Stress Relief Activities

Counting your blessings can be the best of all stress relief activities! Even when things aren’t going exactly as you’d prefer, you want to stay positive, to attract positive things. So, what wonders have you created in your life today?
As deliberate creators, we’re taught to keep our eyes on the prize. But that can often lead to frustration when things are taking ‘too long’ (in our opinion!) or not manifesting in quite the way it ‘should’ (again, according to us!).
We tend to forget all the wonderful things we’ve already drawn in to our lives. I was recently reminded of this with a passage from The Secret Daily Teachings, which reads as follows:
“Think of all the good things in your life. And now realize that you brought them all into your life. Your thoughts and feelings moved the energies of the Universe to bring all those good things to you. You are a powerful being.”

How Crystals Form

Crystal TherapyEver wonder how crystals form? Let’s take an imaginary journey to the center of the earth and find out!
Different types of crystals are created in different ways, but almost all crystals form by new matter being added to a mass of crystal that’s already growing.
Some, such as quartz minerals, begin their life in the fiery gasses found in the center of the earth (magma) or in volcanic lava that’s streamed up to the earth’s surface.

As it cools and hardens these magmatic, or igneous, crystals are formed. This can happen quite quickly, resulting in small crystals, or take eons, allowing large crystals to form. (more…)

How to make a Vision Board

Make a vision board using this as an example!

How do you make a vision board? They’re fun and easy to make, and by focusing on what you want to create, you begin attracting it to you. Basically to make a vision board, gather some magazines, glue stick, something to glue them onto, and your intention. What do you want to create?
I like to start with a brief meditation to really get clear on what I want to manifest – your intention is what it’s all about, so you many want to do this too!
Watch as a group of friends and I create our 2011 vision boards, with this short video. 
What ever you put on YOUR vision board, remember to take time each day to focus on it and VISUALIZE having all the things on it! And as they start manifesting in your life – and they will – celebrate those wins! Enjoy!