Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day my friends! This has got to be one of my favorite ‘holidays’, because it focuses on love! If you aren’t in a relationship, indulge yourself the way you would want them to! Buy yourself the flowers and chocolate, make a special meal, or some other treat! The more love you bring into your life the more you attract to you, in every relationship!

Happy Valentine’s Day

Whether you have that special someone in your life now, or in the process of attracting them, this is a great day to let EVERYONE you love know how you feel about them. In fact why settle for just a day when we can celebrate love all month – year round for that matter!
The more you generate love in your heart, the more you’ll see it manifest in the world around you. And to think – it all began with you! So that’s where the love should also begin – with loving yourself! You absolutely have to fall in love with yourself, warts and all, before you attract someone who will love you as completely. Loving yourself unconditionally will encourage others to do the same, as well as being great training for you loving them unconditionally as well!
A great ritual to begin today — list 100 things you love and are grateful for each day (you’ll be surprised how quickly they add up!)
If you ARE in a relationship, try Abraham’s technique of listing all your favorite things about that person, like the things that attracted you in the first place. You’ll see more you like by doing this, guaranteed! Everyone loves to be appreciated – what a great gift to give! And again, share the love with yourself!
And while you’re at it, why not do an appreciation list for everyone you interact with on a regular basis? See the best in them, and they’ll show you their best.
Be the change you want to see in your world, and make every day a Happy Valentine’s Day!

Love & Light, Alexandria

Create Your Life By Scripting

Last night I had such fun with a ‘create your life by scripting’ phone call I did with a group, I just had to share. It was my first time using this Abraham technique in a group setting, and I must say I felt it benefited from all the combined energy!

Scripting speaks it into being

Did you know you can create your life by scripting as a verbal practice as well as written? It works very much the same as the traditional process. Scripting is basically writing your life as you want it to be, as if you’re writing a play and you are the main character.
How cool is that? You can be anything you want in your mind, which is your blueprint for what you intend to bring into your life! You also get to decide who plays the supporting roles to your leading lady/man! And where you get to live, who you share your home with, where it’s located, what you do for a living, the amount of money in your bank account, everything!
Scripting is a great way to focus on what you want in a light carefree way that holds you in the vibrational place of receiving it, while also sending a clear request to the Universe. When doing it over the phone with others, it’s important to stay in character. You aren’t talking about how great it’ll be when these things happen – you’re talking about your life as if it’s happening now. Think of yourself as an actor studying their script for a role!
The fun comes in when you really let yourself dream big and savor the feelings you know you’ll have when your dreams come to fruition. You don’t need a whole group of people – it works very well with a like-minded partner who is willing to take turns daydreaming out loud. Why not give it a try, and share your results here!
In Light

How To Stop Negative Thinking

People are always asking me how to stop negative thinking. Discovering that your thoughts become things can be a frightening if you realize you’ve been giving a lot of air time to negative thoughts! Please don’t worry – your positive thoughts have so much more power, and if you’re dedicating my recommended 4 minutes a day to positive thoughts you will still create what you want!
Visualization is a powerful tool that will show you how to stop negative thinking over time – the 21-day program I created also includes affirmations which will also help re-train your brain.
It works this way – as you become more familiar with your thoughts, the negative ones will start to stand out. That’s actually a really good sign – it shows you exactly what thoughts you need to change! Then you substitute that thought with a powerful positive affirmation.  Affirmations are thoughts you choose to think because you want the results they will bring, so it’s natural that they won’t feel true initially. But keep saying them anyway! And to really supercharge them, trying saying them in front of a mirror, as I discuss in the video below.
Over time you will begin to release those negative thoughts that don’t serve you and cultivate loving thoughts that will support you in achieving your goals and dreams.

Achieve Success By Using a Vision Board

Achieve Success By Using a Vision Board

thBeyond the Vision Board
Welcome to 2021. Have you broken your resolutions yet?
Most resolutions are doomed to fail because they make us beat up on ourselves about what we have and don’t want – like 20 extra lbs, or a smoking or spending habit. But there’s a fun system that helps you achieve your goals that will make you feel good in the process.
Create a vision for your future to live into with a vision board filled with what you want to experience in the coming months, along with some powerful affirmations that match your version of your perfect year.
It’s easy and fun to make a vision board – they basically consist of words and pictures that inspire you, cut from a magazine and glued to a poster board. If you’ve seen The Secret you may remember when John Assaraf pulls a vision board he’d created years before from a moving box, and discovers it depicts the house he’d just moved into exactly. Such is the power of vision boards!
How do they work their magic? We get what we focus on the most. Vision boards help you focus on what you WANT, instead of what you already have and don’t like.
There are no limits to what you can create. I have several – one depicts an overall vision of the happy life I intend to continue creating, while others address specific aspects of it. I call mine Gratitude Boards, which shifts the feeling from “I want it” to “Got it, Thank You!” There’s no higher vibration than that of love and gratitude, so I definitely want it linked to my future creations.
But why stop at a board? There are many benefits to a portable gratitude board book – one you make with a binder filled with self-sticking pages from a photo album. Not only does this keep your goals private, you’ll be able to take your gratitude boards anywhere, even to the office or on trips. This is quite an advantage, as studies show the more often you look at them, the quicker you will manifest all the things on it!
Another advantage to this approach is you can target a specific area of your life for each sheet; abundant health, wealth, relationships, personal development – anything important to you. Whatever you put on your vision board, remember to take time each day to focus on it and imagine having all the things on it in your life now. Then, as they start manifesting in your life – and they will – celebrate those wins to pave the way for more to come!
Try it and see! Mentally create the story of your life the way you want it to unfold, make a vision board or book that helps you keep these desires in the foreground of your mind, and watch your dreams transform into reality, and 2021 the best year of your life.

Instant Karma’s Gonna Get You

Is your karma good or bad? And whichever it is, what does that mean to you? Can you change it? In John Lennon’s song Instant Karma he warns that it’s “gonna get you, knock you right in the head.” Ouch! So what exactly is karma, and what can we do about it?
The concept of karma dates back to about 300 BC. Wikipedia describes it as the spiritual principle of cause and effect, where a person’s intent and actions influences their future. It states that good intent and deed contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and deed contribute to bad karma and future suffering. In some religions it’s believed that your present karma affects not only your future in this life, but the quality of your future lives.
A more mainstream understanding of karma can be found in the wisdom of the expression, ‘what goes around, comes around,’ which suggests karma is like a boomerang. For every action, there is a reaction. If, by your action, you create pain and suffering for another, you’ll one day experience the same. If you are kind and generous to others, you’ll receive that as well.
While I believe we are infinite beings who come to play on Earth for countless lifetimes, I resist the belief that I’m doomed to spend any life atoning for the wrong doings of another one. I like to think I’m in control of my karma.
Lennon’s Instant Karma resonates with me because it is so clearly evident in daily life. I don’t need my crystal ball to tell me if I drink too much wine I’ll have a sleepless night and wake with a pounding headache, if I drive recklessly I’ll increase my odds of having a car accident, or that if I’m nasty to someone I’ll receive the same in return.
Being good to myself as well as others fits right in with my beliefs regarding the Law of Attraction, that things of a similar vibration are attracted to each other. What we think about, we bring about.
Have you noticed that people with a happy cheerful nature seem to primarily experience good things? And that those who often criticize themselves and others seem to attract negative circumstances and people? That’s karma in action, my friend, and is totally within your control.
Lennon goes on to sing, ‘you better recognize your brother is everyone you meet’. I share his belief that we are all connected. Being kind to others makes me happy. And if that happiness is the price I have to pay to incur good karma in this and possibly future lives, I guess I’ll just have to live with it!
For, as Lennon’s song concludes, “We all shine on. Like the moon and the stars and the sun. Yeah we all shine on. On and on and on on and on.”
Feel free to contact me if you need some help with your karma! www.AlexandriaBarker.com