Create financial abundance with the LOA

For me, using Law of Attraction techniques effectively means being open to messages I’m receiving from nature.
The expression ‘going with the flow’ took on new meaning for me the other day, when I received a visit, and a message, from one of my animal totems (spirit guides).
As one of my main totem animals, Red-tailed Hawk always has special messages for me. Known as a messenger bird, it reflects the need to be open to the new, and shows you how to teach others to be open to the new. A perfect animal spirit guide for a Law of Attraction teacher!
So here I was, enjoying a beautiful day, strolling through the gardensĀ  when suddenly over our heads a magnificent hawk appeared out of the clear blue sky.
This beautiful creature circled above us for 20 minutes, gliding effortlessly through the sky without so much as flickering a tail-feather. Truly, going with the flow!
I stood and watched him until my neck ached, mesmerized by the beauty and grace of this magnificent bird effortlessly tracing slow circles over my head.
Watching him glide, a life-lesson presented itself to me — a beautiful reminder that to get where we want to go in life, we must release resistance and stop fighting the current. Using Law of Attraction techniques requires going with the flow!
Even as a Law of Attraction teacher, I can fall into the trap of ‘trying harder’ to achieve my goals. To struggle and strive, to force things into place. My beautiful totem animal was reminding me of the folly of this, and literally showing me a better way – simply going with the flow
To the Ojibwa, the red-tailed hawk is akin to Mercury, messenger of the gods. They believe his message is to be observant, because life is sending you signals. Because of it’s large wing span, it teaches you to expand the vision you have of your life.
According to Animal Speak by Ted Andrews, Hawk stimulates hope, new ideas, and reflects that a greater intensity of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual energy is at play in your life. It teaches you to use your creative energy to manifest your soul’s purpose.
All these messages strongly resonated with me. When I had another (very) close encounter when, two days later, one of these beauties flew up from a path I was walking in my outdoor labyrinth, I knew it was time to contemplate the gift of these messages I’d received.
I believe life – nature – and our spirit – is always speaking to us. The answer to your biggest challenges in life may be right in front of you – you have only to open your eyes and your heart to see what’s being said to you.
As J.G. Holland said, “God gives every bird it’s food, but he doesn’t throw it into it’s nest.”
Namaste, Alexandria