It’s true, Gratitude changes everything. I’ve always believed it doesn’t pay to force feelings of gratitude for situations you aren’t happy about. In my understanding, the Law of Attraction responds to your vibration, which you can’t fake, so it just doesn’t work. Well – so much for that!
Yesterday I tried a technique Rhonda Byrne recommends – pick a situation you aren’t happy about, and find 10 things to be grateful for about it.
So, I was feeling frustrated because finishing touches to my spring flooring project still haven’t been done (by my husband, who insists on doing the doing). I had told him we’re hosting ourĀ  grandson’s birthday party in two weeks, and said it would be nice if the 1/4 round was installed by then. He basically said forget it, his list was too long, he’d get to it whenever. Not what I wanted to hear!
I just said ok, it’ll sure look good when it’s done, picked up my notebook and went off to do the technique Byrne suggests in her new book The Magic: list 10 things you’re grateful for in a negative situation, then writing Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for the perfect resolution.
My list looked like this:
“I’m glad the old wall-to-wall carpet is gone
I’m glad (or grateful) I already have the wood for the bedroom
I’m glad Tony bought his new table saw so he can finish this project”
You get the idea! In other words, I didn’t nag, sulk or complain, I just went about shifting my vibration around the situation.
Almost immediately when I was done, my husband announced he was off to shop for 1/4 rounds. He returned saying he’d hit on a fabulous clearing sale (he didn’t say fabulous, that’s my word!) getting each length for $1 that usually goes for $10 each (adds up when you need 22 of them!) Not only that, they were already the dark walnut color we needed them to be, without my needing to paint them! And they’ll be installed today! Yay!
So, the moral to this story is – gratitude changes everything! Try it for any situation you’re uncomfortable with – anything you want changed. Then drop me a line & share your successes!
Love & Light, Alexandria