How Do I Meditate

This week’s Ask Alexandria video centers around a reader’s question, how do I meditate? This busy person wants to begin a meditation practice, but doesn’t feel she has time. The truth is, meditation will help you use the time you DO have so much more effectively, so the less time you perceive having, the more you need it!

As I explain in this video, meditation gives you mastery over your mind, giving you the mental muscle to control what you think about. A must for every would-be deliberate creator, and for everyone seeking more peace and harmony in their lives!
It’s also important to remember that time is a human construct, and is elastic! INTEND that you have an abundance of time and you will discover it is so. Feeling you don’t have time is lack-thinking. Those lack thoughts will spiral into all areas of your life if you don’t nip them in the bud! It can become an Automatic Negative Thought, which, if you think about it often enough, can become a Negative Thought Form visible in your energy field! If you feel this is the case with you, it’s time for a Soul Realignment! Book your session today!