How Do I Meditate

This week’s Ask Alexandria video centers around a reader’s question, how do I meditate? This busy person wants to begin a meditation practice, but doesn’t feel she has time. The truth is, meditation will help you use the time you DO have so much more effectively, so the less time you perceive having, the more you need it!

As I explain in this video, meditation gives you mastery over your mind, giving you the mental muscle to control what you think about. A must for every would-be deliberate creator, and for everyone seeking more peace and harmony in their lives!
It’s also important to remember that time is a human construct, and is elastic! INTEND that you have an abundance of time and you will discover it is so. Feeling you don’t have time is lack-thinking. Those lack thoughts will spiral into all areas of your life if you don’t nip them in the bud! It can become an Automatic Negative Thought, which, if you think about it often enough, can become a Negative Thought Form visible in your energy field! If you feel this is the case with you, it’s time for a Soul Realignment! Book your session today!

Creating Your Own Sacred Space

Ahhh. Meditation. Is there anything as soothing and relaxing as clearing your mind while you just sit and breath?
You feel better just contemplating all the health benefits it gives you; reduced stress and anxiety, lower cholesterol levels, restful sleep, reduced blood pressure and more.
So you carve out a bit of ‘me time’ and get nicely settled in, prepared to gift yourself with this mental vac-kay. But, just as you are about to achieved total zen, somebody barges into the room to see what you’re up to, forcing you to stop and put their needs ahead of your own or sit there for your allotted time anyway, stewing in your juices instead of basking in serenity.
I feel your frustration. In fact I shared it often, until I decided to create my own sacred space where I could enjoy my spiritual practices uninterrupted. Today I want to share how you can do the same in an afternoon with a small space.
Having a special place to meditate is key to establishing this healthful habit. First, it helps you avoid the trap of squandering your precious time wandering from room to room deciding where to sit, noticing all the other things you “should” be doing instead, like housework – thoughts that take you right out of your zen frame of mind!
It also acts to condition your brain. Your mind and body EXPECT to be calm and quiet here, so you won’t encounter as much resistance to your practice.
In my case, I reclaimed a spare bedroom’s 4’ x 4’ closet, completely transforming it into an environment so beautiful and tranquil I can hardly wait for the daily opportunity to sit and sooth my spirit!
To begin, I completely emptied the closet, disposing of or finding new homes for its contents. I gave the interior a fresh coat of paint, hung sheer curtains for a door, strung white lights along the ceiling, and installed a wind chime at the entrance.
At each of the four corners I placed Hematite crystals (known for their grounding qualities) and some large Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz and Amethyst crystals I chose for their healing energy.
I covered the whole closet floor with quilts, turning it into one big pillow, and hung inspiring pictures on the walls. In one corner sits a “tree”, a vase filled with cut branches, decorated with fairy lights and crystals hung as ornaments.
An aromatherapy mister at the entrance adds mood and fragrance. Then, with my I-pad set on meditation music, I happily retreat from the world, to emerge refreshed and renewed 20 minutes later.
You can easily create something similar yet uniquely your own. Then, with your ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door, you’ll be all set to boost creativity, enhance your immune system and counteract the ill effects of stress, all by simply sitting and breathing. Ahhh.
As a yoga and meditation teacher, reiki master and life coach, I’ve learned how essential meditation is to my life! Having a peaceful happy mind begins with meditation, and this peace is reflected in your outer life! Try it yourself, take the 10 day meditation challenge and feel the difference!
Simply commit to meditating for 10 days in a row, and share your experience in my private Facebook group 

Meet The Chakra Angels

Merry Christmas Eve! What could be a better time for you to meet the Chakra Angels?
The Chakra Angels are here, and they want to share their message with you! While I was revising my Wishful Thanking book this summer, a guide to balancing your chakras and designing your divine life through them, I began spontaneously channeling energies that identified themselves as the Chakra Angels. They informed me that in addition to our own personal Guardian Angel, we also have a Chakra Angel for each chakra. With their permission I included these channeled messages in the new Wishful Thanking; 7 Simple Steps to Abundance.
When you meet the chakra angels you’ll discover they are chameleons. You have yours and I have mine. They may appear to you as Angels, Divas, Goddesses, or Ninjas – whatever you need from her/him. I haven’t included their names because they may be different for you!
With the exception of the 7th Chakra Angel who oversees the others, mine present with fairy energy – which stands to reason, as fairies are nature angels, and our bodies are part of nature. We relate to our world through our chakras. Mine are light and playful, love to dress in ‘their’ colors and encourage me to keep my chakras balanced through play and exploration. She came through as spokes-angel for the collection, and they each also have a brief hello just for you on this day! I hope you enjoy their messages – my Christmas gift to you! Be sure to sign up to my mailing list to receive a weekly inspirational message from your Chakra Angels in 2018!
“We are dancing and singing and celebrating that you have now begun! This is an opportunity to reach many receptive ears with a strong message that comes from your soul as well as us. We are so happy you are now setting aside both space and time for this.  This is the perfect time to greet you with our introductory message – our ‘letter of introduction’ as it were. What better time then now, when songs of angels fill your airwaves and images adorn greeting cards, bringing us more into your consciousness. Collectively we are happy and excited to be in your thoughts. The veil is lifting and more and more of you see us, feel us, and call upon us, especially the little ones who still remember our agreement to be here beside you, here to guide you, to give you strength and comfort whenever you desire. You need simply to ask!”
The Chakra Angels’ Christmas Message: “Be happy! Put your problems on pause. In fact, reject them! Eject them! For in truth you have none – none you can’t surmount. So now they become challenges, a chance to exercise your creative energy. We want you to begin to see yourself in a new way. Become in-lightened with the colorful lights you are. As bright and dazzling as the Christmas lights that brighten up the darkest nights. Know that we are here. We are within you and we can help you express all the facets of your being. Let this knowing stir in you. Feel the magic you have. See the string of lights; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Each has it’s own gift – together we make a rainbow.
“This is like you. Separately you as an individual each have your own gifts, but when combined with others they truly shine. Open your hearts. Open your eyes to all the colors that you are magical ones! See how you are as connected to those around you as your chakras are connected to each other, to make the splendid total that you are. See each chakra center as a glowing sun – let its color radiate.”
Root Chakra Angel – “I am here to hold the energy of your connectedness to the earth and your physicality. Move with me, dance, play! You re a child of the Universe here on your playground of choice! Savor it!”
Sacral Chakra Angel – “Explore your sensuality! Taste is such a delicious gift – let it be your focus when you take nourishment, that you may nourish your senses and experience all that food has to offer.”
Solar Chakra Angel – “I am your personal sun. Feel the power you have stored here. Make yourself ready to let it fully shine and brighten your inner and outer world!”
Heart Chakra Angel – “Feel the warmth of your heart centre. Every kind, loving thought makes me beam brighter and this is evident to all who behold you. Let your love light shine!”
Throat Chakra Angel -“Words of love are like the sweetest song ringing out into the atmosphere, a loving vibration healing all it touches. And the musician is you, Beloved.”
3rd Eye Chakra Angel – “My message is for you to awaken and finally know that your imagination is your creative power, your blank chalkboard, and your thoughts are the writing you place upon it. I am here to help you remember and, if you choose, to guide you in writing the story you truly want to live.”
Crown Chakra Angel – “You are Divine. You are loved. You are worthy and ready to receive. I am here to help you remember that. I am so honored. You honor me and all of us when you tune yourself to love.”

Chakra Balancing Healing Color Shower

There’s a rainbow in every shower

Why just shower when you can take a chakra balancing healing color shower? To do this you don’t have to buy a special shower head – though you might choose to – you can use the power of your imagination to bath yourself in the powerful healing colors of the rainbow.
Taking a chakra balancing healing color shower will refresh and revive you by combining the healing of water with color therapy. You will emerge not only physically clean, but energetically cleansed as well.
Because our chakras are located in our energetic bodies, they respond beautifully to subtle energy techniques such as meditation and color therapy. By bringing mindfulness to your shower it becomes a mini-meditation.
I like to start at the Root chakra located at the base of the spine, which is associated with red. I visualize a vibrant candy-apple red color showering down over me, and I direct the spray toward that chakra. I visualize this chakra resonating with the color, becoming clear and balanced as I nurture it this way.

Tap into the healing powers of water

After about 2 minutes I move up to my Sacral Chakra, located about 2″ below my belly button, and visualize a vibrant orange color. Again, I visualize and intend that this chakra will be revitalized, and extend this healing to all parts of my physical body governed by this chakra.
Then I move up to my Solar Chakra, about 2″ above my belly button, and visualize a bright sunny yellow color flowing over me, soothing and reviving my solar chakra. I direct the spray onto that Power chakra and know it will nurture and balance it, allowing it to support the physical, mental and emotional bodies it governs.
Next up is my Heart Chakra, located in the center of my chest aligned with my heart. Here I have the choice of 2 colors, pink or green, whichever resonates with me that day. As I bathe in the healing colors I relax into the trust and knowing my heart is growing even more expansive; more loving, giving and forgiving.
Then I move up to my Throat Chakra. I visualize a beautiful blue spray empowering me to speak my truth with compassion and wisdom as it stimulates this chakra. I bask in this for another 2 minutes.
My Third-eye Chakra is next – here I visualize a deep beautiful indigo (mix of red and blue) color clearing and balancing this chakra, stimulating psychic abilities.
Finally I reach my Crown Chakra, where I can visualize white, gold, silver or lavender showering down over me, connecting me to my spirituality, reminding me I am connected to all that is, calling me to my bliss.
I invite you to give this a try – you’ll be relaxed, refreshed, revitalized, and the healing effects will linger long after you towel off!
For more about chakra balancing, check out my Wishful Thanking program!
I’d love to hear your results with this!
In Light, Alexandria