Practicing Happiness

indexYou want to be happy. I want to be happy. We all want happiness, even when it’s hiding behind the guise of ‘hot new body’ or ‘awesome new partner’ or ‘million dollar home’. Happiness is the hidden reason why we really want the things we want.
Quite simply, we want them because we want the way we think we’ll feel when we get them. But guess what – if we haven’t been practicing a happy vibe along the way, even when we achieve the thing that feels so elusive now, there will be a hollow place where that happiness would reside if we had practiced.
Abraham-Hicks says, “there are no happy endings to unhappy journeys.” This means if work is a grind, something you only do to get enough money for a vacation, that vacation will not be a fun time. The weather will suck, or you’ll forget and drink the water and spend the holiday sick in your room. The diet you hate may result in weight loss, but it will return. Or you will succeed in attracting that new mate, then wish you hadn’t.
How to avoid this trap? Make happy your go-to mind set. How to do that? Practice. We get happy by practicing happiness. And it really is so simple. Because you don’t actually need any of the things you think are preventing your happiness. Allow me to demonstrate. Just for fun, set a timer for 4 minutes and pretend you just got the best news of your life! Dance, whoop it up, hug yourself, fist bump the air. Act as crazily happy as if all of your dreams had just come true. Thanks, Mike Dooley, for teaching me this! I do this daily!

All done? And don’t you feel good! I use this process first thing in the morning. That doesn’t mean I bounce out of bed each day with a smile on my lips (though most days I do) sometimes I’m groggy, want to stay in bed, or just don’t feel like mustering up enthusiasm. But I do it anyway and the feeling catches up with me quickly. Practice makes perfect. And, what we focus attention on expands. By practicing happiness I am creating more in my life, through the Law of Attraction. This practice makes an awesome start to your day, and you can keep building on it by noticing all you have to be grateful for.
If you aren’t being grateful for all the good in your life, you may fall into the habit of complaining, which is a sure joy-sucker. Suspect this might be you? Then try a simple challenge. Intend to notice every time you complain, and make a check mark on a piece of paper. And just notice at the end of the day how many checks you have.
This can be a real eye-opener, but the beauty of it is, when you become aware you can start to change these thoughts. Then you can start flipping them to thoughts of gratitude. Gratitude is a game-changer, which will usher in more happiness than you know what to do with – and those other good things you want too. Give it a try, and drop me a line to let me know how it works for you! 
Big Love!

My Soul Healing Results

Since I’ve begun offering Soul Realignment in the Akashic Records I find myself recounting my own personal soul healing success so often, I decided to dedicate a blog post to what it did for me.
What it did was nothing short of miraculous! It enabled me to leave a 31 year marriage to a narcissistic advanced alcoholic that I somehow had been unable to walk away from prior. I was able to release the karmic ties holding me to that emotionally abusive relationship and begin my life anew. A miracle!
That’s why I am so excited to be providing Soul Realignment as a service. It’s one of those rare modalities where the energetic shift can be felt immediately upon doing the clearing.
A soul realignment consists of me going into a client’s Akashic Records, creating a Soul Profile so they know exactly who they are on a soul level and what their gifts are. Then I look into their past lives and uncover negative choices that are preventing them from accessing those gifts fully, and continue to affect them adversely. Then I’m able to clear their karma at the Akashic level, which frees their energy and supports them in making new positive life choices.
I felt profound changes after completing my 21-day clearing ‘homework’ (a simple statement I read daily) I was amazed, because I’ve been teaching healing and spirituality for nearly 20 years and this new process allowed me to take it to a whole new level.
Soul Realignment work answers those burning questions, “who am I, what kind of work should I be doing, who are my guides, how can I achieve abundance” and much more, including questions about relationship issues. But it’s not just about discovering cool things about yourself, with this work you will have the knowledge and confidence to make life changing decisions and reap the rewards.
When you truly know what you came here to do, it’s so much easier to release what doesn’t serve that end! I can’t tell you the clarity I have received. Now I can focus my energy where I know I’ll get positive results, rather than have it scattered everywhere hoping something sticks! It has made a tremendous impact on me. If you are tired of doing your spiritual transformation work in the dark, let me shed some light!
Take this next step, and take a massive step forward in your life! Book your session today!

Meet The Angels Of The Chakras

Welcome to the dawn of a beautiful new year! For this 1st blog post of 2021, allow me to present The Angels of the Chakras!
I introduced them Christmas Eve in this post  but I felt it bears repeating, as today launches my latest feature, weekly channeling from the Angels of the Chakras. At my Chakra Angels insistence and persistence, I am inspired to write weekly channelings so they can share their Glad Tidings with all of you!
For a brief recap, in the process of working with my chakras while revising my book Wishful Thanking for its inaugural printing, I discovered that in addition to having our own personal guardian angel, we also have a chakra angel for each of our  7 primary chakras. I received channeled messages from them while in the Akashic Records. They relayed specific guidance for each chakra, designed to aid you in each life area as I have defined them in Wishful Thanking.
This was new exciting news to me, I was surprised to have never known about them before. I was told that this is new, brought about by my asking. They may have appeared to others unbeknownst to me, but I’ve had no prior knowledge of them. I was excited to include their messages, thinking that was the extent of the channeling, but it’s as if they have awakened after a long sleep, and want to play!
The Angels of the Chakras have the lighthearted energy of fairies, which makes sense as fairies are nature angels, and the Chakra Angels have come to help us connect with our physicality. They love to dance and play and spend time in nature and have been nudging me to indulge in playful activities (like making a snow angel in the new-fallen snow) that also resonate with my inner child and bring more lightness and magic into my daily life. If you invite them in, they will do the same for you! I invite you to connect with your own Chakra Angels, but in the meantime feel free to share mine!
And now, your Glad Tidings from Root Chakra Angel Ruby:
“It’s a new day and a glorious new year beginning for you, for all of us! The beginning of a new life – each day has that potential inherent. A day to make new choices, to see yourself, others and your world in a new way. What will you do with it? Get out into your world! Breathe fresh air! Even for a moment, fill your body with fresh INSPIRATION to carry you throughout your day.
Celebrate this day with the vibrancy of RED like the life blood coursing through your veins. Take a moment and gaze up at the endless sky – SPACE as far as the eye can see. Where there is space there is FREEDOM. Freedom to chose your thoughts and feelings and create anew. Let your thoughts be fresh and new as well. Open yourself to the glorious potential of this day and LIVE IT in such a way that at its end, you can give thanks for it being as wonderful as you intended. Then, do it again tomorrow!”
I hope you enjoyed this message from my root chakra angel. Feel free to share this post with anyone you think may benefit!
Best wishes and may 2021 be your best year so far!
Love, Alexandria

Attract Abundance Now with the Chakra Angels

Today I share another message from the Chakra Angels. This time rather than asking for a general message, I wanted to target a specific topic. This time of year money is on most people’s minds, so I asked for guidance in that area. My Sacral Chakra Angel stepped up – no surprise because our sacral chakra is all about creativity, sexuality and finances! Here’s her message:
“Form follows thought, and this is very apparent in this arena of finances. Money is energy. Whether you see it as a reliable ally you can depend on or a fair-weather friend who can drop out of the picture at any moment. Let’s consider the differences in energy.
“How does it feel to think of money as a good life-long friend you have so much fun with. Do you feel the excitement? Think of the things you can do together. The things you can experience. The things you can buy to make your experience on Earth more rewarding, more pleasant, more fun! That feeling is very attractive to money. And draws the people and opportunity that bring more to you!
“Abundance, it has been said, is having the money to do what you want when you want. Walking outdoors, catching snowflakes on your tongue, delighting in the season, this too is abundance. Delight, and happy anticipation of the things that keep you in this state, is irresistible to money.
“It may be shy, presenting itself in small amounts you may find in the street. Celebrate any such findings Beloved one! Engage with money in a new fresh way like a new friendship you are cultivating. Forgive and forget any past grievances you may have had, any time you felt money let you down or disappeared too quickly and see it as your friend who loves to help you have all your desires.
“Do not fall into the trap of wishing yourself ‘debt free’, where your focus is debt. Focus instead on Abundance and feel the shift in your energy. See the abundance all around you and revel in the free or almost free. Relax your grip on money. Do not cling to it so tightly. Turn your palm to the sky and open your fingers – be ready to receive.
Create space in your life for money and what you will do with it. Be grateful for that which is now with you and more will come, in a way very pleasing to you. Call forth this loving creative energy and let it grow. Hold this positive expectation and welcome your abundance into your life.”
Let me know how this works for you! Love, Light and Best Wishes, Alexandria

10 Top Manifesting Tips

Have you ever noticed how good kids are at getting what they want? They’re living proof that manifesting your desires can be as easy as child’s play! If you aren’t getting the results you want in life you may be getting in your own way, and making things much harder than they need to be! This list help you keep things sweet and simple, and easy!

 10 Top Manifesting Tips

1. Know your power! You are the thinker of the thoughts – if you don’t control them, they will control you. If the thought doesn’t feel good, tweak it till it does!
2. Appreciation is the highest vibration. Start your day with gratitude, listing 3 to 5 things to appreciate to set your tone for the day

3. Strive to stay healthy so you have the energy to create your desires! Proper diet and sleep still count!
4. You get a reset button when you go to sleep each night so mornings are incredibly sacred. Use this time to do affirmations, visualizations & gratitude lists!
5. Pre-alignment is the most important thing you can possibly invest in. Abraham calls this Pre-paving – essentially imagining it already happened exactly the way you want!
6. What you pre-intend, for better or worse, you create. Why not pretend what you want!
7. It’s not your occasional thoughts that build your life. It’s your dominant focus, so strive to be aware of your thoughts and think good ones as much as possible!
8. Creating and living a life is way more important than watching others live theirs, whether on tv or social media.
9. Take the time to create rituals that support you in who you want to become!
10. Don’t worry about your negative thoughts, we all have them, just try to stay positive at least 51% of the time!
Put these 10 items into practice and soon you will see your desires manifest before your eyes!

Detox Your Brain

detoxyourmind-copy1-1200-wplokAre you busy trying to detox your body? Don’t forget to detox your brain!
“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.” – Buddha
This time of year countless fad diets are floating around, coaxing billions from people turning to miracle foods and supplements to detox their body and lose weight. Makes sense. You are what you eat, right? Healthy is as healthy does?
Growing up we were told food and drink are the building blocks for a healthy body. Taking a daily multivitamin was considered de-rigor for maximum health – until recently. Medical journals such as Annals of Internal Medicine recently blew the lid off that theory when they published studies concluding multivitamins don’t work any better than placebo pills.
So it turns out, you are not what you eat.
Well here’s something to chew on. You are what you think you are.
There’s no point in making other lifestyle changes until you detox your brain! Toxic self-talk will keep you trapped in a cycle of negativity, creating stress and dis-ease until disease manifests. I’m sorry to say no amount of healthy smoothies can negate that, my friend.
But I know something that will.
Forty years ago Dr. Maxwell Maltz’s ground-breaking book Psychocybernetics proposed that a person can’t perform better or worse than what they believe to be true. Since then, further studies in neuropsychology concluded we have the power to change our lives through our innate ability to change our minds.
Only you have the ability to change the way you think and feel about yourself. It’s relatively easy to affect change in your life, but first you must stop wasting energy listening to critical inner dialogue and reprogram those internal conversations.
We think constantly, day and night, but up to 85% of those thoughts are habitual and no longer serve you.
Affirmations, on the other hand, are thoughts you deliberately choose because you want the results they’ll produce. They’re a powerful tool to help you replace negative mind chatter with beneficial thought patterns that can change your life, and they work hand in hand with visualization.
Affirmations should always be phrased positively, in the present tense. For example, “I love and respect my healthy body now.”
Set aside time each day to focus on your goal, using all your senses to imagine it just as you wish it to be. Then, while holding the image in your mind, say your affirmations silently or aloud, or write them 10 times. If negative thoughts arise, release them before returning to your positive thoughts.
Don’t think affirmations can work for you? Quell that doubt by writing “my affirmations will work for me whether I believe them or not,” 10 times a day for two weeks.
Recognizing your thoughts create your reality puts you in the driver’s seat of your life. Like a GPS, affirmations and visualizations will ensure you get where you want to go, every time.