Sitting in silence is one of the most effective stress relief activities

Want to know how to experience stress relief and happy? The answer is simpler than you think with these stress relief activities.
The way to become a happy person is to decide you will be, no matter what. Stay present, focusing your thoughts in the moment, and decide you’re not going to allow worry or negative thoughts. How do you make that decision stick? Don’t just make it a decision – make it a promise to yourself.
When you say, “I promise”, what feelings come up for you?
For me, “I promise” means I will do everything in my power to do whatever I’ve given my word I would do. It is a core value with me, so even if it’s inconvenient or unpleasant, if I promise I’ll do it, I do it.
Therefore when I say these words to myself, I not only assume it will be done — in my mind, it is done.
Now, compare these emotions with the ones that come up when you say, “I intend”.
Not as powerful, are they? They just don’t carry the same weight, emotionally. Personally, stating an intention for myself is the equivalent of saying I plan to do something. It’s on my to-do list. So I intend to do it, I’m planning to do it, I’m putting it on my list; but if it doesn’t happen, it’s not a big deal really, providing it doesn’t affect anyone else. I’ll simply intend it again tomorrow.
Why am I quibbling over words? Well, it’s a common Law of Attraction practice to ‘set your intention for the day’. And this idea is very sound, because it’s deliberately calling to mind how you want your day to transpire. Placing your order with the Universe, so to speak. Giving your day some direction — basically setting a series of small goals for yourself.
This is a good thing if you hold to it. If it’s working for you, by all means continue. In fact, I advocate a variation of this practice in the Wishful Thanking Manifestation System.
However, if you find your intentions are falling flat, you might like to tweak your wording a bit.
You can create phenomenal results in your life, not through setting and following daily intentions, but by making (and keeping) promises to yourself.
A subtle difference perhaps, but energetically, this subtle shift can make all the difference in the results you’re creating in your life.
I recommend beginning your day with making a promise to yourself. Make it with conviction, like you were swearing an oath. Then choose something, such as an item of jewelry, to remind yourself of your promise throughout your day.
A very simple one I like to use is, “I promise myself I will be happy today.”
Then with this intention, this promise firmly in place, I go about my day. And if something occurs that brings a response not in keeping with my promise to be happy, the emotion stands out like a sore thumb, bringing me back to my conviction to keep my promise to feel as happy as I possibly can.
Personally, I find this promise very motivating, because I know that the Law of Attraction is always responding to my feelings and bringing more things that match them. Being stressed leads to more stress. Happy moments lead to happy days, and ultimately a happy life. And isn’t that ultimately what all of us really want?
Hope you enjoyed this article on stress relief activities article! Have fun with this, and please drop me a line and let me know how it works for you — that would make me very happy!
Love & Light