My Soul Healing Results

Since I’ve begun offering Soul Realignment in the Akashic Records I find myself recounting my own personal soul healing success so often, I decided to dedicate a blog post to what it did for me.
What it did was nothing short of miraculous! It enabled me to leave a 31 year marriage to a narcissistic advanced alcoholic that I somehow had been unable to walk away from prior. I was able to release the karmic ties holding me to that emotionally abusive relationship and begin my life anew. A miracle!
That’s why I am so excited to be providing Soul Realignment as a service. It’s one of those rare modalities where the energetic shift can be felt immediately upon doing the clearing.
A soul realignment consists of me going into a client’s Akashic Records, creating a Soul Profile so they know exactly who they are on a soul level and what their gifts are. Then I look into their past lives and uncover negative choices that are preventing them from accessing those gifts fully, and continue to affect them adversely. Then I’m able to clear their karma at the Akashic level, which frees their energy and supports them in making new positive life choices.
I felt profound changes after completing my 21-day clearing ‘homework’ (a simple statement I read daily) I was amazed, because I’ve been teaching healing and spirituality for nearly 20 years and this new process allowed me to take it to a whole new level.
Soul Realignment work answers those burning questions, “who am I, what kind of work should I be doing, who are my guides, how can I achieve abundance” and much more, including questions about relationship issues. But it’s not just about discovering cool things about yourself, with this work you will have the knowledge and confidence to make life changing decisions and reap the rewards.
When you truly know what you came here to do, it’s so much easier to release what doesn’t serve that end! I can’t tell you the clarity I have received. Now I can focus my energy where I know I’ll get positive results, rather than have it scattered everywhere hoping something sticks! It has made a tremendous impact on me. If you are tired of doing your spiritual transformation work in the dark, let me shed some light!
Take this next step, and take a massive step forward in your life! Book your session today!

10 Top Manifesting Tips

Have you ever noticed how good kids are at getting what they want? They’re living proof that manifesting your desires can be as easy as child’s play! If you aren’t getting the results you want in life you may be getting in your own way, and making things much harder than they need to be! This list help you keep things sweet and simple, and easy!

 10 Top Manifesting Tips

1. Know your power! You are the thinker of the thoughts – if you don’t control them, they will control you. If the thought doesn’t feel good, tweak it till it does!
2. Appreciation is the highest vibration. Start your day with gratitude, listing 3 to 5 things to appreciate to set your tone for the day

3. Strive to stay healthy so you have the energy to create your desires! Proper diet and sleep still count!
4. You get a reset button when you go to sleep each night so mornings are incredibly sacred. Use this time to do affirmations, visualizations & gratitude lists!
5. Pre-alignment is the most important thing you can possibly invest in. Abraham calls this Pre-paving – essentially imagining it already happened exactly the way you want!
6. What you pre-intend, for better or worse, you create. Why not pretend what you want!
7. It’s not your occasional thoughts that build your life. It’s your dominant focus, so strive to be aware of your thoughts and think good ones as much as possible!
8. Creating and living a life is way more important than watching others live theirs, whether on tv or social media.
9. Take the time to create rituals that support you in who you want to become!
10. Don’t worry about your negative thoughts, we all have them, just try to stay positive at least 51% of the time!
Put these 10 items into practice and soon you will see your desires manifest before your eyes!

Power Water!

Have you had your power water today? 
Drinking Water:

  • Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids
  • Can Help Control Calories
  • Helps Energize Muscles
  • Keeps Skin Looking Good
  •  Helps Your Kidneys
  •  Helps Maintain Normal Bowel Function

We are 70% water, so small wonder it has such an impact on us. But why just drink water when you can drink Power Water!

Masaru Emoto, featured in ‘What the Bleep do we know?’ is a Japanese author best known for his claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water.
After years of research, Emoto concluded that high-quality water forms beautiful and intricate frozen crystals, while low-quality water has difficulty forming crystals.
Emoto demonstrated that positive changes to water crystals can be achieved through prayer, music, or by attaching written words to a container of water. The beautiful image to your left is a water crystal from a container that had the word  ‘Love’ on it. In his experiments, water with words like ‘I hate you’ on it had distorted, ugly images.
Why not put his research to work for you?

Follow these simple steps to get the most from your water:

  • Fill a 2 liter glass jug with the highest quality water you have access to
  • Tape the words ‘Love’ or ‘Joy’ to the container
  • Hold the jug and project thoughts of love and gratitude to it
  • If you know Reiki or other energy work, send that energy to the water
  • Select a special glass to designate as your personal water glass – crystal preferably
  • place crystal bracelets around the glass (or around a plastic water bottle)
  • Use what ever crystals resonate with you, but if you’re using a plastic water bottle, be sure to include an Amethyst bracelet to purify the water of any toxins from the plastic.

Every time you drink, say ‘thank you for this water’
With this practice, you will continue to reap the benefits of gratitude as well as the myriad benefits of drinking more water – and, depending on the crystals you choose, you’ll be infusing the water with those qualities as well.
I find that adding a bit of ceremony to something I normally would take for granted encourages me to drink more, and feel special doing it! Try it, and it’ll do the same for you! Let me know how you make out!
Love & Light, Alexandria

Write Your Life Right With Scripting

If you want your life to be different, you have to break the habit of ‘telling it like it is’ and start telling a new story. What better way to that than scripting?

Scripting has got to be one of my favorite tools in my Deliberate Creator tool box. Abraham talks about Scripting as a process for transforming your life. I find it to be very effective, as well as fun.
Essentially, you imagine yourself to be a playwright creating the story of your life. Lets break it down into steps.
I like to keep a specific journal just for this purpose, divided into different sections for each primary area of my life such as relationships, career, health. Carve some private time in your day, and sit quietly for a few minutes thinking about what you want the outcome to look like in a particular situation or part of your life.

Let your mind go, imagine a scenario where you already have what you think you want, then write about your day as you would like it to be then. See yourself arriving to your work place, walking through the door, greeting co-workers, anything that comes to mind.
I like to keep this part general enough that it doesn’t interfere with the fairies of the Universe creating something for me that I can’t yet conceive of. Try not to get bogged down in too many details, but do keep the end result juicy.  Ultimately you want to feel happy and fulfilled, so focus on that. But feel free to include details that get you excited about the final outcome.
I’ve personally had some amazing things happen as a result of scripting, completely turning situations around, and I always recommend it to my clients.
Here’s what Abraham has to say about scripting in the book Ask and It Is Given: “Pretend you are a writer and that whatever you write will be performed exactly as you write it. Your only job is to describe, in detail, everything exactly as you want it to be.”
By playing this game lightly you’re less likely to activate limiting beliefs. You accomplish the two things necessary to achieve anything; you focus on your desire, and offer no resistance.
“Things you have written will begin to occur in your experience as if you’re directing a play upon a stage. You are the vibrational writers of the script of your life, and everyone else in the Universe is playing the part you have assigned to them. You can literally script any life you desire, and the Universe will deliver to you the people, places and events just as you decide them to be. For you are the creator of your experience – you have only to decide it and allow it to be.”
Happy Scripting, and please share your successes here with us! 🙂
Love & Light, Alexandria

A Deliberate Creation Success Tail

A Deliberate Creation Success Tail

imagesDeliberate Creators know that we get what we think about. We know that through conscious thinking we have the ability to shift ‘reality’ so it reflects what we truly desire. This is no longer ‘woo-woo’ as Quantum Physics totally supports it. However, as most of us have spent the better part of our lives believing the opposite, the challenge is in REMEMBERING that and ignoring ‘what is’ while we create what we want.
Sometimes life is so in-your-face it’s easy to forget how powerful we are, and feel at the mercy of unseen forces. I had one of those days this weekend. First I fell into a familiar trap, then when a family member suggested I ‘practice what I preach’ I deliberately shifted my vibe, did some serious pre-paving, and averted disaster in the process.

My two seven year old cats (sisters) reside indoors due to all the inherent dangers where I live (lots of wildlife). One slipped out after dark while my hubby was BBQ-ing. I thought it odd that she didn’t come sleep with me like she always does, (she generally stays with me all night and is my morning happy thought) but I just assumed she’d gotten cozy somewhere else and would come jump on the bed later.
In the morning when she wasn’t sleeping at my side I searched the house and grounds and walked up and down the road calling her. When she was not to be found I pretty much gave her up as dead, due to past experiences I’ve had with pets. In the past, my outdoor cats haven’t lasted long around here.
I was so upset I actually began the grieving process. I cried, I pictured my life without her, I wallowed. Then I remembered a recent blog post by Master Law of Attraction coach Jeannette Maw, about a similar experience she had regarding her cat. I realized that through my negative thinking I was actively manifesting dead kitty. Not what I wanted! I wanted my healthy happy furry friend back home with me.
So I shifted gears, and started thinking what an adventure she must be having. She made a deliberate choice to leave the safety of the house, so I saw her enjoying the feeling of grass under her feet, chasing butterflies, enjoying all the freedom I wish they could always have.
I remembered how Bashar talks about every possible outcome for every situation exists and how we need only tune ourselves into our preferred version. I decided that we live in the reality where she had her adventure and returned home to me safe and happy to me.
My hubby felt horrible and responsible for her being missing, so he was happy to join in my “pretending” all was well and that she’d be home soon, even as we walked the property calling her. I reached out to my adult kids and asked them to hold the vision of the best possible outcome. Then we let it go, and went on with our day. 
I went to bed early without her, feeling sad but accepting and trying to make peace with her choice. I must admit the tears threatened, but instead I focused on how soft and beautiful she is, the extraordinary shade of green her eyes were, what a great happy thought she was each morning. I kept picturing my husband bringing her to me. And about an hour later, that’s exactly how it played out! Out having a smoke he spotted her glowing eyes, scooped her up and walked in with her, safe and sound.
The funny thing was, throughout the day I had fleeting images of a little fluffy black kitten. The next morning, when I let my kids know Kasha was home safe, my daughter (who originally gifted me with the sisters as kittens) sent me a video of a kitten she had already sourced out for me, a little black fluffy male!
He’s too young to leave his mama but will be ready to go in two weeks, when I’ll be receiving him as a surprise early birthday gift! I’ve already been to meet him and fell in love. In fact I wonder if Kasha went for a walk-about to bring about his joining our family!
I thought it would be fun to run a contest to name this kitty, to play along just leave your suggestion in the comment section below, if your name is selected you’ll receive a complimentary 30 minute coaching session with me!
ps He isn’t actually the kitty in the pic, but looks just like him!