Law of Attraction Manifesting Success Stories

index carI love deliberate creation success stories! Today I have a fabulous Law of Attraction manifesting success story to share, from one of my coaching clients who has really been on a roll! I’m sharing it here because it’s so empowering to hear of someone’s successes with deliberate creating, it opens us up to what’s possible for all of us!
Just to give you a little background, this client is a stay-at-home nursing mom of a 3 month old, who also has a 3-year-old. Her husband has just returned to school full time.
They decided it was time their just turned 3-yr-old had his own big-boy bed. They had the mattress, just needed a frame. They found one they loved, but it would require them to make a 2 hr round trip. Not fun with a new baby! They continued their search, expanding it to include Kijiji to see if anyone was selling one there.
They struck gold – someone had posted on Kijiji that they were selling the same model bed they wanted, at a fraction of the cost! The price just went from $250 plus tax and mileage to $50, no tax. They were delighted and jumped at the opportunity.
When they arrived at the seller’s house, he told them he no longer had the hardware to put the bed-frame together. “Just take it, no charge,” he told them. The frame was in perfect, good as new condition, and their son is having a wonderful time playing on and under his new big-boy bed.
Fresh on the heels of this success story (within 2 weeks) my client and her husband were discussing what to do about their 2nd car, an older model in frequent need of repair. She felt they’d be better off investing their money in a newer model, but her husband wanted to wait until he was finished school. So he cleaned the car interior and washed it, making the best of their situation relative to the car, and they both let go of their desire for a new one.
Shortly thereafter my client received a phone call from her father. He told her he’d just been gifted with a much newer, gently used vehicle from a good friend, but he was in process of a new car. Since he had no use for it either, he was re-gifting the car to her!
I asked my client what she attributed her manifesting successes to, she replied she’s been more aware of her thoughts lately, and was deliberately choosing positive ones more often. Sweet & simple, right? Just goes to show the difference being more conscious of your thoughts and feelings can make! Feel free to leave me a comment and share YOUR Law of Attraction success stories!
Love & Light, Alexandria


Your New Money Story!

Want to change your relationship with money? Then you have to create a new money story. 
I was inspired to transcribe a fabulous Abraham-Hicks money rampage that gives you step by step instructions on how to tell a new money story that will serve you well! I committed it to memory because I love to run through rampages while driving, walking, or doing something like the dishes that don’t require much attention. It beats filling my head with all the negative stuff on the radio! Give it a try for 30 days, and let me know your results!
new money story
New Money Story
“I’m on my way to feelings of such freedom and I’m beginning to feel my power. It’s so exciting to be this age in life and knowing what I know.
I’m so excited about what’s up there ahead of me and I believe my vibrational escrow is full of wonderful things and it will be fun to watch them turn up in the way that they will.
And I see evidence every day that the universe is working on my behalf.
More and more I’m believing that I really am that blessed worthy person that Abraham’s been talking about and things really are getting better and better.
I wouldn’t for a moment want the things I think I want to happen all at once. I want them to come in a way that I can enjoy them and I want them to continually expand. I believe what Abraham says, that there will always be a gap and I will never get it done, so I’m happy with the progress.
I don’t want it all at once I just want to be sure I’m moving in the right direction. And I can tell by the way I feel that I am. I’m feeling lighter and more free, hopeful and believing things are going better and I’m trusting things will start manifesting around that.
If it doesn’t happen all at once or quickly, I’m alright with that, I’ve got plenty of time and look at me, aren’t I the lucky one because I know what to do and there isn’t even a little part of me that doesn’t know that I’m the creator of my own reality. I know that I am.
I know I create my reality and I know I can tell which way I’m going and I can see how much good stuff has come to me already. I’m really quite proud of how far I’ve come and I know I’m never going to stop wanting, so I think it’s time to stop worrying about the parts that seem to be missing and start appreciating the parts that are there.
And there are so many of them, lets see; I could make a list right now of all the things that are going very well in my life experience!” – Abraham Hicks 
Your next step – go ahead and write that list! Savor each item, say ‘thanks you’ and feel the gratitude for each! Enjoy! And please drop me a line & let me know how this works for you!

Stress Relief Activities

Feeling stressed? Searching for some stress relief activities? Not achieving what you want in life? Maybe ants have taken over!

I’m sure you keep a clean house, but I suspect you have a few of these ants. These little demons are after more than crumbs; left unchecked, they’ll steal your dreams!

These ANTs (short for Automatic Negative Thoughts) are the little voices in your head that give you a million reasons why you can’t achieve your goals, and why you probably shouldn’t even try.

Chakra Balancing Healing Color Shower

There’s a rainbow in every shower

Why just shower when you can take a chakra balancing healing color shower? To do this you don’t have to buy a special shower head – though you might choose to – you can use the power of your imagination to bath yourself in the powerful healing colors of the rainbow.
Taking a chakra balancing healing color shower will refresh and revive you by combining the healing of water with color therapy. You will emerge not only physically clean, but energetically cleansed as well.
Because our chakras are located in our energetic bodies, they respond beautifully to subtle energy techniques such as meditation and color therapy. By bringing mindfulness to your shower it becomes a mini-meditation.
I like to start at the Root chakra located at the base of the spine, which is associated with red. I visualize a vibrant candy-apple red color showering down over me, and I direct the spray toward that chakra. I visualize this chakra resonating with the color, becoming clear and balanced as I nurture it this way.

Tap into the healing powers of water

After about 2 minutes I move up to my Sacral Chakra, located about 2″ below my belly button, and visualize a vibrant orange color. Again, I visualize and intend that this chakra will be revitalized, and extend this healing to all parts of my physical body governed by this chakra.
Then I move up to my Solar Chakra, about 2″ above my belly button, and visualize a bright sunny yellow color flowing over me, soothing and reviving my solar chakra. I direct the spray onto that Power chakra and know it will nurture and balance it, allowing it to support the physical, mental and emotional bodies it governs.
Next up is my Heart Chakra, located in the center of my chest aligned with my heart. Here I have the choice of 2 colors, pink or green, whichever resonates with me that day. As I bathe in the healing colors I relax into the trust and knowing my heart is growing even more expansive; more loving, giving and forgiving.
Then I move up to my Throat Chakra. I visualize a beautiful blue spray empowering me to speak my truth with compassion and wisdom as it stimulates this chakra. I bask in this for another 2 minutes.
My Third-eye Chakra is next – here I visualize a deep beautiful indigo (mix of red and blue) color clearing and balancing this chakra, stimulating psychic abilities.
Finally I reach my Crown Chakra, where I can visualize white, gold, silver or lavender showering down over me, connecting me to my spirituality, reminding me I am connected to all that is, calling me to my bliss.
I invite you to give this a try – you’ll be relaxed, refreshed, revitalized, and the healing effects will linger long after you towel off!
For more about chakra balancing, check out my Wishful Thanking program!
I’d love to hear your results with this!
In Light, Alexandria

How To Attract Love

Today I want to talk about how to attract love with a little help from the Law of Attraction and crystals. By combining the power of crystals with your focus and intention, you can create the kind of relationships you truly desire!

Rose Quartz for Love

Rose Quartz is my favorite stone to attract love. Not only does it encourage self love, it helps draw new love to you, or deepen existing relationships. A piece of rose quartz under your bed will attract new love or renew existing love relationships, depending on your intention. You can also place a piece in the Relationship corner of your home (the farthest right rear corner from the front door.)

Before you begin working with your rose quartz, it’s important to take the time to cleanse it of any negative energy. The fact is, regardless of where you obtained your stone, you have no way of knowing the degree of negative energy it may have absorbed from the time it was mined. However, cleansing and purifying your stone is easy do do.
Hold the stone in your left (receiving) hand and cover with your right hand. Ask that it be cleansed with Universal Love and Universal Light. When you feel this is complete, ask to be connected with the highest energy of the stone, and ask it to work with you for your highest healing for your highest good and the highest good of all concerned, for the purpose you choose.
In addition to placing a good size chunk under your bed, when you want to attract love it’s a great idea to wear rose quartz as a pendant or bracelet, so you’re continually bathed with the beautiful energy of this loving stone.
Try these tips and your love life will soar!
In Light