experience. This website is sharing information about energy work based on the experiences of Alexandra Barker. You are strongly encouraged to do your research and make your decisions based on your inner knowing.


Click here to Explore more Akashic Records Soul Search Services:
Spirit Guide Reading,
Life Situation Reading,
Relationship Reading,
Chakra Balancing